The award ceremony is over, and the Kanto Competition has officially come to an end.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Tatekai Dai and Hyokui left early so as not to be sentimental about their thrones and achieve the name of Holy Night.

As the champion, Holy Night naturally received photo requests from many enthusiastic fans.

It wasn't until there was almost no one at the venue that I packed up my belongings and prepared to leave.

"Little Dazai."

But at this time, the coach of Rokkaku Middle School came to the door.

Behind him were a group of some lonely Rokkaku Middle School regulars.

If it weren't for the lucky Yamabuki who had a bye.

If it hadn't been for the top three strong teams....

They had six corners and should have been on the podium.

It’s just that reality has no ifs

"I look forward to one day being able to compete with you, Holy Night, in an official arena."

Shu Xiyan said with a smile.

The other main candidates of Rojia Middle School also looked at the main candidates of Shengye with full fighting spirit.


Dazai Osamu nodded lightly, as a thought to Rokkaku Middle School.

After all, we have the friendship of staying together.

I can't say that you have no possibility of catching up with Holy Night now, let alone a year later? No matter how slim the hope is, there is still hope. I hope.

Akutsu originally wanted to speak. Isn’t it enough for me to torture you all by myself in Renye Beach?

But in the end, I felt the look in Dazai Osamu’s eyes, so I held back.

A flash of gratitude flashed through my father’s cloudy eyes, and I understood Dazai Osamu’s Deep meaning.

Looking at the passionate fighting spirit of the main candidates of Rokkaku Middle School, you know how much Dazai Osamu's words inspired them.

After all, although Seiya is an opponent that every academy is eager to defeat.

But Dazai Osamu is already the Kanto region , the idol selected by almost every school.

Just like Echizen Nanjiro back then.

A new era, a new legend, is quietly taking root in everyone's hearts.

It is this subtle mentality that is doomed in the near future. Osamu Dazai will usher in his own legendary era.

The era of God's Dazai!

"U-17 Over there, the old man has some influence."

"A genius like you shouldn't be bound by routine"

"I've asked for help so you can at least have a chance at this year's World Tour."

After the father finished speaking, Dazai Osamu smiled and shook his head.

"Could it be that Dad forgot? I am the sole heir of the Dazai Foundation"

"As long as I want to, there are few places in this world that I can't enter."

Hearing this, the father was slightly startled, and then smiled bitterly:"It's true that I forgot about this."

"Your tennis skills are so strong that the old man unconsciously forgot other things."

"Sure enough, people are old and no longer useful."

Then, facing his father's wry smile, Osamu Dazai dropped another bombshell

"In fact, regardless of my status as the Dazai Foundation, U-17 sent me an invitation letter very early."


Sure enough, after saying this, my father couldn't help being shocked.

"That boy Mifune is actually willing to break the rules for you?"

"Tsk, I should have thought of it earlier"

"None of the Echizen Nanjiro of the same period was as stunning as you."

"It’s not to the extent that people can break the rules."

"But you, boy, are indeed different."

"Come on, lead the future of neon tennis."

As soon as Dad finished speaking, Dazai Osamu hadn't spoken yet.

Not far away, Mamoru Inoue took Shiba Saori and walked over with long strides.

"The old man is leaving first. Come on, little Dazai."

"The future of neon tennis will definitely shock the whole world because of you."

With unprecedented emotion, my father left.

The last sentence was not to praise Osamu Dazai, but from his heart.

Absolutely powerful talent, outstanding leadership ability, and strong personal charm.

Such a person is destined to be more than just A person who is strong can also bring the people around him to progress together.

Neon lacks such talents.

Even Echizen Nanjiro is only strong in his own right, no different from Byodoin.

Such a person may be able to Twice, Neon has improved its ranking in the world. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But if you want to have a far-reaching impact, you must have people like Dazai Osamu.


"The national middle school student competition and all regional competitions have ended"

"In addition to Seiya, Tatekai Dai, Hyotei and Yamabuki in the Kanto region"

"About to participate in the national competition, there are also 20 strong teams from all over Neon."[]

"As the favorite to win the championship with high hopes in the Kanto region"

"I wonder if we will be lucky enough to have an exclusive one-on-one interview with Holy Night?"

Mamoru Inoue said politely.

After all, he is not an ordinary junior high school student in front of him.

He is the head of the Neon Four Financial Group and the sole heir to the Dazai Financial Group!

"Dazai-kun is still so handsome!"

Shiba Saori continued to be a nymphomaniac, but she did not forget the business.

"If you want to truly create a dynasty of Holy Night, create an era that belongs to you."

"Dazai-kun, I think it is very necessary for you to conduct this exclusive interview."

"Our online magazine has considerable influence across the country"

"The most important thing is that during Neon’s entire junior high school career, only Echizen Nanjiro was interviewed by us."

The main candidates of Holy Night were all excited when they heard this sentence:".~ So, the minister... can even end the legendary samurai era?"

"Theoretically this is the case."Shiba Saori nodded happily.

When she thought of this possibility, she couldn't help but get excited.

Because the person who is about to create the legend is Dazai-kun.


Originally, Osamu Dazai wanted to refuse.

After all, with the influence of the Dazai Foundation, he can promote Holy Night on his own.

It just feels like killing a chicken with a knife.

Since Inoue Mamoru is willing to give an exclusive interview to Holy Night, it is indeed an opportunity..

If Seiya wants to continue to be strong for a long time, it must have successors.

At present, rising stars like Toyama Kintaro and Aoi Kentaro have not yet emerged.

It is difficult for such talents to be impressed by external objects.

Through tennis monthly to enhance the influence of Shengye.

When the time comes and he wins the national championship, Shengye will definitely be the first choice for many talented young people to go to school.

Only in this way can Shengye be better able to create an undefeated dynasty. (Wang Zhao OK) Three consecutive championships in the national competition, six consecutive championships, nine consecutive championships, and even twelve consecutive championships.

Thinking of this, Dazai Osamu nodded lightly and said:"Yes, but it cannot affect the training of the team members."

"Dazai-kun can rest assured about this."

Mamoru Inoue suppressed the excitement in his heart and promised again and again.


"In this case, are we going to be in magazines and TV?"

Kikumaru and other members of the Holy Night main election couldn't help but be excited.

Growing up, they have never had this kind of treatment.

Are they going to become celebrities?

The most important thing is that they have not forgotten Shiba Saori's words.

This so-called saint There is another important reason for the night interview.

That is to build momentum for Dazai Osamu!

To truly end the era of legendary samurai.

In other words, the main candidates of Holy Night are about to witness the historical moment.

Witness the new emperor of an era who has just ascended the throne..The foreseeable future will be the era of their leader Osamu Dazai.

The era of God’s Dazai!!.

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