The Danes that he gave him were all he had never seen in the mainland of the Jurassic. Others have exclusive secrets that are hidden in every possible way, but he gave him without hesitation.

Such a great grace, Yuehua master really does not know how to repay.

Although there are still many discussions on the wall, everyone is full of doubts about the Master of the Moon and the cricket.

But alchemy is still starting.

When a cluster of stable fires appeared in the hands of Master Yuehua and put them into the alchemy furnace, all the onlookers underneath their eyes widened.

"Isn't it said that the master of Yuehua has broken down and can't condense the fire? Is this the rumor of spreading?"

"That is, do you see that the spirit of the Master of the Moon is not very good? Is it even more aura than the general practitioner's spiritual fire?"

"It’s no wonder that the kid is not sure about it, let the Master of the Moon come to Alchemy!"

With the introduction of the fire, the grass and materials were also put in one by one.

The wall slowly fell into a quiet, everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see the results of the alchemy of the Master of the Moon.

With the penultimate Weisheng grass put in, the Yuehua master finally picked up the Yunzhizhi, which is as clear as jade.

At this point, his forehead was covered with sweat, his face was even more pale.

At the moment of picking up Yunzhizhi, Master Yuehua suddenly turned to Li Zhenyu’s cold-like warning.

Li Zhenyu's gaze looked at Zhuge Feng and Zhuge Xiaotian, as if to say: If you do not follow what I said, you should know how bad the ending of Zhuge and his son will be.

Master Yuehua’s body trembled slightly, and his eyes swayed, but soon he gnawed his teeth.

He originally thought about calculating the Zhugefeng family, but yesterday, everyone went to the front door of Lanxiangyuan West, and he finally retreated.

Because he is a healer, the doctor is benevolent, he can't do medical treatment to harm the patient and frame his peers. No matter what the reason.

Nowadays, he is very good at him, he can't frame himself for his own affair, otherwise he is not worse than pigs and dogs?

Thinking of this, Master Yuehua showed a sneer expression to Li Zhenyu, and resolutely lowered his head and put Yunzhizhi into the Dan furnace.

The fan of Li Zhenyu’s hand made a squeaking noise, but it was hard to break the iron forged iron.

The red light flashing on the alchemy furnace, seeing the elixir inside is constantly melting and condensing.

However, the face of Master Yuehua is getting more and more ugly, and his talent in Dantian is slowly drying up.

There was a lot of pain in Dantian, and the meridians were also used for excessive development.

However, the master of Yuehua seems to have no idea, staring at the refining situation of the Dan medicine in the Dan furnace, and even forgetting where he is now, and who is next to him.

After half a whole hour passed, there was still silence on the wall.

Everyone looked at the old man with white hair and looked at him with a clear pain but concentrated on refining the remedy. He suddenly felt that his eyes were a little hot and his nose was sour.

Some warriors who have survived for a long time seem to remember the years before ten years ago.

The plague that made all the people in Yongan City desperate was also the doctor. It was so sleepless, refining the medicinal herbs, taking care of the patients, and vomiting themselves to the blood did not care, and finally found a way to restrain the plague.

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