Until Feng Qingwu's figure completely disappeared, Lin Shiyi and the other two elites from the God of War world remained motionless.

Behind him, the spaceship that has integrated many high technologies from the God of War world gradually became nothingness under the erosion of the surrounding real environment, and the snow-capped mountains that turned into ice peaks were quiet.

Lin Shishi and the others waited for a long time.

There is no room for carelessness in the confrontation with the fraudsters. There are too many such examples in history. Their frontal combat effectiveness is indeed not outstanding, but countless details have paved the way. Too many so-called big men have been in the hands of the fraudsters. The boat capsized in the gutter, although Feng Qingwu has disappeared now, but no one is sure whether the other party has deceived their vision, maybe Feng Qingwu himself is actually standing beside them.

No one spoke, and no one moved.

In the cold wind, Lin Shishi stood expressionless for a long time.

He didn't know how long he stood there.

Because he was not sure if his vision was deceiving him, he was also not sure if his perception of time was deceiving him.

"As for?"

Lin Shixi murmured to himself in a low voice, breaking the silence.

It may not be a big deal for Li Tianlan's current strength to expand to the entire God of War Realm and the Time-Space Corridor, but in the City of Miracles, he is already close to the real end, and the famous King Wei is also by his side. Lin Shiyi naturally knows the so-called importance and proportion , and even if we don’t talk about these things, the past majesty deserves everyone’s respect, and Lin Shiyi can’t really be unscrupulous. He came to the City of Miracles just to find his own opportunities and to touch the truth of Li Tianlan’s body. Branding takes itself one step further.

It was as if he rushed over excitedly and wanted to play a game with Li Tianlan, but in the end the princess in the fucking space-time corridor came over with a Star Destroyer gun and put it on his forehead to monitor his every move all the time.

How nervous is it that Li Tianlan can do this?

is this necessary?

"Your Highness, speak carefully."

The apostle behind Lin Shiyi said softly, at this moment, let's not say whether what they saw deceived them, at least everyone heard what the Highness said before he disappeared.

I will keep an eye on you.

This also means that their every move in the City of Miracles will be watched by others. Don't say that they can't talk nonsense now, even in the future, they can't talk nonsense.

The apostle's heart was a little blocked,

It is really full of anger and there is no place to vent. Although there are only three people from the God of War Realm this time, the lineup is already extremely luxurious. He is an apostle, while the middle-aged woman is a saint. In addition to Lin Shiyi, three people, It is almost a team without any shortcomings. They thought they could help their royal highness to flex their muscles under the eyes of the time-space corridor, but no one expected to meet the top giant of the time-space corridor as soon as they arrived at the destination. Really strong enough.

The corner of Lin Shiyi's mouth twitched, he shook his head, but finally said nothing.

"Where are you going now?"

He tentatively took a step forward, and his figure suddenly became normal.

For this place, they are real outsiders, who they need to contact, where to start, how to develop, and how to confront the East Palace, all of which need to find an entry point.

Lin Shiyi glanced at the apostle behind him.

The apostle's eyes flickered, and countless data flowed in his pupils, turning into virtual signals one after another.

The virtual signal continued to spread around him, invading without any hindrance, and countless materials were instilled into his mind at the same time.

The concept of the earth took shape, various histories, and countless characters imprinted in the depths of my mind at the same time, and the virtual data flow spread in Europe and swept the world.


The apostle suddenly gasped in surprise, and then said, "Your Highness, the location of the East Palace has been locked, and someone has protected the information database of the East Palace."

Lin Shiyi frowned.

It is impossible for anyone here to be able to block the intrusion of the apostle's information, and even be unable to detect it. The protection of the East Palace is undoubtedly from Xuanyuan Wushang. Some Ninth Princes in the Time-Space Corridor who are not like princes are also famous. Lin Shiyi is not sure about his current situation, but God of War Realm has clearly recorded that at a certain period, the saint Xuanyuan Wushang already had part of the apostle's authority.

If Xuanyuan Wushang also has this kind of ability now, it means that his authority in the order camp has been unimaginably high.

The apostles are the existence next to the doomsday, and in the current human race, this is almost close to the peak of technological power. The human race belongs to the neutral camp, and it is impossible to be promoted from the apostles to the doomsday. At this level, it is already the neutral camp that chooses the order The promotion limit after that.

The saints also belonged to the camp of order.

It is almost a miracle that Xuanyuan Wushang chose the path of the two camps of order without a neutral force as his foundation, and has never been assimilated into a puppet by order so far.

His status in the space-time corridor is no lower than that of Lin Shiyi, otherwise he would not be able to become Li Tianlan's guide.

"Go around."

Lin Shixi said calmly. The apostle's eyes flickered slightly, and he said softly: "A suitable solution has been found."

In the shortest time, he has already stored all the data in the City of Miracles.

It's not memory, but storage. When needed, he can recall everything he has stored.

The apostle opened his palms.

A virtual light curtain rises in front of him, several continents in the light curtain are rotating rapidly, the landmass, the ocean, everything starts to converge, quickly turning into a blue planet.

"We're in this position now."

The apostle's finger is slightly on the virtual planet.

A tiny red dot appeared on the planet.

"It's 965 kilometers away from the headquarters of the Lin Clan in a straight line. However, Wangyou Mountain Villa has been affected by the brand of reality. For a certain period of time, it will be difficult for us to get close."

"The Lin Clan is very powerful. In addition to the headquarters of the Lin Clan, there is also a branch of the European Union on this continent. I invaded their database. In terms of overall strength, the branch of the Lin Clan in Europe should be the most powerful. They should be the holy kings. descendants, it is difficult for us to find a suitable identity here."

The apostle's finger clicked again.

The virtual sphere in front of him was spinning.

"This is the most suitable place."

As he spoke, his complexion began to darken, becoming a little darker.

"This is Feilu."

The apostle said softly: "According to the records of Wangyou Mountain Villa, the headquarters of the Lin clan, a branch went to Africa for development sixty-five years ago. Up to now, it has not contacted the headquarters. It is in a state of losing contact with the headquarters of the Lin clan. I just After investigating their information, this branch still exists, but it has been in decline for nearly twenty years, and the family is sparsely populated. Your Highness, we can use the identity of this family to officially appear in this world."

They need a proper identity.

This down-and-out branch of Feilu can completely provide them with such an identity. Even if there is something that cannot be solved, the existence of the apostle can make them seamless.

Lin Shiyi raised his head and looked around.

There seemed to be a line of sight falling on him from somewhere, but the other party didn't make any statement.

Lin Shishi didn't know where the eldest princess was, or even if she was still in the City of Miracles, but he was sure that he was in the sight of the other party.

The other party didn't make a statement, so there was nothing dissatisfied with this identity.

Lin Shishi took a deep breath, suppressed the aggrieved emotions in his heart, nodded, and said calmly: "Then we will start with Feilu."

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