The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 991: More than believe in her?

"What?! Dan Fang who researched it yourself?!" The nearest Chen doctor at the side of the station couldn't help but snorted. "Hey... oh boy, what are you talking about? This medicinal medicine is your own research." Did it come out? Didn’t it be recorded in any ancient books?”

Seeing Minxi nod, the doctors on the wall face each other, each showing a shocked look.

It is not without the homemade Danfang, but it has been no one in the mainland for hundreds of years. And the teenager in front of me is so young, how can it be done?

Lu Yan frowned and couldn't help but step forward: "The scorpion, the homemade Dan Fang is not a child's play. If you are not careful, you will let the person taking the drug suffer heavy accidents. Are you sure that this Dan is your own?" ”

Said, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhuge Xiaotian, whispered persuaded: "Small city owner, I don't want to smash the son, but the Dan party really has a big worry, after taking it, it is likely to let you The illness is heavier and more irreparable. Please be sure to think twice."

Zhuge Xiaotian heard the words, the hand that had already been handed over to his mouth stopped, and a pair of eyes looked at Tunxi.

Quxi smiled coldly, and after standing with his hands, he stood up and said slowly: "If you take Yun Yun Dan, you can decide for yourself. I am still saying that I am sure to cure you, but I will never be hard."

Zhu Ge Xiaotian’s body was slightly stunned, and then the hesitant eyes suddenly became firm. He bowed slightly toward Lu Hao. “Thank you for the concern of the fairy, but I want to believe in the doctor.”

Said, he did not hesitate, swallowed three medicinal herbs all at once.

Lu Yan stood in the same place, his face barely maintained calm, but the anger in his heart was unwilling but it could not be suppressed like boiling water.

What does Zhuge Xiaotian say?

He believes in 奚神医? So, he believes, more than believe in her?

However, it is a kid who is not stinky. Even the repair of the meditation period has not been achieved, there is no inheritance, no background, what is he based on... Why do you let such a dazzling light bloom? Even his own existence has been covered up by him.

After Zhuge Xiaotian swallowed the medicinal herbs, he was still a little embarrassed and sat uncomfortably.

Suddenly, his face changed, and his eyebrows showed a bit of pain.

Zhuge Feng has been paying attention to his son's situation. At this time, he was exposed to pain and could not help but rush: "Howling, Xiao Tian! What happened to you? Is it sick and relapsed? Hey son, what is going on here?"

Seeing that Zhuge Xiaotian's face was getting paler and paler, even the lips were blue-purple, and Zhugefeng's tone to Tunxi became a horror and question.

Other doctors even shook their heads and said: "I said that a teenager in his district, how could he create a Danfang? It is definitely going to be a mess!"

Ren Xueling smiled gloatingly: "Whoever let you just not listen to my sister's advice, now eat the consequences?"

In the eyes of Lu Yan, the faint glimmer of light, but his face is a look of concern, step forward: "Zhuge City lord, let me treat the lord of the city, if there is any problem with the medicinal herbs, maybe it is too late!"

Zhuge Feng was first stunned, his eyes turned around on the face of Lu and Lu, and almost gritted.

Suddenly, he saw that the son who had just suffered a lot of pain suddenly condensed his face and got up and sat down, and began to run the spiritual power of the body.

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