The King of Knights in a Different World

The King of Knights in the Moon-shaped Alien World Chapter 425

So the main direction of attack this time is not at sea."

Lucifer saw her worry and continued.

This is what this issue is about.

If Alexander had not captured Helen, his navy would still be the same as before, and it would be much easier for him to handle it.

But if he moves Helen's warships back, his alley attack will not be as easy as before.

In this way, the blitz plan may not be realized. If the time becomes longer, it is more likely that Gawain and the others will be sniped when they enter the alley.

"I see, Lucille wants to use the sea attack to attract troops from the east?"


Aristotle was very cautious, even if he only saw Siegfried, he still transferred Perdiccas over, and when he found a fleet suddenly appeared on the sea, he could only quickly transfer troops from here."

The eastern front is nothing in my eyes.

But the key is to defeat this side.

In essence, this plan is to attract Macedonian troops to divide their forces, which is similar to the previous Roman war.

Just in different ways.

Conquer Macedonia at the minimum cost, and then have enough troops to trap Alexander in Helen.

If the plan goes well, go north and attack Rome to join Mia. If it doesn't go well, join forces with Helen to bury Alexander in Helen's territory.


"Leah still feels a little sad about those battleships."

"Well, I always feel that this is a bit wasteful.

in spite of....

Whether we go to sea directly or go to sea like this, anyway... Macedonia will definitely find out."

"That's right.

But Leah, the effect of not being discovered until our fleet knocks on the door is completely different from being discovered right after we leave."

At this point, Lucifer held her hand and couldn't help laughing.

"no the same"

"It must be a surprise."

Atta thought for a while and expressed his thoughts.

In her opinion, Lucifer was very concerned about time when fighting.

Of course, this is not only about speed, but also sometimes about slowness.

For example, now.

"Ata is right.


If Aristotle already knew that my fleet was going to sea, he would definitely have time to think about and make corresponding preparations.

But when he suddenly appeared at his doorstep, he didn't have that much time.

It's impossible to deal with it calmly, what I want is...this."

If you know that someone is going to beat you up, you can think of various ways to avoid or even deal with it when you see him just leaving the house.

But if you are blocked at home by that person, you will have fewer options to choose from.

And seeing that the other party was already coming up with a big knife, there was no time to think so much.

"I thought you would go to sea together this time like last time."

"The last time we went to sea was because we needed to defeat the enemy quickly.

This time we have an enemy that we need to defeat quickly.

But, Leah, I remember you didn't like life at sea very much."

No matter how he looked at it now, Lucifer felt that Leah also wanted to try the idea of ​​a sea landing battle.

"If it's for you, I can bear it."

"Don't force yourself.

Just like now, the reason why I didn't go as fast as last time is because this time I need to let Aristotle discover the problem at the sea door first."

"In fact, Liya doesn't have to regret it, isn't it because her family is from the far east?

If you want to occupy the far east, you will definitely use ships."

Atta thought for a while and couldn't help but say.

"Well, next time I take a swimsuit vacation, I will get used to life at sea."

no.559 Make a sound in the east and attack in the west

A naval battle was taking place in the waters near the mouth of Salgar Lane in the south of Macedonia. The Macedonian navy, or a navy of the original Helen, encountered a British warship during a routine voyage, and the leader was Hyperion.

In fact, using the Riding God as a temporary satellite, Venus had already discovered this navy.

She also knew that she had no commanding ability, so she only gave the news to Derek and then waited for the news::.

As a result, the Macedonian fleet was surrounded when it discovered the British army, and the entire fleet was annihilated.

But the battle here also leads to discovery by others.

They quickly shrank their defense line and retreated to the alley, intending to rely on the fortress for defense.

And this news was conveyed to Aristotle as quickly as possible.

"Impossible at sea!"

Aristotle looked at this information and didn't believe it for the first time.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible for his subordinates to misjudge the British fleet.

Abnormal steel battleships are owned by no country except...Britain.

Thinking of this, Aristotle spoke.



A shadow suddenly appeared in the room.

"Did you really burn half of Britain's warships?"

Aristotle's tone was very harsh at this time.

"Judging from the situation at the time, it was half, but there may only be more than forty ships that are completely unusable. It depends on the intelligence within Britain.

After taking office, the new guard general said that he would tow the damaged battleship back to Edinburgh for repairs.

Now it seems that this is fake news.”

Hassan obviously knew he was being tricked.

He didn't know how much he had burned..., and now he suddenly felt that he might not have burned a ship.

But in an instant, he felt that it shouldn't be possible.

"What do you think, Henry?"

At this time, Aristotle looked at Henry beside him.

"It may also be that new warships have joined Britain. The report said that more than twenty steel warships were seen, which is much more than when they attacked France."

Henry talks about things.

"New battleship! Yes, it must be like this.

Although I don't know where the King of Knights Shipyard is, since it can build ten ships, there may be twenty ships.

Too careless.

Thinking that the British fleet was burned, he transferred the coastal troops."

Aristotle now also remembered that Britain probably had new warships.

In this way, their sea power will become disadvantageous.

The situation reported by his men was very urgent. He had no time to think about where the other party's ship came from. Now he could only make sure that the other party did have a ship.

"But the current situation is that the west also has to guard against it.

Siegfried is in the area of ​​the original Papal State. If he suddenly appears in the west now, our situation will be very bad."

Henry continued.

"It's too late. Salga is very close to the west. If the King of Knights uses France's tactics again, our western front will disappear entirely.

Do you have any good ideas to prevent Knight Five from completing the blitz?"

Aristotle looked at the former French strategist.

The other party had experienced a blitz and had more experience than this old man. Although he had some ideas in his mind, he still wanted to hear Henry's opinion.

"The only way is to... mobilize heavy troops to attack the sea before the King of Knights lands.

If Jean occupies the alley, there will be no room for recovery.

Because legions that are not listed will continue to be sent."

Henry said the only way at present.

"Hit the sea..."

“But it’s difficult for us to do that at the moment.

If this time is really like the one in France, then the King of Knights may be in this huge fleet, and there may even be other round tables."

Henry continued to talk about the difficulties on the Macedonian side.

Their troops on the coast are seriously insufficient.

Although there are still some new recruits, these recruits cannot be expected to defeat Lucifer.

If you want to stop it, you must be the best among the best.

But the problem is that their domestic elites have been taken to Helen by Alexander, and there are not that many elites at all now.

And there is only one place where there are elites.

That is the fortress to the west.

But if the troops here are transferred, Siegfried and St. George are likely to attack.

Aristotle kept walking back and forth, constantly calculating gains and losses.

What needs to be considered now is which side poses the greater threat, if Lucifer is allowed to land successfully.

Then the fortress in the west may be cut off, and what happened in France will happen again.

If the elites from the west are mobilized, the west may be lost, but the Knight King himself can be defeated.

Even because St. George and Siegfried were not very aggressive, the worst they could do was defeat Lucifer and then attack Siegfried.

Even worst, if both sides are defeated, they can still bring this army back to the royal city.

Thinking of this, Aristotle made a decision.

"Immediately ask Perdiccas and Polyperchon to lead an army of 70,000 men to the entrance of Sargar Lane to support them, and they must drive the King of Knights into the sea.

Order Myonis to increase patrols at the entrances of Kedia Alley and Milenke Alley. Once the King of Knights moves his target, we will also immediately move."

After Aristotle made his decision, Henry was a little surprised.

If this is done, then only Seleucus will be left in the west with 80,000 people, of which only 60,000 are real soldiers, and the remaining 20,000 are recruits.

"Master Aristotle, what will happen to the west if this happens?"

Henry couldn't help but said.

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