The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in Another World Chapter 326

We just want to write the story in our heart and make it appear on the stage.

When the time comes, I will ask you to rate us, I heard Liya say, Lucifer, you are a master in this field."


According to Liya's habit, even if I say that I am not, she will not believe it.

Well, just consider me a master.

Let me be your first and only audience.

Come on!"

"Well, we will work hard!"

Jeanne clenched her hands tightly, with a look of enthusiasm on her face.

"Sounds interesting, and I'd like to join in.

May I"

After Atta heard it, he also showed interest at the same time.

"No problem, we are short of manpower.

about this......"

Just like that, they unconsciously threw away Lucifer, and started discussing stories.

Lucifer smiled and didn't bother them, but left for a while, preparing to prepare some snacks, black tea or something for them.

However, when I walked to the corridor near the garden, I found Yu Ji who was sitting there reading a book.

"It's been so long, are you still not used to it?"

"I'm pretty used to it.

Otherwise, do you think I will be here now? Is it because Jeanne is too enthusiastic, I am now in refuge.

You, I warn you, don't think about betraying me, or I will make you look good."

"She was so enthusiastic that she invited you too"

Thinking of this, Lucifer immediately understood what happened.

Thinking about it too, with Joan of Arc's personality, she should want Yu Ji to quickly integrate into her life.

Instead of being out of gregarious like now.

"What do you think"

Yu Ji looked at Lucifer with your knowingly asking eyes.

"She has no malice, she just wants to share the joy in her heart with you."

"The problem is that there is no malice.

Sometimes passion without malice is more detestable than passion with malice."

"That's right, if there was any malice, you would have jumped up and slapped him away.


Thinking of this, Lucifer took out a cuboid crystal.

The result contained a specimen of a plant.


Yu Ji took it and looked at it, and found that the plants inside were of a type she had never seen before.

"You didn't like the gift you brought back from France, yesterday I went to look for it in my garden again.

Finally found a strange flower, this is its seedling."

"Haven't I already said that I don't want presents.

I owe you more and more, if I want to leave somewhere, it will definitely be regarded as a condition to blackmail me."

Facing Yu Ji's complaints, Lucifer said a little speechlessly.

"Am I this kind of person?"

"that is...."

"Okay! Since you look at me that way, I won't pretend anymore.

This is for bribing you, come with me to Rose."

Having said that, Lucifer simply set his target on this... in front of him.

If you don't fit in, you don't fit in. It's better than the two Greek gods who like to make trouble.

As for the master craftsman, I didn't think about it at the beginning.

"Do you like this kind of banquet so much that you even went abroad to attend it?"

"If I really liked it, I wouldn't have left early a few days ago.

But as a king, some things are still entertaining."

"Poor man bound by the throne."

"The feeling of being sympathized by you is a little subtle."

Lucifer smiled and said.

"I have no sympathy for you.

I accept this, tell me when it is time.

Don't worry, when you get to Rose, we will protect you."

"Oh, that would be great."

I really like talking hard.

no.442 A family of four

The day before departure was just in time for school holidays.

When the two lolis who were going to school came home, they pestered Lucifer to take them out to play.

The cat who came back together was also trained by the maid, but the cat was captured by Isabella immediately after the cat came back and continued to train.

It seems that the head maid of his own has finally found a good seedling, and plans to let the cat inherit the mantle.

Seeing that other people are busy working on the script, it seems that I am the only one who can take care of the children.

After finishing the disguise, Lucifer went out with the two little lolis under Liya's guard.

While walking, Lucifer was concerned about their academic issues.

Although it's okay for them not to graduate in their own identities, the reason why they go to school is because they will have fun with their peers there.

"Brother, Abby is number one!"

Speaking of grades, Abby happily raised his hand to Lucifer and said.

"It's great! Abby is much better than my brother and me when he was studying."

Lucifer patted Abby's little head and praised.

After being praised by Lucifer, Abby raised his head with a confident and complacent expression.

"Of course, don't worry, brother.

It’s a pity that you didn’t complete it before, but I will help you to complete it.”

She patted her little chest, showing off to Lucifer.

"Oh, that's how it is.

My brother regrets that he failed to graduate with a grand slam. Now that he is an adult, he can't do it.

My brother's regret, please Abby."

"Huh! Grand Slam means..."

"Yes, that's what it means, graduate with full marks in all subjects."

Lucifer smiled and said the meaning of grand slam.

In an instant, Abby's previous joy turned into depression.


In the silence, she was probably still thinking about how to respond to Lucifer's expectation.

At this time, Leah on the other side couldn't stand it.

"Luciel, don't bully Abby too much.

Didn't you say before that as long as she can graduate from school happily?"

Leah said what Lucifer said when chatting with her before.

"Leah, don't expose me.

Abby is so cute, people can't help but want to bully."

Lucifer smiled, but did not deny it.

At this moment, Abby immediately understood that he was played by Lucifer.

"Brother is a badass!"

Abby pursed his lips, with a very angry expression on his face.

"Yes! My brother is a bad guy, forgive me, who made my Abby so cute?"

"No! Unless!"

Abi secretly glanced at Lucifer while intentionally getting angry.


"Unless my brother carries me away."

"Yes, my princess."

Said, Lucifer hugged it with one hand.

Although this loli is a bit big, it doesn't put much pressure on me.

However, just after picking up Abi, Lucifer paid attention to Liya's helpless eyes, and Lily's open hands on the ground.

"Well, Lily, what's the matter?"

Lucifer looked at Leah with the same helpless eyes, then looked at Lily and asked.

"I want a hug too, brother."

Lily said happily.

After thinking about it, Lucifer looked at Leah, and now his right hand was holding Leah together.

Leah took the initiative to let go of Lucifer very caringly.

She doesn't mind this little time, and she doesn't want to compete with little Lolita.

Just like that, Lucifer walked with them holding a loli in each hand.

During this period, the two lolis were restless at all, they would go to buy snacks together from time to time, and their small stomachs were not as focused on eliminating these things as Leah.

In the end, most of the food they ate half was stuffed into their mouths in the name of caring.

Abby is fine, she would even wipe her mouth with a handkerchief intimately, but Lily didn't mean that at all.

However, he is very clear.

It's pretty good for Lily to be like this now, for...a person who swung the rainbow sword and destroyed half of the Olympic Games before, he can only take his time.

Came to a park that he often came to, Lucifer temporarily put down the two little loli.

They are going to rest for a while.

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