The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 905: Bunny sister is great

I want to go up to plead for it, but the accumulation of these blue men is too deep, making her jealous and fearful.

Just at the moment when the mother was tangled, I suddenly heard a crisp cheer from my son. "Wow, the bunny sister is great!"

The mother quickly looked up and saw the blue man who had drowned the girl suddenly suddenly popped out one by one.

In the blink of an eye, all the blue people fell to the ground again. This time, unlike the last time, they were only traumatized by skin. The people who were popped up were all white and could not climb for a long time. They could only stay on the ground. moan.

The girl held a group of blue silk-like things on her hands and went to the ground to point to the blue man on the ground. She said with a small face: "Do you all know that you are wrong? You can stop bullying again." Bullying is weak, otherwise I will see you once in the future!"

Speaking, I couldn't help but pinch the chubby little fist and waved at them.

The only one in the blue is still standing, and the leader is left at this time.

He still holds his own hobby-shaped magic weapon in his hand, but at this time his eyes are straight.

His magic weapon is a fourth-order baby. The warrior in the veining period is not necessarily blocked. This girl seems to have no repairs. In the end... how is it done?

Seeing that the girl had finished the lesson, she began to walk towards him step by step.

The blue-headed man who was headed for a while was stunned and stepped back. "You...what do you want to do..."

The girl reached out and grabbed the gourd in his hand, looked up and down, coldly said: "You... is a bad person, this kind of thing stays in your hand, it will only harm people!"

After that, her hands slammed hard, and a fourth-order magic weapon was actually pinched in her hands... pinched and smashed into a ball.

The blue-headed man, who was headed, scared his legs and began to fight. He looked at the girl’s gaze like watching a monster.

The girl lost the flat gourd and made a fist in the blue man. She asked her: "Hey, I just heard that you didn't hear it? I won't do anything bad again, otherwise I will touch the rabbit." Never let go of you, hear no?"

"Listen... I heard..." The blue-clothed man dared to refute, and wanted to kneel down and ask for help from the grandmother.

The girl seems to be satisfied with this, patted the slap, and turned to go outside.

Just then, a woman’s petite voice came from the carriage that had been quiet: “Who said you can go?!”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a woman in a red dress leaping down from the carriage.

I saw that she didn’t look too old at the age of eighteen or nineteen. She was wearing a double-ringed shackle, and her eyes were glaring at the girl, as if she were going to strip her.

The red woman's appearance from the carriage is also exquisite, the goose egg face, the high nose, the eyes are slightly sunken, it seems that there is an exotic style.

It’s just that her skin seems to be a bit black and yellow, close to the wheat color, and it is a bit ugly with a red dress.

However, as soon as the audience saw the red woman, she immediately showed a look of fear and fear, and they stepped back a few steps.

When I saw the carriage and the blue guards, many people guessed the identity of the people in the carriage, so even if they were injured by the blue people, they dared to speak out.

When Tunxi and others looked at the excitement, they heard some people whispering around.

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