"Sanada, it's still not enough."

Another round of thousand-swing practice, Yukimura looked at Sanada and couldn't help but whisper.

The training atmosphere was very intense, and many of the ordinary members of Rikkai University have reached the metropolitan tournament level.

In terms of overall strength, It's just slightly weaker than Shengye.

But that's not enough.

Because ordinary members are just the foundation. If you want to go further and higher, you still have to look at the strength of the main players.

But at present, whether Akutagawa Jirou, Shishido Ryo, Ninzu Yushi and others.

In fact, they have all reached a bottleneck.

It is not easy to make breakthroughs in a short time.

"I've already contacted Kamakura."

"The coaches agreed that before the national competition, we can give targeted training to the main players of Lihai University."

Sanada heard the words and responded solemnly.

As the"Emperor" of Rikkai, Sanada's character is even more unconvinced than Yukimura.

He was unconvinced when he lost to Seiya.

He was even more unconvinced when he was almost overturned by Hyou Emperor.

They are Rikkai. Da, once the king of Kanto for 12 consecutive times.

Now, 14, was defeated by Holy Night.

As a result, he won the runner-up in the Kanto Competition, but he was almost overturned by Hyokui.

This is something Sanada cannot tolerate.

Therefore, Sanada is unwilling to fail again. , use their privileges to ask for the help of the Kamakura Club.

Of course, there is no such thing as a pie in the world.

In exchange, as long as Rikkai Dai’s main selection wants to choose the club, they must give priority to Kamakura.

But this exchange condition, It is also very beneficial to oppose Kaidai.

After all, Kamakura is a small club.

Looking at the entire Neon, it is also a club that can be ranked in the top three.

If it were not for Genichiro Sanada and Seiichi Yukimura who have extraordinary potential and both signed contracts with Kamakura Club.

Kamakura Club. Kura really wouldn't propose such a generous offer, and even helped to specially train the Rikkai University main candidates.

At the same time, the Rikkai University main candidates were running around the outside of the school.

The leader was a member of the last Rikkai University. The old strong man who came down——Mori Juzaburo

"cheer up!"

"If you don’t want to lose again, just try your best now!"

"As long as you live up to yourself off the field, you won't have any regrets on the field."

In order to motivate the main candidates of Rikkai University, Jusaburo Mori also worked very hard.


Just as he finished speaking, Juzaburo Mori's pupils suddenly shrank violently.

Not far away, there was a familiar figure, looking at their main selection team, Rikkai, with a smile on his face.

"Osamu Dazai?"

Iconic black clothes and black trousers, with that outstanding aristocratic temperament, who else could it be if it weren't Osamu Dazai?

Mori Jusaburo's subconscious exclamation directly interrupted the training of the Tatekai Daisho Shoshou.

"God, is he really the God of God?"

"Why did he come here?"

"Although I feel a little sorry for Chief Yukimura when I say this, Dazai-kun is my idol!"

There was no imaginary hostility, only a burst of fanatical restlessness.

After Inoue Mamoru's editing and publicity, Dazai Osamu became more and more confirmed as the ceiling of Neon Junior High School.

So much so that in this era of Neon Junior High School, except for a few people Besides.

Many of the academy’s main candidates have become Dazai Osamu’s admirers.

"Maori-kun, I think you don’t mind if you take the liberty of visiting me, right?"

"I have wanted to visit Tatekai University for a long time, and today I saw that it is indeed the king it once was."

The former king?

Mouri Juzaburo felt a little bitter when he heard this, but he didn't say much.

If it had been someone else, maybe Mori Juzaburo would have thought he was here to show off his record of defeating Tatekai Dai.

But if this person was Osamu Dazai, he was obviously just innocent. Explain a fact.

You can't say that an elephant trampled an ant to death. The elephant will show off to others that it trampled an ant to death, right?

For Dazai Osamu, the main candidates of Tachikai University are indeed no different from ants. Difference. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether you are an ordinary team member or a leader like Sanada and Yukimura

, there is no difference in front of Dazai Osamu.

Although I don’t want to admit it, this It is indeed a fact.

A 13-year-old professional master has mastered a variety of self-created world-class skills.

He has opened up a different dimension and controls advanced fields that people in the past thought could only be understood by the pinnacle of the profession.[]

Such strength is unique in the world

"We are honored that Dazai-kun can visit Tatekai University."

At this time, Yukimura and Sanada, who had gotten wind of the news, strode forward to greet them.

Sanada had a cold face and was full of dissatisfaction.

Yukimura was open-minded and always had a gentle smile on his face.

"Sanada, it seems you have embarked on a different path"

"But remember, keep your heart"

"Otherwise, it will only be counterproductive."

Without responding to Yukimura immediately, Dazai Osamu looked at Sanada Road. He commented lightly, as if a senior was teaching a junior.

Everyone subconsciously took it for granted, including Sanada who was also shocked.

"Can you see this?"

It's no wonder that Sanada was shocked, because he hadn't really figured out that road yet.

Yukimura and the others didn't notice it at all, but only Osamu Dazai pointed it out at first sight, and he also saw through the disadvantages of this road.

"It takes courage to open up a new path"

"you are very courageous"

"Just remember to stick to your heart and keep going"

"I believe that one day, you will get what you want."

Dazai Osamu nodded lightly towards Sanada.

At this moment, Sanada's heart was slightly touched.

The pride that refused to admit defeat disappeared at this moment.

It was clear that he did not have a good face, but Dazai Osamu, as his opponent, was willing to be generous. Guidance.

How open-minded is such a mind?

For a moment, Sanada lowered his head in shame and said seriously:"Thank you, Dazai-kun, for your guidance.""

"I will remember your words."

Yukimura and Mori on the side were slightly shocked.

In fact, when they reach the national level, they will embark on the possibility of starting their own new path.

Because before the national level, they basically followed the old path of their predecessors.

If you want to do it above the national level, To break through and even shine in the world arena.

Then you must find the path that suits you best at the national level.

Yukimura found it, Atobe found it, and the three giants of Seiye found it.

Now, Sanada is not weak anymore. For others, I have found a path that is more suitable for me.

And Osamu Dazai actually played a very important role in this.

Because trying to break out a new path is full of dangers.

If you are not careful, you will be ruined.

Looking at Sanada's state, in fact, It's a bit awry.

If Osamu Dazai hadn't warned him, Sanada might have embarked on a path of no return.

Being obsessed with winning or losing is not a bad thing.

But being too obsessed with winning or losing can easily lead to extremes.

"Thank you, Dazai-kun!"

Thinking of this, Yukimura sincerely bowed down to thank him.

Sanada was not only Tachikai's deputy director, but also his best friend.

No matter what, Yukimura was unwilling to watch Sanada go to extremes.

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