"Do not make jokes!"

Sanada roared in his heart. He is the deputy chief of Tatekai University. He swept across Kanagawa and was second only to the"Emperor" Yukimura, the"Son of God", Genichiro Sanada.

How is it possible!

It is impossible!

He will be defeated in a place like this.!

"Haha, come again!"

Akutsu, on the other hand, couldn't help but have a flash of excitement in his eyes.

It was so exciting to fight against the same type of Sanada!

It's not like Fuji Shusuke's skill-based defensive counterattack, and it's not like Dazai Osamu who goes beyond his tolerance limit. A terrifying move.

With Sanada, he was punching to the flesh, and it was hearty.


The gray aura on his body began to rise, and Akutsu's superimposed momentum began to cover Sanada's half.

Looking at the more explosive blows , Sanada growled.

"Come on, let's fight it out!"

Sanada's steps quickly stagnated, and his originally agile thrusting movements stopped.

The muscles in his arms swelled, and the wind and fire changed, just at this moment!

"Invading like fire!"

The racket seemed to stir up a ball of hot air, and Sanada's arm hit a flat slam with force.


There was an explosion, and the net turned into a ball of blazing flames.

At a speed invisible to the naked eye, it headed towards the boundary of Akutsu Throw the thread away.


"it's useless."

Akutsu walked briskly, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

Just before the tennis ball was about to fly out of the baseline, the racket swept back and hit the tennis ball.


The 773 counterattack clearly looked hasty, but the speed of the tennis ball was also shocking and terrifying. It was accompanied by a terrifying sonic boom, and a thunderous explosion was heard the next moment.


"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, 40-0!"

It's as fast as the wind and its aggression is like fire!

Sanada's two... big killing moves were powerfully dismantled at the beginning.

"Simply incredible!"

"How could it be so strong? The deputy director, Feng Linhuo, has already released Feng Heihuo, but it has no effect!"

The main candidates of Rikkai Dai were extremely shocked.

They heard Yukimura's evaluation that Akutsu was at the same level as him.

They were shocked in their hearts, but the feeling was not real enough.

Now that they have seen Akutsu's explosive strength with their own eyes, the main candidates of Rikkai Very shocked

"Too weak. Is this the"Emperor" Genichiro Sanada?"

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time. I thought the deputy director of Li Hai University... was so awesome."

"Result, that's it?"

To be honest, Akutsu is a little disappointed now.

Sanada's performance is not even as good as Fuji Shusuke's.

I've been looking forward to it in vain.

"What an arrogant person"

"Do you think he is worthy of being the tyrant Akutsu? He has such arrogant strength!"

"Akutsu, who is only the third strongest player in Holy Night, already has this kind of dominance on the court."

"Gee, Holy Night is really scary."

"Unless you see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to believe that the Holy Night Tennis Club was established just a few months ago."

The audience outside the court doubted life, and reporters from major tennis monthly magazines kept giving Akutsu close-ups.

Not to mention the spies from professional clubs, beating their chests and feet one by one.

What a monster talent.

Whether it is Akutsujin, Fuji Shusuke, or Tezuka Kunimitsu.

In the past, it would have been good to have one in a school.

But now, Holy Night suddenly has three.

And on top of the Holy Night's three giants, there is also a terrifying and ridiculously strongest club..Chief——God’s Dazai.

If it weren’t for the Dazai Consortium behind Dazai Osamu, these professional club spies would spend a lot of money to poach Holy Night corners.


Are you richer than the Dazai Foundation?

That's something only a person with a broken brain would do.

"Damn it, who are you looking down on?"

Sanada was irritated by Akutsu's words.

He suddenly threw the tennis ball high, and his arm was as fast as cutting down a samurai sword.

Boom! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The tennis ball flew out in response, tearing apart like a bullet. Air.

Centered around Sanada, there were direct wind and waves.

This was because the moment the racket came into contact with the tennis ball, Sanada's explosive power was too strong. This caused a terrible impact.

In just the blink of an eye, the tennis ball had already fallen. Akutsu's side[] boom!

There was a slight vibration in the court, and the tennis ball shot towards the outside of the court quickly.

"If you only have this little strength, then I think you can abstain."

Akutsu sneered, stepped on his feet and swung the racket behind his back in response to Sanada's angry ball.


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball bounced high on the ground and shot toward Sanada's face.


Sanada's pupils shrank, and it was too late to swing the racket, so he could only avoid the ball by turning sideways.

But feeling the slight sting on the side of his face, Sanada couldn't help but stare angrily at Aku (bebf) Tsu

"game! Holy Night Academy Aku Tsujin leads the way, with a total score of 1-0!"

But before Sanada could speak, the referee's announcement sounded.

"This is?"

Yukimura outside the court couldn't help frowning.

"Is it another path beyond the realm of selflessness?"

He found that Akutsu's five senses were beyond the scope of normal people.

Even if Akutsu's physical talent is very strong, he still needs to break through the limits of his five senses to be able to do that step.

"Completely comparable to the ability to open the first door after reaching the realm of selflessness"

"This is the tyrant Akutsu!"

On the Holy Night side, Tezuka, who had never spoken, couldn't help but his expression changed slightly.

"Has the use of the sixth sense and extrasensory perception been engraved in the bones and become an instinctive reaction?"

This kind of talent is the envy of the Holy Night main players.

But Akutsu's talent is so extraordinary that they can't help it.

For ordinary tennis players, the selfless state is the most appropriate way to improve their strength.

A realm above the five senses requires too high a level of physical fitness.

"Fuji, Tezuka, couldn't you see it?"

Dazai Osamu suddenly spoke.

This made the main candidates of the Holy Night very puzzled, and Tezuka and Fuji were also a little puzzled.

"What does department...chief mean?"

"Akutsu not only turned the sixth sense and extrasensory perception into physical instincts"

"At that moment, he even used the reaction function of the sweet spot technology."

"Otherwise, with the way he fought back just now, how could he have the fulcrum to explode with such huge power?"

"Even with Akutsu's physical condition, he couldn't do it."

Hearing Dazai Osamu's words, Tezuka and Fuji's pupils shrank, and they suddenly realized. They had indeed ignored it!

They had always been stuck in the inherent impression of Akutsu's physical strength, and never thought that the back swing just now had no fulcrum at all..

Because his arms are too close to his back, which is very different from the ordinary behind-the-back swing.

"If you say that, Akutsu should be about to find his own dessert."

Fu Er's eyes flashed with a solemn expression.

Once Akutsu finds the dessert, then I am afraid that the position of the leader of the three giants of Holy Night will change hands.


Dazai Osamu suddenly looked at Fuji, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Even Tezuka didn't notice it, but Fuji discovered it.

It seems that even if Fuji's"Pupil of the Heart" has not been completely Awakening is almost here.

Dazai Osamu is very satisfied with this change.

In this way, the three giants of the Holy Night have the possibility to follow Dazai Osamu into U-17.

Tezuka, who has already understood the two doors of the selfless realm, Akutsu has turned his sixth sense into instinct.

Now, Fuji is about to fully awaken the"Eye of the Heart".

Coupled with their understanding and development of sweet spot technology.

After the national competition, it will not be a problem to break through to the top level in the country..

And Kikumaru and Oishi broke through to the national level, and also understood the second stage of synchronization.

This will give Holy Night no shortcomings, and have the absolute strength to win the national championship for at least three consecutive years.

From this moment on,

Holy Night truly has Create a new era, the confidence and strength of a new dynasty.

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