
Hearing Kurobe's words, hundreds of students became excited.

They thought that they were all based on the rules of seniority.

The first army team composed of senior students directly participated in the World Championships and World Tours.

Newcomers can only train hard. , and then slowly get older.

But this year, as long as they can challenge the original members of the first army, even high school freshmen will have the opportunity to participate in the world competition.

Such news directly ignited the enthusiasm of all students in the training camp.

Look. Seeing such a scene, Kurobe and Takumi looked at each other and smiled.

Isn't it because of the massive reform of U-17's decadent rules for the current atmosphere?

When there is competition, there is pressure.

Only when there is pressure, can we continue to grow rapidly. , become stronger.

Only then can the Neon U-17 regain its vitality and show its prowess in the world championships.


Kurobe waited until the student's mood calmed down a little, then continued to speak.

"The selection competition for the new army will last for one week"

"After the selection is over, the second team will be automatically ranked based on each person's performance in various aspects of the selection."

"So, young people, work hard!"

"Opportunities need to be fought for by oneself"

"Age will no longer be your advantage and protection"

"In competitive sports, strength means everything, do you understand?!"


Kurobe left, and Takumi also left.

Only a group of excited high school students were left.

Half a year!

Half a year of hell training, do you know how they got over it?

Now, they finally have a chance to show off their achievements. , no one can restrain their inner excitement

"Yuezhi, are you planning to participate in the trials? Kimijima

Ikuto asked, looking at the tall Ochi Gekko who stood out in the crowd.

Kimijima Ikuto was quite afraid of this Ice King with his long front.

"Of course you have to participate"

"Isn’t entering the training camp just to participate in the Global Youth World Cup?"

"The opportunity is right in front of you, why not take part?"

Ochi Yueguang said with a smile, but Kimijima Ikuto was shocked all over.

"You mean, you want to replace members of the First Army?"

"Those guys have all participated in the World Championships in previous years, and almost all of them are professional level."

Kimijima Ikuto couldn't help but remind him.

"so what?"

Yue Zhi Yueguang smiled lightly and didn't say much.

But the confidence and fighting spirit in his eyes said everything.

"That's right, we are also going to participate in the first army selection competition!"

"They're just a bunch of trash taking a place that doesn't belong to them."

Tohno Atsukyo smiled evilly and said coldly.

Such remarks were approved by most of this year's high school freshmen, including Kaji Fuata and Omagari Ryuji.

U-17 have begun to change, so why should they maintain their inherent ideas?

As a freshman in high school, will he definitely not be able to beat his senior year in high school?

"So, keep up the good work!" have no ideaWith a shout, the entire physical fitness training camp started training in full swing again.

Yue Zhi suddenly looked into the distance and secretly thought of someone.

If it were you, you would make such a choice, right? Dazai-kun! at the same time.

As soon as Kurobe and Takumi walked into the surveillance data room, they heard Saito smile and say

"Damn, this guy is quite capable."

"Already successfully won the NO.1 medal"

"Now let’s see what surprises those little guys can bring us.

Kurobe nodded:"The enthusiasm is good.""

"If we maintain this training momentum, at least this year's confrontation with Bangzi Country will have a 50-50 winning rate, and we will no longer be crushed unilaterally."

With that said, Kurobe is about to leave.

The world tour is about to start, and he still has many things to arrange.


However, Saito stopped Kurobe and said with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't leave in a hurry"

"Haven't you been thinking about things about Holy Night and that little guy Dazai Osamu?"

"Come and take a look. The latest information is the battle video information of the Kanto Competition."

"Holy night? Osamu Dazai?"

As soon as he heard this, Kurobe suddenly became interested.[]

This is a monster whose talent is even higher than that of Oni Jujiro and Byodoin Phoenix.

Can't help but look forward to it, Kurobe comes to the big screen.

Soon, Takashi Ryuuji and Kurobe both looked horrified.

"Are there so many talents this year?"

"Even more exaggerated than the Byodoin Phoenix generation?"

"Junior high school oneNational elite level?"

"And what the heck is creating your own half-step world-class skills?"

"Are all world-class skills so bad now?"

Kurobe couldn't help being shocked and looked at Saito.

"Who are these two little guys?"

"Seiya's Akutsujin, Tatekai Dai's Genichiro Sanada"

"Akutsu ranked third in overall strength in Seiya, and Genichiro Sanada ranked second in Tatekai University."

The whereabouts of Saito made Kurobe unable to help but be shocked.

"This kind of sports geek can only be ranked second on Holy Night?"

"God, what did I see?"

"A sixth sense that breaks through the limits of the five senses? The kid now is a bit outrageous."

I don't know how many times a video shocked Kurobe.

Whether it was Akutsu's Sixth Sense or Sanada Genichiro's Wind Forest Volcano, it moved like thunder and was as unpredictable as darkness.

They were all far beyond what junior high school students could do in the past. The level they have reached.


Absolute genius!

But with these two geniuses, who else is above them?

"Besides Osamu Dazai, who is the other person in Holy Night? Who is Li Hai?"

Before Kurobe could even speak, Takumi couldn't help but ask.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu of Holy Night, and Fuji Shusuke who is not much inferior."

"Tatekai is the current head of the Tennis Club, Seiichi Yukimura. Saito explained while dropping another bombshell.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu, half a step to the top of the country, controls the primary field, and opens two of the three doors deep in the realm of selflessness."

"Not two weeks of help, half a step to completeElites, control the realm of wind and open up the realm of selflessness"

"Yukimura Seiichi does not have any battle data yet, so it is impossible to judge his strength and control ability."

"In addition, Osamu Dazai took very few shots, and no one forced him to use his full strength."

"However, after careful data analysis, it has reached the professional level at the lowest level."

"As for how far we have reached the professional level, there is not enough data to judge."


People like Tezuka, Akutsu, Fuji, and Yukimura were enough to shock Kurobe.

But when I heard Osamu Dazai, it was like the world view was collapsing.

What an exaggeration!

What kind of strength does the legendary samurai Nanjiro have at this age? ?

In just a few months, he has stepped from the top of the country to the professional level. He is as strong as a monster!

In such an era where geniuses emerge in large numbers, a true god like Dazai Osamu was born.

This is Neon's great luck, but it is the same as for everyone with Dazai The same rule brought out the unfortunate husband of the geniuses of an era...

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