"Now my sisters have cured Xiao Tiange's illness, which means that this group of monks have lost, Uncle Zhuge, what are you doing, and don't smash this group of ghosts to the city government!"

Zhuge Feng looked stiff and his face showed a distressed look. "This..."

"Xue Ling, just driving them out is not too cheap for them!" Li Zhenyu took a step forward and gently shook his fan. "Before they leave, they must admit their mistakes to the **** and admit that they lost themselves. And on the wall, you must admit to all the people of Yongan City that they are swindlers, so that they can make up for their sins.

Ren Xueling immediately listened and laughed: "Cousin, you are right! Medical surgery is gambling, since they have lost, it is naturally a liar. Since it is a liar, it should admit mistakes in front of everyone. Otherwise we must not let go. they!"

Li Zhenyu looked at the doctors and said, "You doctors, you are also witnesses to this gambling. This is not a slap in the face, but this kid who is screaming and his follow-up is really too much." He just wants to make a name for himself through the name of 芷曦, but he still swears at the swearing words, and even hurts Xue Ling several times. If he is not severely punished, isn't it more dangerous to harm everyone in the future? ”

The doctors present at the scene were said by Li Zhenyu, and they immediately joined in with indignation.

"Lin Chang said that it is not bad. Hey, this yellow-mouthed child is really deceiving too much. He even dared to provoke the fairy, and he must be taught!"

"We are all witnesses, and I will take him to the wall for a while, and let him kneel on the wall to sin for everyone!"

When Master Yuehua was able to eat and eat, and the wound on his face gradually healed, he felt that he was going to lose.

There was also a sigh in his heart, and he also felt the gambling of his own bet, but now he heard that this group of people was so humiliated, and there was a burst of anger in his heart.

This cockroach can see his own illness by the naked eye. He can cure his own stubborn illness with a medicinal herb for more than ten years. How could it be a person who swindles and swindles?

He endured and endured. After all, he couldn’t help it. He stepped forward and stopped in front of the doctors. "Dear doctors, please listen to me. You are not the person who swindles and swindles, I dare to practice my career. Swear, his medical skills and alchemy are absolutely superb!"

The public doctors heard that they could not help but stop the footsteps of Tunxi, revealing the color of suspiciousness.

Master Yuehua saw some people calm down and quickly said loudly: "This doctor's medical skill has been witnessed by my own eyes. I can guarantee that his medical skills are definitely worse than that of the fairy, which is far superior to the next. This is a medical gambling, she will lose to the fairy, just because the fairy takes the lead, not because he is not as good as people. If you don't believe, you can test another two questions..."

Master Yuehua’s words have not been finished yet. Suddenly, a doctor with a pair of triangular eyes has sneered a step forward: “Mr. Yuehua, I heard that you have got a strange disease from more than ten years ago. Dan Tian is really mad, and you can't be flexible at all, and you can't make alchemy. You have no ability to treat people for treatment now. What qualifications are there to guarantee your medical career, saying that you are not a liar? ”

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