"This momentum is really terrifying!"

"It has truly broken through to the national elite level"

"This may be what the minister wants to see."

Tezuka felt the biting cold wind, as if an immortal glacier kingdom appeared before his eyes.

"Atobe is probably about to reach the extreme in this aspect."Fuer was equally emotional.

Only at this moment did he understand why the minister agreed to Atobe's request to fight.

After all, facing the three giants of the Holy Night, Atobe had no chance of winning.

Does Osamu Dazai need to personally take action?

But now , seeing Atobe's talent, Fuji understood.

Such a person may be one of the partners selected by the director to fight side by side in the world arena!

"Well, it's still a little worse."

Tezuka nodded.

But even so, it is difficult for Atobe to make a comeback.


In front of him is the true god who surpasses all the geniuses of the"437" in this era - Osamu Dazai!

When he first entered the country, he was still an elite in the country, even the top of the country.

Even a half-step professional level.

In front of Dazai Osamu, he was like a child, without any resistance.

This is the head of the Holy Night Division, the God of Dazai. Majestic!

The strength he possesses is the absolute control that can suppress all geniuses.

No accidents!

No miracles!

Only the cruel reality of Chi Guoguo

"Let’s end up in my country!"

But Atobe didn't think so.

There was a white light in his eyes, and he seemed to have seen through everything about Dazai Osamu.


I saw Atobe swinging the racket suddenly again, which directly caused a terrifying cold wave to roar past.

Dazai Osamu continued as usual. The high-speed return ball was easily knocked back by Atobe.

Even the tennis ball was carried by the biting cold wind and moved faster.

Everything seemed to be frozen wherever it passed.

Even the speed of movement seemed to be affected. Everyone outside the court People's movements are a bit slow.


"Still not enough."

When everyone watched the tennis ball fall on Dazai Osamu's court, they were shocked to realize that the glacier country was not able to cover Dazai Osamu at all. The cold wind was isolated.

The ferocious counterattack naturally could not bring any pressure to Dazai Osamu.

"Atobe, it depends on whether you can go one step further!"

Dazai Osamu faced this goal with scorching eyes.

Only by completely condensing the Atobe Kingdom can we hope to take the final step.

Awakening a different dimension - the Ice Emperor.

Only such Atobe is qualified to compete in the world arena. Go up, following his own footsteps.


Suddenly, Dazai Osamu moved.

His whole body was filled with invisible momentum, and the wildly surging cold wind calmed down strangely.

The surrounding space seemed to be completely imprisoned, and all changes depended on Osamu Dazai makes the decision alone

"Forbidden by God!"

Dazai Osamu smashed the ball with one blow, like a god suppressing the world.

The tennis ball shot up horribly, and the power on it was instantly disintegrated.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound of"bang".

It was not the sound of the tennis ball being knocked away, but Behind Dazai Osamu, a terrifying statue of a god appeared!

Another dimension - the God King!

One with his back to everyone, but his whole body was bathed in the sun.

The Crown of God, the Crown Robe of God.

It was like a real god, looming.

One ball came out and dominated everything!

At this moment, the world lost its voice.

Everyone's eyes seemed to have lost their color.

Everything around them was invisible.

In everyone's eyes, there was only one scene left.

That is The glacier country in Atobe is collapsing inch by inch.

The ice and snow are melting until it seems as if they never existed.


At this moment, the world returned to color, and everyone only heard a terrible roar.

That was the sound of tennis balls smashing into the glacier. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The last point of the Atobe Kingdom The ice was also annihilated and disintegrated at this moment.

Even standing in the audience, everyone could feel the overbearing oppression.

Everyone could not help but feel their legs weakening, and they could hardly stand still.

"What's this? God?"

"At that moment, I seemed to be in heaven!"[]

"Is this the true god, Dazai Osamu, who is superior to all geniuses of his generation?"

"Sure enough, it’s very strong!"

The main candidates of Shengye and Hyōtei couldn't restrain their fanatical admiration in their eyes.

Only Atobe was stunned in place, unable to come back to his senses.

I thought that the embryonic form of Atobe Kingdom had finally been condensed, and Dazai was finally there. There was a chance to fight.

But the result still didn’t change at all.

"Dazai, did you do this on purpose?"

Atobe shouted.

At this time, how could Atobe not understand.

From the beginning to the end, Dazai Osamu deliberately put pressure on himself.

Only then did he realize his potential and awaken the prototype of Atobe's kingdom.

It's just that The more this happens, the more uncomfortable Atobe becomes.

The friend who clearly wanted to fight side by side has become the person he wants to follow.

Whether it is the pride of the heir to the consortium or Atobe's own self-esteem, it is difficult to accept this fact..

What he wants is to keep pace with Osamu Dazai

, not to be one of the many followers of Osamu Dazai!

"Atobe, bear the pain, aim to defeat me, and grow up."

Putting away the racket, Dazai Osamu said with a faint smile and walked off the court.

The calm and domineering words made the Hyotei main selectors stunned for a while.

But the Holy Night main selectors reacted immediately and followed Dazai Osamu's footsteps. Leave.

Sakaki Taro stared at Dazai Osamu's figure stretched by the sun until it disappeared.

Then, he walked to the court and patted Atobe on the shoulder.

"At least there is room for effort."

There are not many words of comfort, because Atobe doesn't need it.

Sakaki Taro believes that with Atobe's pride, he can quickly sort out his emotions.


Taking a deep breath, Atobe stared at the direction Dazai Osamu was leaving and clenched his fists.

"Dazai, I will definitely defeat you, I will!"

Outside the stadium, headed by Dazai Osamu, followed closely by the Holy Night main selectors.

Tezuka was beside Dazai Osamu and suddenly spoke in a low voice

"Minister, are you preparing for the world competition?"

I didn't say it clearly, but everyone who understood understood it.

In addition to Kikumaru and others, Akutsu and Fuji both cast their eyes attentively.

"Atobe is qualified to fight alongside us."

Dazai Osamu didn't hide anything and nodded lightly.

Tennis has never been a sport for one person.

The strength of the team is also very important.

Nowadays, it is not a big problem for the main players of Holy Night to dominate the neon country.

But for the first time to enter the national level With such strength, they were just cannon fodder when they went to the U-17, let alone the world arena.

People like Kikumaru, Oishi, Kawamura, Inoue, and Miki have already experienced transformation. If they want to reach the top level in the country in a short time, and thus enter the world arena, It’s still too difficult.

To be able to keep up in a short time, we must have top players like Atobe and Sengoku Seijun.

After all, the national competition is coming soon, and then there is the Youth World Cup.

Dazai Osamu does not want to miss this year’s opportunity and cannot wait for Kikumaru and others Slowly growing.

But Kikumaru and others are not without opportunities.

They are only in the first grade of junior high school, and they have national-level strength.

As long as they work hard enough, there may be a chance to participate in the Youth World Cup in the coming year.

Dazai Osamu will never give up Holy Night Anyone...

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