The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 197

In order to avoid this finality, he kept calculating, but he couldn't get the answer after all.

For this reason, he went completely insane and turned into the ancestor of the Dead Apostles. He is still obsessed with calculating ways to avoid the destruction of the era.

Finally, he came here, Salem.

If this world is used as a parameter to calculate, if the world is destined to be destroyed, then if variables that do not belong to this world are introduced, can this fate be avoided?

Thinking like this, he met the voice of an outside god one day, and started his own plan from then on.

"Sorry, Master! The mission failed, and I can't stop them with my ability."

The wound on Yan Qing's arm was healed under the effect of magic.

His expression was a little guilty.

"In your world, is the King of Knights such a tricky fellow?"

Tsbya murmured and asked.

"Well, even if you ask me that, Master, I don't know! After all, I have never seen a living knight king, but the knight king after becoming a servant is... seen .

But how to put it, although she is also very powerful, she can still be deceived.

But this one here... is a bit too powerful..."

This is Yan Qing's judgment.

no.286 Up and down

As servants, they are all heroes from different time and space that can only be encountered after death.

At this time, it is only understanding, and it is impossible to judge the appearance of the other party before death.

Thinking of this, Zbia didn't pursue too much.

"I almost forgot that you are a follower.

Master-slave system, the person who invented this magic is really a genius."

"Using this system, the most we've done before is... the Holy Grail War.

I'm actually curious too, how can you summon me in another world without the Holy Grail."

"The necessary conditions for the existence of a Servant are magic power and a spiritual base plate.

The Holy Grail is not the key factor for your appearance, in other words, if you have the Spirit Base and enough magic power.

It satisfies the conditions for your appearance."

"But how did I show up"

Yes, until now Yan Qing is still somewhat surprised that she was summoned to this strange world.

When he first appeared, when he heard that the living knight king was fighting with the living Pepin the dwarf, he almost thought he heard it wrong.

Then I heard that Lei Di also fought with the King of Heroes, well, he has given up treatment after hearing this.

"The person who discovered your spirit base and summoned it was not me, but an existence from the outside world.

It is also what I am going to summon."

"That's the outer god you're talking about.

When did that kind of thing degenerate to the point where you need to complete the séance ceremony?"

Yan Qing said sarcastically.

No matter how you look at those monsters, they are considered gods, but this is also what makes him strange.

Why do they want to come to this world, and why do they have to borrow the hands of others.

"In the past, or in an unknown node of time and space, a war broke out between the Outer Gods and the Old Gods.

Because of the curse of one of the gods among them, it is impossible for all the outer gods and old gods to give birth to children.

They have finally fallen to the brink of extinction, they seem to have found something here, but they have no ability to enter the inner layer of the world."

Zbia calmly told some little-known inside stories.

The life of the Outer Gods is not easy, and this is exactly what he can take advantage of.

He wants to use the power of the Outer God, but he doesn't care what the other party wants.

"Poor guy.

Do they want to parasitize on this land?"

"Maybe, maybe not.

Be it or not, all I need is their power.

I will use them to change the fate of the destruction of the entire era.

For this, more than 5,000 people here need to be sacrificed."

In order to avoid the fate of the end of the era, this...nightmare magician thought of a last resort.

He firmly believes that in this way, he can successfully change the future.

In contrast, other methods cannot plan that... the future he wants, and he who has fallen into madness can only gamble once.

"There are more than 8,000 people here?"

"The rest can escape."

"What should I do now? They've come, and I can't stop them."

Speaking of this, Yan Qing turned the topic back to Lucifer.

"There are still two fighters that can be used below.

Besides, bait, you go over immediately and ask Roa to bring the sacrifice to the place where the [Ysu Holy Grail] is."


Yan Qing was a little surprised, he had never heard of this plan.

"Knight King is very tricky, his princess is very sensitive to the smell of blood.

If you can't stop it, find a way to take advantage of it.

Count that into the plan, and I get a new plan.



Anyway...I'm just working part-time now."

After speaking, Yan Qing's figure disappeared into the darkness.

In the distance of the clock tower, Lucifer and Joan of Arc are rushing here at high speed.

During the period, Lucifer asked Jeanne if there was anything suspicious about her.

To this, Jeanne's answer was yes.

"Clock Tower, I have a feeling something's going to happen there.

In this land, there makes me uncomfortable."

Joan of Arc advanced rapidly while speaking her own answer.

Compared to the power reaction on Joan of Arc, Lucifer used the principle of magic to deduce the problem.

"Jeanne is pretty much what I think.

If the entire city is used as the magic circle, and the water flow of the city is used as the magic flow, then the only core"

During the speech, they have come to the bottom of the giant clock tower.

The design of this bell tower seems to be somewhat similar to that of the church, and it seems to have the illusion of being in the previous church.

There are dozens of ghouls in the hall on the ground floor, and they are eating some residents who have long died.

"This is!"

Jeanne made a sound in surprise.

"The final destination of the inhabitants of this city."

Lucifer raised his hand, the flame in his hand had already started to burn and rushed over.

Seeing this scene, before Lucifer made a move, Joan had already made a move.

The flag in her hand sank into the ground with force, and in an instant, the white light diffused from her body enveloped the entire hall. In this layer of white light, all the ghouls and corpses were reduced to ashes and disappeared before her eyes.

After doing all this......, Joan's expression is a bit complicated.

"These things can't be allowed to continue."

"Somewhat strange!"

Lucifer also spoke at this time.


"There are two places where a lot of magic power is concentrated here.

What's going on, is one of them a bait?"

Lucifer murmured, feeling something was wrong.

There is a large mana source on the roof, but there is also a mana source underground.

If it is a magic circle, it is obviously impossible to have two cores.

The only explanation is..., one of them is the bait deliberately released by the other party.

"Jeanne, we may split up.

One goes down, one goes up."

After thinking for a moment, Lucifer said the solution before him.

There were two of them, and the other party obviously threw out such a bait on purpose.

Thinking of this step, Lucifer speculated that their battle had already been seen by the other party.

Then if you think about it this way, the opponent may consider their own combat power and deliberately put the weak opponent underground.

After all, the underground has a terrain advantage. In case of failure, you can blow up here directly and bury the people underground alive.

And the people upstairs can escape.

"I'm going down."

At this time, Jeanne had already said one step ahead.

She didn't think too much about it, but subconsciously felt that the situation below was more dangerous, so she wanted to go by herself.

Lucifer did not object to this.

Joan's ability is indeed more suitable for the following.


But, Jeanne, remember one thing.

If you find that the upper part is about to collapse, use your ability to protect yourself with all your strength.

When the time comes, I will punch through the entire underground with one blow and rescue you."

As he said that, Lucifer had already thought of a rescue plan.

As long as Jeanne guards her side, his power will not affect her at that time.

Even if she fails, she can quickly pass such a short distance.


Lucifer, please be careful too."

"Put your own safety first, come on!"

After speaking, the two of them went in different directions.

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