


The same method of losing points happened three times. Even if the opponent was Renji, Sanada's face was a little uneasy.

"Tennis will not disappear in a vacuum! Sanada was wary, wiped the sweat on the racket a little, and thought silently.

"I'm sure I'll find a flaw..."

Renji on the other side of the court raised his lips slightly when he saw Sanada's appearance. The effect had been achieved, and the induction power of the data output was more applicable than he thought.


Without saying much, he fired another tennis ball from his hand, aiming at Sanada's bottom line.

Sanada quickly followed up, and the racket touched the flying tennis ball. His arms stretched, but his muscles tightened, and he hit the tennis ball as much as possible.


In outdoor tennis where the light is not very good, such a super-fast return can cause unlimited damage.


Renji frowned, looked across the court, and let out a breath. Even now in the game, Sanada's body is still in an extremely high state, which is really surprising.

"It is indeed you, Genichiro."

There was admiration in his tone, but...But he also strengthened his belief in defeating the opponent, and continued to use extreme calculations, which made him feel a little bit pained by the fuss, but now is not the time to consider this situation.

Looking across the court, Sanada's immediate muscle movement, combined with his data, immediately detected Sanada's next move. He calculated the best position to return the ball, swung the racket, and made such a move A tennis ball was hit towards Sanada. target, left corner


Sanada also took one step, chasing the tennis ball in the middle with an incredible speed. Before the tennis ball could hit the ground early, he swung his racket to hit Renji's counterattack.

The action was done in one go from start to finish, even No matter how much physical energy is expended, we must intercept this ball.


After watching Sanada's actions, Renji's performance was a bit unexpected. Such a half-volley hit was an extremely huge drain on the player's physical energy. Even Sanada, after such a long duel, had already exhausted his physical energy. huge.

With this kind of waste, I'm afraid it won't be long before the physical energy will be completely exhausted, but Ren Er can still control it. but...Sanada, however, trusted his instincts very much, and he had a feeling that such a counterattack would be effective. snap



The duel was stalemate again. Renji's stunning counterattacks just now were not used again in a short period of time, as if they were sealed.


Renji's face was already a little pale. It had been close to seven minutes since he had just turned on the ultimate calculation. The level of mental consumption far exceeded his physical strength, but he still hadn't won the most critical goal. data output...

It is indeed very powerful, but the prerequisite is that it requires the most space and time to pull, just like data needs to be input and processed before data is output.

In particular, Renji had just realized this move, and his proficiency was completely insufficient. In the duel just now, he was able to use it perfectly, relying on the increase brought by the ultimate calculation.

But in the duel, Sanada did not play according to common sense. Renji in this state can suppress the opponent, but if he wants to win, he will need more time.

And using the brain so efficiently may not necessarily lead to victory in a protracted war.

"The situation is not good."The cold sweat on his forehead continued to flow down. Renji looked at his friend on the other side of the court. It was beyond his expectation that the strict Sanada would have such a crazy side.

And Renji was not the only one who had the same idea. personal...The same goes for Sanada across the court.

In a desperate situation

, he exploded his speed without any worries. He had to fight back at different points before the tennis ball landed. In order to prevent the data from being collected by the opponent, he had to disrupt his rhythm. This approach did work in a short time. , but the physical energy consumed is doubled.

The sweat all over my body has soaked all my clothes, and my physical fitness is approaching the bottom line.....

In the sunset, the light gradually disappeared, the two looked at each other, and the duel began again

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