After a short period of time, the nearby ice seals were melted, and the flames disappeared without a trace.

The crowd noticed that the ice that shook their bodies around the body disappeared, realizing that these were all done by Tunxi, and they immediately expressed gratitude to them.

Ren Xueling and the girl in the pink dress naturally noticed the situation here.

Ren Xueling did not look carefully here, just a sneer: "Let Benny’s gossip also dare to control, wait for me to clean up this monk, and then go to find your account!"

The girl in the pink dress turned back to a few people in the brook to reveal a grateful smile, and then glared at Ren Xueling. "You are a ugly woman with a bad eye, how can you do this. We fight two, why do you want to hurt others? ?"

Xiao Jinlong only solved the ice on the street, but the girl in the pink dress was attacked directly by Ren Xueling, so she was already frosty everywhere and did not get relieved.

Ren Xueling saw that her hands and feet had been blocked by ice, and the frost that was still falling in the sky also blocked her movements.

I can't help but laugh: "How about other people, they are just insignificant people in my eyes, as long as they can kill you, even if they die, they will die!"

The girl in pink clothes heard the words, her face was full of frost, and she held her fist and hated: "You, you are too much! I decided, I must give you some lessons, even if I will be jealous, I will not care." !"

Ren Xueling sneered: "You are now blocked by my ice, you can't move, you can't keep it yourself, you still want to teach me, just dream! Now I will make your face look bad, see what else you have." Come out and see people!"

Said, Ren Xueling's hand illusion of an ice blade, the whole person spins up and flies toward the girl in the pink clothes.

Seeing that the ice blade is going to stab the girl in the pink dress, the girl in the pink dress suddenly clenched her fist and bowed to her chest.

Just listening to the "砰" sound loudly, Ren Xueling was in the air, wow spit out a blood.

The whole body's spiritual shield suddenly shattered. Her whole body was like a elephant's foot, and the painful internal organs were moved.

Seeing that Ren Xueling was about to fly out, the girl in the pink clothes grabbed her back and held a powder punch on her face.

After a few punches, Ren Xueling's face was already green and purple, and the cheeks on the half were high and swollen. It turned out to be some exquisite face. At this time, I could not see anyone at all.

Moreover, the girl’s fist was so powerful that even if she was propped up by the spirit guard, she was shackled on her face, still hurting, and even could not help but ask for it.

The girl in powdered clothes saw her forgiveness, and then she relaxed her satisfaction and stood up. She said, "Look, like the brothers said, some people just don’t see the coffin, they don’t shed tears, they’re stunned, they’re afraid, they’ll be jealous. Obedient! Hey, if you dare to deceive in the future, I will make you a real pig!"

At this time, Ren Xueling did not need to look in the mirror, she knew how ugly and horrible she was.

The onlookers saw her miserable appearance and wanted to laugh, but when she thought of her identity, no one dared to laugh out loud.

However, there is no one in the Tunxi area who will care about this.

First, the white tiger screamed and laughed, followed by the few small eggs, the little golden dragon and the little raccoon. In the end, even the steady green can't help but laugh out loud.

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