The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 929: I am afraid of snakes (seeking tickets)

Li Zhenyu stunned, no one can guarantee the treatment of this kind of illness. If he said that he could be cured, it would give people a slap in the face, and his face would be ugly.

This little girl in front of me is too speechless.

Mo Xiaobiao saw that he was speechless and said that he was eloquent and had a smug smile on his face. "And we are also very good at my brother's medical skills. Since they are all saving people, you said The fairy is so good in heart, why don't you let my brother look at her with her? Is it because I am afraid that my brother will cure the person, but she will not be cured, and she will lose her face and see no one?"

Mo Xiaoqi’s words made Li Zhenyu’s face sinking. “Little girl, rice can be eaten indiscriminately. If you can’t say anything, you can’t say anything, you can only force you to leave here!” ”

"I...what do I talk about?" Mo Xiaoxiao's eyes widened and his face was full of sorrow. "Which sentence I said is not the truth, why do you dare to go out? What's more, we are invited by Master Yuehua. Who are you, just dare us to go out!"

"Hey, look at you as a human being, thinking that you are a good person. It turns out that you are like the ugly woman, and it is also a bad guy who is deceiving!"

Ren Xueling heard that she was ugly, and then remembered the beatings and humiliations she received in the morning. She suddenly came up with new hatred and screamed: "Cousin, what are you talking about with them, I am going to let them be taught today." !"

Said, the whole person flew up, and there was already a flying sword in the hands of ice crystal.

Where is the little rabbit, she will be afraid of Ren Xueling's defeated man, seeing the flying sword stabbing, she has no fancy hand, stretched and grasped the sharp blade.

"It seems that I haven't taught you enough in the morning, okay, then I will teach you again, how is it not a bad person!"

Mo Xiaobiao took the blade and was going to pick up Ren Xueling.

Suddenly, her wrists were tight, and she saw that her wrists were wrapped around strange things.

Cool, slippery, covered with scales, and creeping.

Mo Xiaoqi pulled the wrist curiously and looked forward. When she saw what was wrapped around her hand, she suddenly screamed, " a snake!! Wow wow... I am afraid of snakes! I am most afraid of snakes in the rabbit! Hey, my brother saved me, Xiaochi saved me -!!"

It turned out that the snake head was wrapped in the hand of Mo Xiaobiao. At this time, the triangular snake head was rising high, and the snakes were spewed out to the Mo Xiaotu, and the small eyes radiated a dark light.

The snake body was extremely long, but the other end was held in the hands of Li Zhenyu, and the silver snake tail was still on his arm for several rounds.

Li Zhenyu was gently stroking the snake at this time, cold and cold: "Girl, look down on you young, so don't care about you. If you apologize to Yan and Xueling right now, I will spare you. Otherwise, if you are bitten by the golden ring silver snake, even if you have deep cultivation, you can only be poisoned and killed!"

Ren Xueling looked at the appearance of Mo Xiaotu’s jumping and screaming, and suddenly felt very incomparable.

She claps her hands and laughs. "I still have a cousin. I see how arrogant you are." Cousin, let this snake bite her, hurry up! This monk also said that the teacher is not good in the morning, still It means that the sang said that the sister-in-law has indulged me to be a good person, and cousin, you must not let her go!"

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