
The absolute dominant presence in the Net King world.

Dominating the rankings all year round, Rui Guo has to succumb to it.

Then Greece, the Free State.

Next, there are countries such as Australia, Gaul, India, and the Wooly Bear.

At this moment, I am on a street tennis court in Germany.

A young man with a white turban on his head and wild blond hair was sweating profusely.

Every time the racket is swung, it can bring up a gust of wind, followed by an ear-splitting roar.

So many people around looked at the blond young man occupying the court with frightened expressions, but no one dared to step forward and say no.

Not that there really aren't any.

If anyone dares to raise objections, he will be beaten directly to the hospital by the blond young man with a domineering tennis ball.

"Not enough, this is still not enough"

"This rate of progress is too slow!"

The blond young man waved the racket while roaring unwillingly in his heart. After experiencing the devil training of Mifune Irido in the back mountain, he finally understood the different dimensions.

However, when he challenged Oni Jujiro, he was defeated miserably.

This made the proud Equality Fenghuang was unwilling to give in and chose to wander the world.

When he came to Germany, the tennis hegemon, Byodoin could feel his insignificance even more.

On the street tennis court, young people with national level strength would appear from time to time.

Kanto's peak level was even more prevalent.

Strong A great tennis atmosphere and a great balance of strength.

No matter in any aspect, Neon looks like a piece of trash.

That’s why.

After several months of experience and challenging many strong players, Byodoin finally further condensed its own Different dimension.

The strength is also stable at the professional elite level, and even has the momentum to further move towards the professional peak level.

However, Byodoin understands that the speed of progress is far from enough.

It may not even be as good as Oni Jujiro.

So, How can we lead Neon further in the upcoming Youth World Cup?


At this moment, a teenager came to the stadium screaming.

"Look, do you know this guy named Osamu Dazai?"

"He is also a Neon man, and he seems to be very strong. It is said that he is only thirteen years old, but his strength has already reached the professional level!"

Behrens, a German boy, shouted excitedly in front of Byodo-in.

Originally, Byodo-in was about to scold the boy because his training was interrupted.

But when he heard the words Dazai Osamu, he couldn't help but grab Behrens. The tablet in hand.

The rising star of the neon tennis world - God's Dazai!

Witnessing the birth of a new emperor of an era? The new monster who outlawed the samurai era!

The more he read the content, the more shocked the Byodo-in was.

Especially, I saw Osamu Dazai leading Seiye, stepping on the throne of Tatekai Dai and Hyotei, and winning the Kanto Tournament.

As the former leader of the three giants of Makinofuji, Byodoin certainly understands how powerful Hyotei and Tatekai Dai are.

Even if The older generation has already entered high school and entered the U-17 training camp.

But the foundation accumulated over the years is still there! But in the face of such a wealthy family, Dazai Osamu led a group of junior high school first-year students and successfully won the Kanto competition championship.

This kind of gold content is almost the same as when he led Makinoto to win the national championship.

Once he leads such a new tennis club and really wins the national championship, Makinoto will be completely incomparable with Shengye


"So strong?"

Immediately afterwards, Byodo-in saw the strength assessment of each main candidate of Seiya, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils. The true god Dazai Osamu - suspected to be a professional elite.

The master Tezuka, suspected to be half-step to the top of the country.

The tyrant Akutsujin, suspected to be half-level At the top of the country.

Fujin Fuji Shusuke is suspected of being the national elite.

Next, there is the data tennis player Sadaharu Inui who has entered the national level for the first time. He has entered the national level golden doubles for the first time, and has realized the synchronization of Oishi Shuichiro and Kikumaru Eiji.

And the first time entering the national level. National-level power doubles, Takashi Kawamura and Tsuyoshi Inoue.

The remaining substitutes are the weakest and the peak of Kanto. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Such a luxurious lineup can be said to be unprecedented.

If it had been back then If Makinofuji led by Byodo-in encounters such a holy night, his fate will not be much better than Hyotei and Tatekai.

"This is a monster!"

The Byodo-in couldn't help but be horrified.

He had participated in the Tokyo... Kyoto Junior High School Student Competition held in Ikebukuro.[]

At that time, I had also seen the main candidates of Holy Night.

The talent is good, but such rapid growth is impossible.

There is only one reason to explain all this.

Osamu Dazai!

In just a few months, a group of first-year junior high school students who had just entered the Kanto level were brought to the national level.

What is this if not a monster?

As proud as Byodoin, at this time, he felt the gap between himself and Dazai Osamu

"Tsk, boss, do you know this Osamu Dazai?"

"It seems like I know him!"

"He's obviously the same age as me, look at other people's records, and then look at me"

"I really want to follow in the footsteps of such a strong man!"

This is not only Behrens's idea, but also the goal set by many junior high school students around the world.

Because a strong man like Osamu Dazai was born from Neon.

That small and transparent tennis country in the world of tennis?

German, The junior high school students of Ruiguo, Xiguo, and Free Country were all angry.

It was just a joke!!

Only people from the four largest wealthy families in the world have taken turns to give birth to such world-famous geniuses.

Why is Neon? For a moment, Dazai In the middle school world of the world, Dazai Osamu's reputation is polarized.

One half, like Behrens, regards Dazai Osamu as their goal in life and strives hard.

The other half thinks that Dazai Osamu is not worthy of his name.

As long as they meet them, they can fight in minutes. Explosion!

But no matter what his attitude is, Dazai Osamu has caused a large-scale wave in the world of junior high school tennis.

More and more people are paying attention to the neon tennis world because of Dazai Osamu.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

And Byodoin has been silent since just now.

Because he is silently watching Dazai Osamu's interview video.

More importantly, there is the high-definition battle video.

"What a fast progress"

"Is this you? Osamu Dazai!"

The more he watched, the more frightened the Byodo-in was.

Once, in the Ikebukuro Junior High School Tennis Competition,

Byodo-in abstained, not because they thought they were no match for Dazai Osamu.

They just didn't want to expose their trump card.

But now, Byodo-in He felt deep pressure.

He tried to put himself into the players who were playing against Dazai Osamu.

Just through the video footage, Byodoin felt that it was difficult.

Even if he understood that he was in another dimension and had all his cards revealed, he might not be sure. I will definitely be able to defeat Dazai Osamu

"Different dimension, professional level!"

The Byodo-in clenched its fists, and its eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Feeling the tremendous pressure brought by Dazai Osamu, the Byodo-in became more and more firm in its beliefs.

If it cannot make further breakthroughs, it will never return to neon! Death!.

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