"To be honest, Kamakura Club is indeed quite impressive."

"The facilities, equipment, coaches and other resources are all top-notch."

Visiting the Kamakura Club like a tour all the way gave Dazai Osamu a lot of inspiration.

There are specialties in the arts.

Some things are indeed needed by the Holy Night at present, but ~ things he ignored.

When Yukimura and Sanada heard this, they all praised- We all nodded.

For a well-off family like theirs, Kamakura Club is definitely top-notch.

But in Dazai Osamu’s eyes, it’s just not bad, but it’s a very high recognition of Kamakura Club.

"Dazai-kun, if you don't mind, can you fight with me?"

While walking, Yukimura suddenly asked.

During the Kanto Competition, Tatekai was swept away.

Sanada failed to resist Akutsu's pressure, so Yukimura had no chance to play.

After months of devilish training, in fact, even if he knew There is a gap, Yukimura still wants to challenge Dazai Osamu

"I don't mind, but what you need most now is not to hone yourself in battles."

"You should calm down, think about it, and smooth out the path you are taking now."

Dazai Osamu said with a faint smile.

"Now, your mentality is unbalanced and you are too anxious to defeat me."


When he was told that the central issue was important, Yukimura couldn't help but sigh bitterly.

Indeed, he has recently learned that he is too persistent.

Although he doesn't care on the surface, in his heart he is eager to catch up with Osamu Dazai, or even defeat Osamu Dazai.

But during the Kanto Competition, , watching Dazai Osamu dominate the court.

Yukimura Seiichi was shocked to find that the gap between himself and Dazai Osamu was getting wider and wider. So much so that he has been confused recently, whether he is really suitable for tennis.

In other words, his current tennis Did he go the wrong way?

Sanada was slightly startled.

He didn't expect that Yukimura, who had always been gentle and open-minded, was also obsessed with defeating Dazai-kun. He just went to the other extreme different from him. In essence, he went astray. road

"No need to doubt yourself or compare yourself with others"

"Calm down and ask yourself if you have completed your own transcendence"

"If you do it, it proves that you are on the right path"

"As long as you keep going firmly, you will definitely gain what you want."

Dazai Osamu saw this and said with a smile.

On the way to the top, he doesn't want to be alone.

So whether it is Atobe, Tezuka, Akutsu, Fuji, or now Sanada and Yukimura.

He Everyone is willing to help.

But Osamu Dazai doesn’t know exactly where he can go.

Talent is one thing, and firm belief is another.

You need to rely on yourself for these, and it is difficult for outsiders to give too much help.


"Sanada, Yukimura, you guys wait."

At this time, Kuriyama Chiaki's voice broke the somewhat dull atmosphere.

When the words fell, Kuriyama Chiaki almost jogged to the front of the three of them.

"Dazai-kun, the fault in the data room has been identified."

"It's not that there's something wrong with the equipment, it's that your strength exceeds the test limit for junior high school students."

"Because of this incident, I copied the data video of your test without authorization. Please forgive me."

As he spoke, Kuriyama Chiaki bowed solemnly at ninety degrees.

Dazai Osamu didn't say anything, and he actually didn't get up.

"This doesn't matter."

Dazai Osamu doesn't care about this.

In a place like the test room, it's normal to have video recordings.

If he had minded, he wouldn't have gone in for the test.

But if it was such a trivial matter, Kuriyama Chiaki wouldn't be so anxious.

Sure enough, after hearing that Dazai Osamu didn't care about copying data videos, Kuriyama Chiaki said repeatedly

"The Suzuki director of the Suzuki Foundation happened to be working nearby."

"He watched the video and was convinced that Dazai-kun would definitely become a leader in neon tennis." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Director of the Suzuki Consortium?"

Dazai Osamu raised his eyebrows.

As a ten....Osamu Dazai certainly knows about the Suzuki Consortium, which ranks ninth among the largest conglomerates.

People in the big family always act after making decisions.

Before coming to Kanagawa, Osamu Dazai knew about the Kamakura Club and knew that the financial backer behind it was the Suzuki Consortium.[]

However, it is true that Suzuki Konno is a direct descendant of the Suzuki family, and he is also a high-ranking member of the Suzuki Consortium.

But in front of Osamu Dazai, he still couldn't get on the stage.

Unless the old man from the Suzuki Consortium comes.

Otherwise, even the first heir of the Suzuki Consortium would be more than a head shorter than Osamu Dazai.

This is the majesty of the Dazai Foundation.

It is also the majesty of Osamu Dazai.

Anyone dares to disrespect Dazai Osamu, even ten....Any one of the big consortiums will face the thunderous attack of Dazai Consortium.

"Turns out to be a director of Suzuki?"

But Dazai Osamu doesn't care, Sanada and Yukimura can't deal with it calmly.

Suzuki Kono has been committed to promoting the cultivation of outstanding tennis players in the Kanto region.

From elementary school to high school, countless money is spent every year.

Even they The S contracts were all specially approved by Suzuki Konno.

But even such a big shot has to bow his head to please Osamu Dazai.

People are really compared with each other, and the gap is highlighted immediately.

Whether it is status, background, or talent in tennis.

Dazai Osamu's Powerful, all despair that makes people unable to see their backs

"Suzuki Heye, I know him"

"He has devoted a lot to the tennis career and is a rare talent."

Dazai Osamu said calmly towards Kuriyama Chiaki.

According to the survey data, the Kamakura Club is able to have more than ten professional players' teacher resources because of Suzuki Corno.

It has never been stingy in investing money for players who show their talents..

Naturally, when professional players choose a club, they will join Kamakura as soon as possible.

It is not a mandatory requirement of the contract, but an active act of repayment by these professional players.

This will also make these professional players willing to treat club members The Kamakura

Club has become one of the top three neon clubs in the country in a short period of time.

It is even expanding further and has the potential to go international.

"Dazai-kun, this is what Director Suzuki asked me to give to you."

"And, Director Suzuki asked me to tell you"

"He is looking forward to the moment when you stand on top of the world."

Suzuki Konno is the financial backer behind the Kamakura Club.

Osamu Dazai can talk about Suzuki Kono's identity at will, but Chiaki Kuriyama doesn't dare.


"Suzuki Heye, this is a big investment."

Looking at the card handed over by Chiaki Kuriyama, Osamu Dazai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The black gold card of the Suzuki Foundation can only be owned by direct members of the Suzuki family and who have made outstanding contributions.

The overdraft limit is one billion meters of gold. , can be used anywhere in the world.

For Dazai Osamu, one billion meters of gold cannot be said to be too little, but it is definitely not too much.

But for Suzuki Kono, it is definitely a huge sum of money. He is willing to pay such a price, just In order to leave a good impression in front of myself.

It is indeed a character...

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