"It's such a strong pressure, I have to go all out!"



The racket hit the tennis ball twice, and Sanada took a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

Facing the tyrant Akutsu who showed his wild posture, Sanada became more serious than ever before.

The pressure brought by Akutsu made him unable to even breathe. It went smoothly.


His expression was extremely cold, and the racket in Sanada's hand quickly disappeared together with the rapidly falling tennis ball after making a popping sound.

"Too slow, too slow. Is this the deputy director of Rikkai University?"

The unruly Yajiujin taunted.

As he spoke, his body was already driven by a surge of air.

His body almost turned into an afterimage and chased towards the landing point of the tennis ball.

When no one could react. He swung the racket with blood-red aura towards the empty space at his feet.


The tennis ball was almost flattened by the blow.

At the same time, a blood-red aura wrapped around the tennis ball and screamed towards Sanada. fly away at halftime

"Have your physical skills improved again?"

Akutsu responded lightly with his full strength, which made Sanada feel even heavier.

Before, Akutsu's physical quality was already frightening.

Now, after entering another 14 states, his strength can be said to be It directly rose to a level.

That blood-red arc gave him an extremely dangerous sense of oppression.

It was just that...

Even so!

"Li Hai's victory has a blind spot!"

Shouting in his heart, Sanada quickly took a few steps forward.

He straddled his legs and lowered his center of gravity.

There seemed to be fire in his eyes, and with this determination to move forward, he suddenly waved the racket in his hand.

"Invasion is like fire!"


A huge impact came from the tennis ball, but Sanada's fire didn't blast out as expected.

Chi chi chi...

The tennis ball spun crazily, constantly tearing the racket in his hand, causing veins on Sanada's forehead to burst.

"Ho! Go back! Seeing that the slight trembling of his wrist was about to affect his return,

Sanada twisted his waist and quickly put his left hand on the handle of the racket.

He leaned forward and pressed, and the tennis ball was finally drained of energy.

After pulling out a series of afterimages, it flew upside down. And back

"hehe...Just a death struggle."

Looking at Sanada's reluctant counterattack, Akutsu couldn't help but sneer. With a few flickers of his feet, he directly volleyed the tennis ball.


With a flexible twist of his body in mid-air, Akutsu's arm pulled out an arc.

The tennis ball hit Sanada directly. There was a ball mark on the bottom corner of


"Come on, I'm going to crush you completely!"

Akutsu pointed his racket at Sanada, and his tone was full of provocation. His wild posture will not affect his judgment.

However, it will infinitely amplify the arrogant character buried deep in Akutsu's heart.


Akutsu's outburst made the Rikkai Shoshou take a breath.

This is the first time they have seen such an aggressive and offensive tennis style from the same person.

Even the one who has always been known for his domineering offensive Sanada was at an absolute disadvantage.

"As expected of the tyrant Akutsu, he is indeed arrogant and has the strength to match his arrogance."

Nioh Masaharu frowned, and looked at Yukimura the next moment:"Can you see it?"

"Well, it should be similar to the ability of mind's eye."

Yukimura nodded heavily.

At this time, Liu Renji heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help but speak.

"I have seen that kind of ability introduced in World Professional Tennis Monthly."

"It is extremely rare among professional players. It is an ability that goes beyond the limits of the five senses."

"sixth sense, extrasensory perception"

"After being far away from the realm of selflessness, one of the three gates in the depths opens, similar to the limit of talent."

"Possessing extremely strong prediction, at the same time, the other five senses of the body will be greatly increased."

"In addition, on top of the sixth sense, there is the seventh sense and the eighth sense."


Hearing Liu Renji's explanation, the Rikkai Grand Chiefs were even more horrified.

"So, Akutsu has embarked on an unusual path, and the upper limit is still very high?"

"So compared to the state of selflessness, is this ability above the five senses stronger or weaker?"

Someone raised a key question.

Liu Lian'er's eyes flashed and she said in a deep voice:"The abilities above the five senses will be stronger."


For a moment, the entire Rikkai Grand Chief Selection fell into astonishment.

The atmosphere was calm for a while.

But the fierce battle on the court is still going on!

"about there."

There was no discussion outside the court, and he didn't care about the score he was lagging behind.

Sanada took a deep breath, calmed down, and stood on his serving line.


The black and red arrogance flashed on his body, and the tennis ball was hit by Sanada again as fast as the wind. Got out

"This feeling.....What fun."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Akutsu was stunned for a moment, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It was different from the previous one where only the aura of tennis disappeared.

This time, Sanada and the aura of tennis will disappear at the same time. Disappear, even for just a moment.


A few green leaves rolled up, and the tennis ball rolled down behind him before he knew it.[]


Sanada scored for the first time since the start.

Tachikai's main selection was immediately excited, while Seiye's main selection couldn't help but be confused.

"What did you feel at that moment?"

"Ah Ren, why does he seem to be stunned?"

Kikumaru and others were shocked.

Based on Akutsu's previous performance, he could have caught the ball just now.

"That secretive breath……"

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Osamu Dazai finally looked at Sanada with a hint of interest.

"Finally, can't you bear it anymore?"


There was a gust of wind, and Sanada was still taking action.

I saw the tennis ball rolled up, and disappeared into the air without any breath again.

"here we go again."

Akutsu turned on his perception to the maximum and stared at his side of the field.


Suddenly, an extremely fast afterimage flashed across his eyes.

"Saw it!"

With a soft hum in his heart, Akutsu stepped very fast, and the moment the tennis ball hit the ground on the court.


Akutsu's racket also hit the ball at the same time.

His pale gold eyes glanced at Sanada, and Akutsu's arm was pulled diagonally. Pressure.

The tennis ball flew upside down, and the bloody arc gave people a shuddering feeling of terror.


"Move like thunder!"

A loud shout spread from the court to all around.

Sanada shrunk his steps, and his body seemed to move instantly, and he was already in front of the tennis ball.


He held the racket with both hands and raised it vertically. Sanada's eyes were like lightning, aiming at the bloody streak The arc light split vertically down 353.


A leaping dark blue electric light flashed sharply on the court.

"Lihai High School Affiliated to the Lead, 15-30!"

Looking at the charred mark not far away from his feet, Akutsu seemed to have flames rising in his eyes.

"Haha, are you finally serious? It's finally interesting."

Is it moving like thunder?!

Let me show you!

Glancing at Dazai Osamu on the player bench, Akutsu roared in his heart.

I will never disappoint the commander!







For a time, the entire stadium continued to hear the roar of sonic booms.

The battle between the tyrant Akutsu and the emperor Sanada directly entered the heat.

You come and I go, and every hit makes the referee tremble..

The spectators outside the court were even more horrified.

Could that terrifying fighting stance really be achieved by a junior high school student?

Aren't they really watching a competition between top professional players?

"These two little guys are both terrifyingly strong."

"Neon, is this ushering in the diamond age?"

This is just a national competition for middle school students. There are too many geniuses who have emerged this year.

Each one is extremely talented and tough, and they are all top tennis seed players.

But on top of geniuses like Akutsu and Sanada, there are An absolute god.

Dazai Osamu!

It can be seen that this era is not an exaggeration to say it is the neon diamond age.

It is just a pity.

A true god like Dazai Osamu was born, covering up the glory of all other geniuses.

There are The difference is even more shocking in comparison.

God’s Dazai is so terrifying!!.

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