The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 270: The Voice of Beihai

The cool medicine was swallowed into the abdomen along the blood in his mouth. Cheng Beijiang's trance spirit seemed to have been extremely stimulated, and he became sober all of a sudden.

He didn't hear the girl in front of him report her family name.

But he could clearly see this absolutely beautiful face.


Cheng Beijiang opened his mouth: "Miss Huangfu."

The code name is Jue Se, the surname is Huang Fu, and the name is Qiu Shui.

If the eternal sword above Murmans ended the era of the Sword Emperor of Beihai Wang and ushered in the current era of the Eastern Emperor, then in this era, in more than two years, Huangfu Qiushui can almost be said to be the younger generation the first person.

She is not much younger than Li Tianlan and Jiang Shangyu.

But the huge status gap has also formed a vague but extremely distinct age gap.

Li Tianlan, who is less than twenty-five years old this year, is fully qualified to become the number one master of the young generation in Central Continent.

But the title of the number one master of the younger generation is almost tantamount to insulting Li Tianlan.

Next year's God Ranking is where Li Tianlan should be.

In the era when the young Eastern Emperor reached his peak, there were no such names as Li Tianlan Jiang Shangyu Wang Shengxiao among the top ten masters of the younger generation in Zhongzhou this year.

Huangfu Qiushui is the first among the top ten masters of the young generation of Central Continent this year.

Huangfu Qiushui of Sky Academy.

The strength of the peak level of the Burning Fire Realm, and more than two years of enrollment, he has killed more than six peak masters of the Thunder Realm in several missions.

Everyone has always believed that as long as she successfully enters the Shocking Thunder Realm, her actual combat power will not be weaker than most half-step invincible masters.

Among the students of the two academies in the same class as her, not to mention any students who are on par with her, there are not even students who are entitled to see her back.

This is the real one. Her brilliance in the two courts now is even more dazzling than Li Tianlan's in the two courts at that time.

Because there is no comparison.

mention first,

Everyone would think it was Huangfu Qiushui.

She is codenamed Peerless in Sky Academy, and many people who know the inside story know that she is Xia Zhi's only student.

But in the two years of the Sky Academy, everyone was surprised to find that with every improvement she made, her current martial arts were fundamentally different from Beihai Wang's, especially the sword qi and sword intent, almost It is completely different from the Wang family of Beihai. If you insist on saying similar things, now Huangfuqiu

On the contrary, the sword energy and sword intent of the water are closer to Li Tianlan's sword way.

It's not Li Shi's way of swordsmanship.

It was Li Tianlan's way of swordsmanship.

So although Li Tianlan hadn't been out of the Desert Prison for a long time, as he shot again and again, the title of His Majesty became more and more stable. At the same time, Huangfu Qiushui, who deliberately got close to him with sword energy, gradually got the title of Little Eastern Emperor.

She has indeed never entered the Thunder Realm now.

But her actual combat power can already be ranked in the forefront of Dibing Mountain.

Cheng Beijiang stared blankly at her figure with complicated eyes.

He knew very well what Huangfu Qiushui's appearance meant.

This young high-end combat power with unlimited potential cannot appear alone.

Huangfu Qiushui's arrival here meant that Beihai's real high-end combat power had left Dibing Mountain and appeared on the frontal battlefield.

It also means that the floating island and holy state behind Liuli city have been cleared and appeared.

Beihai's high-end combat power rushed to Liuli City in the fastest time.

Next, is the most vicious counterattack.

It seemed to confirm his thoughts.

Sword lights suddenly appeared one after another in the chaotic night sky of Feixue.

The faint blue sword light and thunder criss-crossed in the boundless night sky, shining coldly.

Dense sword lights danced in the night sky of Liuli City, scattered in different directions.

The faint fighting sounds from different directions in the distance seemed to stop at this moment.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the block closest to Cheng Beijiang.

The blue sword light flying across the sky suddenly landed.

The endless sword lights spread crazily with surging blue arcs, covering the main block almost in the blink of an eye.

The raging sword energy spread wildly.

Around Jianguang, more than a dozen elites of Gaifeng Yujianliu were torn into pieces of flesh and blood in an instant.

Blue electric lights swirled and rose above the ground.

And the figure of an old man has already rushed out of the lightning, and appeared directly behind the thunder-shocking guest Qing of the blast Yujianliu.


The old and skinny but extremely hard arm directly smashed into the back of the opponent, the spine was torn apart under the huge force, the internal organs were completely shattered at the same time, blood and flesh flew, and the bloody old man threw away his hands and disappeared instantly The alive body of a master of the Thunder Realm looked down at Gaifeng Yujian who subconsciously stopped fighting

Flow elite.

Blood rolled down the old man's clothes.

He stood high in the sky, with his head down, condescending.

That old face faced a large number of elites of Gaifeng Yujianliu, with an indescribable ferocity and roughness: "Beihai Wang, here is the punishment!"


Amidst the deafening loud noise, the entire block was vibrating crazily. The endless thunder light occupied everything, and the thunder surged. Countless elites of the Gale Swordsman didn't even have the idea of ​​​​running away, and they were directly blasted by the old man with all his strength. The sea is completely shattered.

The red light in the sky flickered, and the electric light shuttled.

There are more and more masters rushing to Liuli City at full speed.

The sound of the helicopter roaring across the sky.

The fierce battle continued.

The sound of the North Sea.

The voice belonging to the Wang family of Beihai resounded in every corner of Liuli City, earth-shattering and fighting spirit soaring.

"Beihai Wang, the sky is here!"

"Beihai Wang, the enchantress is here!"

"Beihai Wang, the hornets are here!"

"Beihai Wang, the Phoenix is ​​here!"

"Beihai Wang, the heavenly troops are here!"

"Who else?!"

Different voices resounded through the whole city with a powerful atmosphere.

In the next second, earth-shattering cheers and roars suddenly sounded.

In an instant, the situation in every corner was reversed.

In front of Cheng Beijiang, Huangfu Qiushui looked down at the seriously injured middle-aged man, and said softly, "Why don't you retreat?"


Cheng Beijiang smiled miserably: "Where can we retreat? We are Beihai's fighters, and even trump cards. If we retreat from the Queen's City to Liuli City, where else can we retreat? Are we going to retreat all the way to Shengzhou, or even seek the soldiers of Dibing Mountain?" Asylum?"

"We are fighters. We have the best treatment in the whole of Central Continent and even the whole world. We are equipped with the most advanced armaments and have the best logistics. We are the guardians of the North Sea, not the burden of Dibing Mountain. We are fighters... .How can I withdraw..."

Cheng Beijiang said softly: "I can't retreat."

Huangfu Qiushui looked at him with his head down for a long time.


She said softly: "I can't retreat anymore."

Cheng Beijiang straightened his body, struggled to get up, and repeated the last order he heard in a low and hoarse voice.

"Go forward, or die."

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