"Even if the passenger flow is reduced by half, but a few days ago, there were about 10 transactions per day, why is there a sharp decrease in the remaining one today?"

Chen Lie's face was dark and ugly.

He can understand some irreversible facts, but he can't accept the fact that sales have plummeted.

After all, it's about the third super pet draw.

"Boss, it's all my incompetence, don't fire me!"

Liu Yifeng had never seen Chen Lie's black face so black, and he panicked in his heart.

Although she has only been here for a month, she already feels the superiority of working here.

Not only can I learn a lot of things, but I can also play with cute animals every day, eat delicious meals every day, and my monthly income, basic salary plus commission is a little higher than that of those college graduates.

Every time she heard her mother's excitement and praise her pride, she vowed to take good care of the job.

"Who said I'm going to fire you. "

Chen Lie asked angrily: "Tell me, why the customer flow has been reduced by half, but the sales are only one percent?"

"I don't know. "

"I'm obviously very enthusiastic, and my lips are dry. "

Liu Yifeng replied anxiously: "That's those guests who always ask about irrelevant things. "

Chen Lie asked, "What are they asking?"

Liu Yifeng replied: "Some asked us how to train our pets, some directly asked us if we used any special food to feed our pets, and the rest asked Ah Bao and Jiaojiao, and some even wanted to visit them here in the back alley." "

"It's weird. "

Chen Lie thought about it for a while, and knew part of the reason.

Those who ask about training and secret recipes are probably from somewhere else trying to steal the teacher.

As for looking for Tigress and Po, such scenes are staged every day, with the nearby aunts and uncles being the most enthusiastic, and even some parents bring their children over.

They basically want to think of it as a free zoo.

If it weren't for Bao, the place where they were active was the back alley and the warehouse, and they didn't let people in easily, otherwise they would have been messed up a long time ago.

"Well, it shouldn't be your business today. "

"And Bailing's affairs can be handed over to Qingqing, and I will take care of it tomorrow. "

Chen Lie wanted to see the faces of some people.

"Ah Lie, it's time for the live broadcast. "

Ren Qing saw Chen Lie's busy appearance and asked, "Why don't you take leave today and take a little rest, you will be enough today." "

"No, I don't. "

"It's a little tiring, but it's not so tiring that you take a leave of absence. "

Chen Lie knew that Ren Qing cared about him, but he still refused the kindness.

Right now.

Mr. Li called.

It was a very short phone call, and Mr. Li only said two words, "It has returned to normal", and one sentence, "I have time to drink tea together"

It's so simple, but it's so informative.

"Not bad. "

"After a bad news, compensate for a good news. "

Chen Lie, who was in a much better mood, began to clean up the room.

His live broadcast background is very simple, and he has been criticized many times.

But he doesn't plan to change.

Because that's where he lives, his style.

Cleaned up.

It's time for the live broadcast.


Suddenly there was a thunderclap.

Chen Lie appeared.

Fans gave subtitles for the first time:

"There was a loud bang in the sky, and the pet brother appeared loudly. "

"Very middle two appearance mode. "

"How many years of useless stalks, pet brother is still using it, old. "

Chen Lie habitually ignored these subtitles, and happily sold Guan Zi: "I found another mysterious guest today, are you looking forward to it?"

"I'm rubbing, won't you? The mysterious guest last time was a giant panda, what are you going to do this time?"

"If you can be a mysterious guest of your pet brother, it is definitely a national-level protected animal, and if you are not a national treasure, you are embarrassed to come out and speak. "

"Where is the national treasure so easy to find, I suspect that it is a popular star who comes to make a cameo. "

"That's right, now the popularity of pet brother is so high, look, now it's more than one million online, and those popular front-line obviously don't have such appeal. "

Chen Lie's words aroused a lot of expectations.

The queen arrived and said, "Brother pet, any guest can be, and the gift will definitely not be stingy." "

It's okay to put a rocket and say: "Pet brother, if you can find another national treasure-level animal as a pet, I'll give you 1,000 rockets!"

Greentown Lao Wang sighed: "The two local tyrants upstairs are so bold, then I can't be stingy, at least 100 rockets to express condolences." "

The words of the three local tyrants were all brought out with rockets.

For a while, the entire live broadcast room was in an uproar.

Just the three of them, 300 rockets are all right.

I don't know how many anchors who secretly watch it are so envious that they are almost crazy.

"Then I'll thank you all for the gifts. "

"Good news, by the way. "

Chen Lie reminded evilly: "After my unremitting efforts, our mystery guest has agreed to sing a song for our vast fans. "

"Sing, that's human. "

"Not a new national treasure, expressing disappointment. "

"My pet brother's live broadcast room is finally popular. Otherwise, the honest demonic spirit is pervasive, and I'm afraid that one day my pet brother will be demonized!"

"Upstairs is powerful, is it a novel or a screenwriter?"


The topic is distorted.

And Chen Lie was also in this happy atmosphere and started today's live broadcast.

The routine pet training scenes, as well as the pet performance scenes, still make fans watch with relish.

Many fans said that if it wasn't too far away, they really wanted to go to the super pet store to pick up their pets in person.

Of course, they habitually slander their pet brother.

The queen drove to the female fans on behalf of the majority of fans and asked: "Brother pet, why don't you support express delivery? Now the express delivery industry is very developed, and express delivery creatures abound." "

When the queen arrived, she barely added words such as "old thinking".

"Didn't I explain?"

"Forget it, I'll explain it again. "

"Now the express delivery is very developed, but that is only for the dead, there are too many defects in the live express, especially the pet express, the injury rate remains high. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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