The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 186

Different from before, this time, the person who followed Lucifer was Joan of Arc.

Along the way, it was okay at first, but the closer we got to Salem, the more people felt the oppressive atmosphere in the air.

After a while, bursts of white mist emerged from a knight, and his expression was a bit painful.

Although Lucifer didn't look back, he had already noticed the changes in the knight behind him.

"Lufu, your time is up, retreat now."

Lucifer shouted behind him.

"Wang, I can still..."

The knight named Luffy still wanted to persevere, he wanted to fight side by side with his king, and like now, he left without even seeing the enemy.

Facing such a knight, Lucifer used the most direct method.

"This is an order.

Do you want to disobey my orders?"

" ordered!"

After speaking, the knight immediately left the group and withdrew behind him.

"Listen, my knights.

Your retreat is not meaningless, this time the enemy is hidden in the dark, we can't see their true appearance at all.

Because of this, you must protect your lives for the enemies that may appear before our eyes in the future.

Another... people found that they were not feeling well, and returned immediately.

Did you hear that"

At this moment, Lucifer continued to announce loudly to all the knights.

Although Lucifer's words had already been explained, the knights were extremely aggrieved in their hearts.

They are the king's most elite knights. From the defeat of France to the suppression of all rebellions in the country, they have never been afraid or retreated half a step.

But now, even the enemy is retreating without knowing who it is, and they feel that their glory is being dusted.

And all of this came from Lucifer's order, an order to let them live, which made them feel even more guilty.

But no matter what, in their hearts, the king's orders come first.

Only this is absolute.


The team of 300 people continued to move forward, and at the same time, some people continued to return. When they reached the periphery of Salem, the magic power in the air seemed to be poisonous mist, which made people feel a sense of suffocation.

Compared with the previous two days, the concentration of magic power here has increased a lot, and now, only half of the knights are left.

Then, they finally saw their first enemy, maybe the enemy is not accurate, because what stood in front of them at this moment was a wolf with a burning body.

It is more than five meters tall and more than ten meters long.

Full orange flame.

Just when Lucifer and the others saw it, this giant wolf was tearing apart and crushing several people who were about to escape.

Behind the giant wolf, an iron gate can be seen slowly closing.

The situation didn't give Lucy time to react, because at some point, huge monsters also appeared on the other two sides.

Only this time it was a bird that looked deformed, and a chimera emitting black mist,,,.

In less than a moment, they seemed to be surrounded.

The information is seriously lacking, but the current situation is not the worst, Lucifer looked at the door that was about to close over there, and at the same time paid attention to these......huge monsters.

He began to weigh in his heart whether to deal with these monsters first, or enter Salem first.

At this time, Percival took the initiative to stand up and said.

"My lord, that door is about to close.

Time is precious, leave it to me to wait here, please take a step first."

He also observed the abnormality of this door, if this thing is an enchantment now, then now is the best time to enter.


Lucifer didn't hesitate any more, or in other words, he didn't have much time to hesitate.


"I now appoint you as the commander here, and I have only one order.

After I enter, I will follow if I can enter.

If not, return safely with all the knights."


While accepting the order, Percival roared.

"Open the way for the king."


The light from the swords of the knights quickly gathered on the edge of Percival's sword, and the sword in his hand swung down, and the huge torrent of magic caused the monster to avoid it immediately.

At the same time, Lucifer took Joan of Arc and quickly used this gap to enter the gate.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it himself, it's just that in this unknown situation, his magic power can save energy and energy.

There may be bigger battles after that.

At the last moment when the door closed, Lucifer looked at Percival and nodded to him.

Percival saluted Lucifer with one hand, then swung the sword in his hand, aiming at the monsters in front of him.

Lucifer and Joan of Arc came to this gate, only to suddenly realize that the situation was different from what they had imagined.

The magic power in the air here is not as strong as before, but, thinking about the existence of nightmares, Lucifer instinctively felt that this might be the home of nightmares.

What came into view was a huge Gothic-style city, and the whole city was exuding a strange atmosphere under the moonlight.

"It's strange, but there is no uncomfortable feeling like before.

And this city in front of it really Salem?

It’s completely different from what I’ve seen outside before.”

Jeanne looked around, feeling a little strange.

"Boundary, time and space may be distorted, and this place may have already been alienated.

It is even possible that we are already standing in a certain inherent barrier."

Lucifer, on the other hand, quickly discovered the problem of the current situation.

"Can the inherent enchantment be projected into reality?"

Jeanne asked back at this time.

Now she is no longer a magic novice, so she feels that there is a problem.

The inherent result of enveloping a city like now will consume a huge amount of mana.

She could not at all imagine who had done it, and for what purpose.

"There's an erosive intrinsic enchantment that does that.

Ordinary inherent barriers create their own world in reality, but erosion-type barriers project their own barriers into the present, forcibly distorting reality.

It turns out that this is the case, so the external situation can make sense.”

"make sense"

"There is the edge of the border between reality and the alien world, so the magic power will be abnormally distorted.

Anyway, what we have to do now is to find the problem as soon as possible, and then solve it.

Follow me, don't get lost."


Saying that, Lucifer led Jeanne to the center of the city carefully.

no.273 strange clinic

On a stone bridge leading to the center of the city, the battle was taking place, and the sound of several sword blades clashed in the air.

Then it went off again.

Lucifer put away the holy sword in his hand, in front of his eyes, a tall figure with a height of three meters had fallen down, his body withered rapidly in a pool of blood, and turned into a mummy after a while, and then weathered.

At this time, Joan of Arc also put down the spear king's flag in her hand, and she sighed.

She had already prepared for...the battle, but it was the first time for her to actually fight, so she had some adverse reactions.

The Salem in front of me is no longer the small town I saw in the distance, it looks more like a once prosperous metropolis that is now in decline.

Lucifer took Joan of Arc into the city, and a building in front of him gave him the illusion of returning to Losric.

However, illusions are just illusions.

"How are you, Jeanne?"

Lucifer noticed Joan's ugly face.

"Well, just a little disgusted."

"As far as your first actual combat is concerned, a scene of this level may be a bit too exciting...  

If you feel uncomfortable, don't force yourself, it's okay for me to carry you behind my back."

After thinking about it, Lucifer said so.

It's still in the danger zone now, it's obviously not as convenient as carrying her to carry her.

After all, you need to use your hands to hug, but you don't need to carry it on your back.

In this way, both hands can be used for fighting.

"It's okay, it's just a little disgusting, it will be fine in a while.

Don't worry, Lucifer.

With you by my side, I will never force myself to mess around."


Lucifer didn't say anything more, they continued to move forward.

The steps under my feet have been walking for a long time, but I haven't seen...a tall person like before.

Not long after walking up the steps, Lucifer and Joan of Arc came to the main street of the city, as expected.

There is no one to be seen here, and the red moon in the sky gradually becomes: deep, like a reverse clock.

Suddenly, Lucifer sensed something was wrong in front of him, he pulled Joan over to hide in the alley next to him.


Lucifer put his fingers on Joan's mouth, and gestured outward with his eyes.

Joan of Arc looked at the corner of the street outside the alley.

There was an already crazy carnival going on at this time.

The figures of more than a dozen peasants and humans were revolving around a blazing flame, and the red light of their eyes could be vaguely seen through the light.

Not surprisingly, these people were already hopeless.

"O great god, I give everything.

I beg yours to come here."

A man in the center raises his arms and shouts towards the sky.

Then, others did the same.

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