The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 317

Saying that, the evil dragon came to Louis and directly swallowed Louis into his body.

Then, he himself changed into the appearance of Lucifer, preparing to let the consciousness of Louis in his body sit on the special seat to watch what happened next.

In the dark, Mary kept running, the part of her long skirt had been torn off, in order to move faster.

Her eyes were filled with tears, and she kept recalling what happened today in her heart.

What happened that day overturned her previous cognition.

First, the palace was captured by rioters, and they had to flee, and then encountered a dragon, and the people who protected her died in battle one after another.

Even her dearest brother died to protect her.

She didn't know why she survived, and she didn't know why she survived.

Now she just listened to her brother's last words, subconsciously ran, and didn't even know the direction she was going.

The only thing she knew was not to stop, but to keep running and find someone reliable to go back and save her brother.

She has never thought about the question of who is the reliable person, Sanson and Dion who she once believed in are no longer there.

After running for a long time, she lost her footing and fell to the ground.

Now she is in a mess, and she is no longer the calm and luxurious princess before.

Under the moonlight, she looked up and saw Lucifer's figure again.

It's just that with the previous example, she is not sure whether the knight king in front of her is really the knight king.

If it was true, she thought back to the time she spent with Lucifer before, and what Dion said, she felt that Lucifer could go back to save people.

But, if not, it means her brother is dead.

She couldn't figure it out, so she just sat there blankly.


Mary was about to say something, but Lucifer had already spoken first.

"I am the King of Knights, Princess Mary.

Don't you know me, the demon who destroyed your country?"

Lucifer's smile at this moment is indeed similar to that of a devil, but the unintentional words in his words reminded Mary.

Mary instantly thought of what Lucifer said about how he didn't like calling himself the title of Knight King.

Thinking of this, she understood that the person in front of her was not Lucifer.

"Don't come here, don't come near me."

no.431 Another copycat

Lucifer, or the evil dragon was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Extreme danger will make people grow up quickly, and human beings always use their advantages in strange places.

Courage cannot be gained without facing death, and strength cannot be learned without experiencing disaster.

Even the stupid princess has learned to tell who I am, so funny, human."

"You! Brother..."

Mary asked subconsciously, but she couldn't even speak clearly.

"Your brother is not dead, he will see what happens next.

To see you raped to death by a man with that face."

Speaking of this, the evil dragon put his hands on his face, and his eyes were already glowing with demonic light.

In the legendary story, the scene of the dragon robbing the princess seems to be coming to reality.

Just as the dragon slowly approached the princess in front of him and stretched out his hand to start to ravage her little by little, he suddenly received a heavy blow on his face.

There was a pause in the air: it shook, and then, the whole body of the dragon flew to the ground, and it passed tens of meters before being forcibly stopped by him grabbing the ground with both hands.

The evil dragon wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up and looked at the person who attacked him just now.

"At first I thought I met my long-lost brother, but it turned out to be another copycat.

Being too famous is also a kind of distress, there will always be all kinds of messy things related to me."

Lucifer swung his hand, as if he hurt himself just now.

"Knight King!"

After seeing the person in front of him clearly, the evil dragon called out Lucifer's call sign.

Others seem to like this title more than Lucifer's difficult-to-pronounce name.

"Being violent to the little girl here in my face made my mood, which was not bad just now, drop rapidly.

Are you ready to plead guilty?"

At this moment, Lucifer's entire attention was focused on the evil dragon, he hadn't noticed that the woman on the ground whose face was already covered with dirt and dust was the princess of France.

After Tocqueville used Louis' false order to transfer Rinaldo away, he directly led the army to take over the Taniguchi stronghold on the main avenue.

Not a single soldier wasted at all.

After taking over, he immediately led the elite knights first, chasing and returning the French troops who left later.

Most of these.......French rear troops surrendered after being pursued.

I also got the news that Rinaldo had already led thousands of cavalry to ask for help from his king.

With the idea that maybe he could capture the Twelve Knights and the king together, Lucifer quickly moved forward with thousands of troops.

Just now, I was using my glasses to watch far ahead and found this scene.

Originally, I thought it was a drama about knights betraying their masters, killing people and stealing goods.

As a result, after seeing this guy's face, he lowered his longbow.

came over in person.

"Who cares about you.

A mere human dared to slap me in the face, that's fine, I didn't want to do it to you so soon.

Now that I have met, after killing you, I will use you to..."

The dragon was about to say something more, and then... another punch hit him in the face.

This time he still did not see Sifel.

The previous scene is repeated.

"Sorry! The smell from your mouth pollutes the environment, so your hands moved unconsciously.

That’s how it is, let’s not talk about others as counterfeit goods, at least the skin is thick enough.”

"Bastard! I can use your honor, and you dare to refuse my gift now."

The evil dragon looked at Lucifer viciously.

He finally understands now that Lure is much faster than him.

He wasn't originally the type known for his speed.

Among the Nine Dragon Kings, the strongest is the Ninth Emperor Dragon, and the fastest is the Calamity Thunder Dragon.

What he is stronger is the use of evil power.

While they were talking, the knights behind also followed.

They were stunned for a moment when they saw the two Lucifer, and then they all looked at the real Lucifer in unison.

Not to mention that the temperament of the copycat is not like a king at all, and he doesn't have the holy sword to choose a king in his hand.

"The last guy who dared to pretend to be me to deceive people has been killed by me.

Although you have committed a capital crime now, I am still very lenient.

Ok, so now, I give you two options.

Do you want to stay here and be killed by me, or stay here forever after being killed by me.

Pick one!"

Saying that, Lucifer has drawn out... the holy sword.

While he made an offensive stance, the knights quickly prepared for battle.

For... those who dare to pretend to be their own king, they will show no mercy, and will make such a guy pay the price.

"You're too naive to want to keep me with just these... useless trash, human.


The evil dragon looked around disdainfully, with wings growing from his back, ready to become himself, and destroy everyone here with one blow like before.

However, the moment he spread his wings into the sky, his neck was hit by the holy sword.

The strong force almost deformed his neck, but it still didn't cut into his body.

However, the steps he had just left the ground were also suppressed by the sword.

"Who is naive? You don't naively think that I don't know what you are, and then naively think that I will let you fly to the sky."

The fire of soul reflected in Lucifer's eyes is beating.

The spirit in dragon form is viciously burning the souls of the humans eaten within him.


"Gao Wen, you lead people around here.

Getting better and better.

Lancelot, go back quickly and tell Lungominiad and Arian Heard to come and support them alone.

The army retreated to the Taniguchi stronghold to garrison.

Atta, take Al and this girl away."

Immediately suppressing the humanoid dragon in front of him, Lucifer immediately issued an order.

Of course I am not afraid of such things.

But the soldiers next to you had better not be affected.




After everyone accepted the order, they left quickly.

During this time, the evil dragon was about to intervene, but was immediately suppressed by another holy sword.

The joint attack of Lucifer and Leah made him unable to resist for a while.

If it wasn't for his dragon scales being thick enough, it might have been cut into an unknown number of segments.

Considering that it would take time for the knights to retreat, Lucifer and Leah had a tacit understanding and didn't make any big moves, but suppressed it with sword skills.

However, such an approach obviously can only suppress, not solve it.

Their swords have cut countless swords on this dragon, but apart from the sound like cutting metal, only gradual marks are left.

Such a battle can't help but remind them of the Dragon King they first met.

"It's useless, nothing! Your efforts are in vain, and the holy sword in your hands can't hurt half of it.

The king of knights in Britain is not even as good as the knights of France.

That knight can at least put a scar on my body."

Despite being suppressed, the evil dragon still did not forget to laugh at Lucifer and Leah's incompetence.

no.432 The disappearance of the Dragon King

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