"Ding dong! The test result is professional elite level!"

While Sanada and Yukimura were shocked, the computer in the laboratory suddenly rang. For a moment, the entire laboratory fell into a sluggish state.

Even the staff who helped record the data were stunned.

After looking at the data, it was clear on the table It says age 13?

13-year-old professional elite?

And judging from Osamu Dazai's appearance, it doesn't mean that his strength has been completely tested.

It's because the upper limit of the testing room is the professional elite level.

This is an exaggeration.

Sanada's whole body is full of emotions. He has fallen into an unprecedented sluggish state.

You must know that now, he is just qualified to step into the national elite.

Looking at the entire junior high school student, he should be a top existence.

But Dazai Osamu, this monster, is worthy of being above all geniuses of his generation. A true god.

He is only 13 years old and has reached at least the terrifying strength of professional elite level.

Even if Dazai Osamu wants to compete in the professional arena now, he is not weak.

This is actually an exaggeration.

Because after reaching the national level , every step is a hurdle, not so easy to overcome.

Otherwise, with talents like Yukimura and Sanada, they should have reached the top of the country long ago.

But Dazai Osamu improved his strength, as easy as eating and drinking.

They are half a step to the national level At that time, Dazai Osamu was already at the top of the country.

When they finally reached the national elite level, they thought they were closer to Dazai Osamu.

The result?

That's it?

They have already crossed the national barrier to the profession and reached the professional elite level.!!

"You don't have to compare yourself to this monster."

Seeing the shock in the eyes of Sanada and Yukimura, Kuriyama Renaki said in a deep voice

"This kind of monster is the only one in the world of tennis from the past to the present."

"Let alone the ceiling of neon junior high schools, it is not an exaggeration to say it is the ceiling of junior high schools in the world."

"With your talents, Neon is top-notch when you look at it, and it’s not weak when you look at the world."

Afraid of being hit by Osamu Dazai, Chiaki Kuriyama couldn't help but comfort the two of them.

Sanada and Yukimura are both good prospects.

As long as they work hard, it will not be a problem to be among the top 200 of the ATP men's singles rankings.

It would be too disappointing if their belief collapses in advance. Pity


At this time, Osamu Dazai also walked out of the testing room.

"what's the result? Hearing this

, Chiaki Kuriyama said:"Professional elite level is equivalent to a level that is close to the peak of the profession.""

"Moving on to the next quiz?"

Dazai Osamu nodded lightly, not surprised by the result.

"Sorry, Dazai-kun, there seems to be something wrong with the equipment in the testing room, so the test cannot be continued for the time being."

"Let Yukimura and Sanada accompany you to visit the club again."

Listening to Kuriyama Chiaki's explanation, Dazai Osamu didn't say anything.

Especially for high-precision equipment, maintenance is more frequent. This is not incomprehensible.

Because some deviations in the data may lead to differences in the overall evaluation. Different places.

In this regard, any club is absolutely rigorous.

Soon, Osamu Dazai took off the sensor and washed himself.

Then, under the leadership of Sanada and Yukimura, he continued to visit the Kamakura Club.

As a member of the Neon National Ranking The top three large clubs actually occupy a large area.

If you want to visit them all, you will not be able to get down there within a few hours.

At the same time, without Osamu Dazai knowing about it,

Chiaki Kuriyama went to the Data Test Center, planning to follow the test center The director of the company explained the accident that happened in the test room.

As soon as they sat down in the conference room, several senior executives of the data center stared at Chiaki Kuriyama, waiting for his explanation.


The door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside.

Everyone in the conference room stood up quickly when they saw the person coming.

"Director Suzuki! Why didn't you tell us in advance that you were coming? We didn't make any preparations."

The director of the data center quickly stood up and greeted him.

Just kidding.

The director of the Suzuki Foundation is also the financial backer behind the Kamakura Club.

Without the support of the Suzuki Foundation, it would be impossible for the Kamakura Club to become one of the top three large neon clubs in the country. Club.

In such a capital society. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Behind any profitable thing, there must be these consortiums.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the club to develop.

This is not There is a question of whether you are capable or not.

Even if you do not surrender to capital, capital will find ways to defeat you and then acquire you.

In the end, it will control your destiny.[]

The reality is so cruel.

As one of the Neon Ten... large conglomerates, the Suzuki Consortium.

It is so powerful that it has huge influence in the entire Kanto region.

Especially places like Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba are the home stadiums of the Suzuki Foundation.

No matter how powerful you are, you can't defeat a local snake like the Suzuki Consortium.

"It's okay, I happened to finish taking care of things nearby. I just wanted to come over and take a look when I had some free time."

"Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the club, I heard that someone came to kick the club and cause trouble today."

"I just wanted to come over and see if there's anything I can do to help."

"Don't worry about me, you continue"

"If necessary, I will handle it myself"

"But I won't ask if it's not necessary."

Suzuki Heye said gently, not relying on his status as a Suzuki family to show off his power.

".~Actually, Director Suzuki, our meeting this time is not about kicking the gym."

"But just now, Coach Kuriyama brought unknown outsiders into the laboratory for testing."

"This is nothing originally"

"But he actually let high school students enter the test room of junior high school students, which almost caused the equipment to be damaged."

"We are prepared to hold people accountable for this matter."

The director of the data center quickly explained


Hearing this, Suzuki Kono could only speak when he saw that the director of the data center looked like he wanted to make the decision himself.

"is that so? Coach Kuriyama?"

Hearing this, Chiaki Kuriyama retorted in a deep voice.

"I took an outsider for a test and almost damaged the laboratory equipment. I admit it."

"But the other party is not a high school student, but only a first-year junior high school student!"

"That's ridiculous. Don't you even blush when you tell such a lie?"

As soon as Chiaki Kuriyama finished speaking, the director of the data center reprimanded loudly.

"Originally, if you had admitted your mistake properly and Director Suzuki was here, the matter would have been settled."

"But if you insist on being tough, then don’t blame me for asking Director Suzuki to make the decision!"

((Zhao Hao) Speaking, the director of the data center handed a piece of information to Suzuki Heye.

Suzuki Heye took it and took a look, and immediately couldn't help but frown.

You can clearly see the clear data report above.

Muscle elasticity: 130

Instant explosive force: 170

Speed: 8.55 seconds/100 meters.

Comprehensive evaluation: professional elite level!

"Coach Kuriyama, this is your fault"

"There is nothing to be afraid of if you make a mistake, as long as you learn from the lesson and make serious corrections, you will be fine."

"But refusing to admit when you have done something wrong is not what a coach should do."

"If you can't give a reasonable explanation, I think your coaching job should end here."

Kono Suzuki's voice was very cold.

As a famously cold director of the Suzuki Consortium, he has a gentle face.

In fact, he is notoriously rigorous about his work.

If Kuriyama Chiaki cannot prove that this data report comes from a Junior high school student.

I'm afraid, I really have to say goodbye to Kamakura Club.

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