The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 320: The same starting point

The two sword lights approached instantly with the same determination and strength.

The world has become completely chaotic at this moment.

Colorful, shining light, Li Tianlan transformed into a sword, from top to bottom, all the way through the sky and the ground are filled with crazy lights of all colors, unparalleled brilliance, unparalleled sharpness, every color, every light is different Sword Qi, majestic, chaotic, but perfectly integrated together.

Countless sword intents have turned into the purest sword light, this is not just Sword Twenty-Four, at this moment, this light is the purest way of the sword.

The colorful light keeps refracting.

But Wang Shengxiao rushed up from below from bottom to top.


Everything is blurred.

It was a vague and chaotic state, not bright or gorgeous, like a transparent fire, burning everything in all directions violently.

His body rushed up, centered on the place where his original combat power was, everything was completely evaporated in the blurred light and shadow, as if the blurred sword light that could burn everything was constantly accelerating, bursting with force, the air, space, and even all directions All the colorful sword lights were burned into nothingness.

The turbulent colorful light spread again, completely covering all the buildings in the entire East Palace.

The moment the sword energy finished covering the East Palace, two beams of light collided with each other in an extremely fierce manner.

It's not the loud bang of metal and iron.

The moment the sword light collided, it was like the dull sound of a fist hitting a fist.

Shatter, boil, mess, explode.

The extremely fierce colorful sword light directly tore the transparent flame that seemed to burn everything at the moment of contact.

The flame-like sword light flew in all directions in an extremely messy manner.

The sword energy went completely berserk with unimaginable destructive power.

In the extremely bright and shining light, Li Tianlan's palm suddenly moved.

The invisible shock wave of the collision between the two shattered the space, and swept towards all the buildings and people in the entire East Palace. In the next second, the colorful light covering the entire East Palace suddenly lit up.

Few people can notice this momentary change.

But the few people in the Thunder Realm in the East Palace are keenly aware of all this.

"This is..."

Among the crowd, the military division's pupils suddenly shrank for a moment.

The seemingly endless colorful sword light enveloped the entire East Palace, enveloped everyone in the East Palace, every tree, every grass, every drop of water, soft, tough, and peaceful.

The transparent sword light that was torn apart by Li Tianlan flew wildly. To ordinary people, it can definitely be said to be devastating. Suddenly, the entire East Palace was swept away, and everyone in the East Palace was swept away.

The shining seven-colored sword light fluctuated slightly, and a large area of ​​seven-colored ripples suddenly appeared in the air, but everything in the entire East Palace was not damaged or changed under the shock wave.

This is definitely not something that Jian Qi can do.

The sword qi and sword intent that focus on attack can indeed play a protective role sometimes, but it can't be so perfect.

When Li Tianlan flipped his hands, the seven-colored sword light covering the entire East Palace unexpectedly turned into...

turned into a field? !

And is it an incomparably perfect and incomparably pure domain? !

Everyone was a little confused, including Li Tianlan himself.

Li Tianlan didn't know why this happened, he just thought he could do it, but he didn't know why he could do it.

Among the crowd, only Xuanyuan Wushang and Xing Tian watched all this silently without speaking.

They don't recognize the so-called four realms of martial arts in the City of Miracles at all. It sounds like such a thing, but in fact it is specious. As for invincibility, it is even more ridiculous. The division of the two paths is completely correct, but it is also completely wrong. Thinking is different, and the truth of touching is different. All cognition will inevitably have limitations.

Domain, sword energy, everything is actually the most basic thing, energy.

Pure energy.

Different changes in energy will have different manifestations, such as sword qi, such as domains, but the essence is the same, that is, energy.

The so-called martial arts, even higher levels, different paths, all of these have a more precise adjective.

A Xuanyuan Wushang knew that Li Tianlan would be confused, but he didn't dare to say and couldn't say words that he could only let Li Tianlan notice by himself.


Xuanyuan Wushang watched quietly.

The sword light, which was completely transparent but burning everything, shattered into countless pieces, flying around in disorder from the sky above the East Imperial Palace, and the dense sword light turned into a field in the blink of an eye.

Li Tianlan paused for a moment.

Without hesitation, without hesitation.

In an instant, the completely messy transparent sword light changed in an instant!

Deceitful sword!

Wang Shengxiao's figure was completely nothing.

The entire space of the East Palace seemed to be completely burnt up, blurred.

The chaotically flying transparent sword energy and the burning space have been completely integrated into one, indistinguishable from each other.

Wang Shengxiao completely completed the most perfect concealment while retreating.

The sword light surged violently.

The burning space is also surging.

The world seems to be moving, but it seems to be completely different.

Li Tianlan, who was surrounded by colorful sword lights, suddenly tightened his body.

The sword light was like a tide, spreading in an instant, mighty and mighty.

In an instant, the completely violent but illusory transparent sword light rushed towards Li Tianlan from various weird and tricky angles.

Back and forth, left and right, up and down.

Endless attacks came from every unimaginable angle, it was hard to guess and impossible to guard against.

The essence of Beihai's kendo is indeed explosive. Beihai's kendo is powerful, but this does not mean that their kendo has no corresponding changes and dexterity. Defective.

The cunning sword sounds like just one style, but it is the pinnacle of Beihai Wang's swordsmanship skills.

Unpredictable, weird, violent storm, hard to guard against.

The sword light surged violently.

The colorful sword light centered on Li Tianlan for a moment, turning into a colorful halo.

The halo was completely torn apart by the transparent sword energy in an instant.

Absolutely full of energy tore through Li Tianlan's sword energy defense, and countless attacks landed on Xuanyuan Feng's transformed black windbreaker in an instant.

Aggressive, oppressive, Wang Shengxiao, who has enough strength to support him, is completely like a different person, strong, resolute, decisive, every move, every sword has a touch of madness that is no less than Li Tianlan!

The seemingly invisible sword light instantly brought about an extremely violent storm.

The transparent sword light continuously danced and shuttled throughout the entire East Palace, with distinct layers, and the angle of attack became more and more tricky.

The sword energy streaked across the windbreaker, hair, and face.

Li Tianlan's face was directly slashed with a shocking wound by the sword energy.

Blood flowed out.

The wound heals instantly.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the colorful sword light around him suddenly turned.

The colorful rays of light all over the entire East Palace instantly shrank towards Li Tianlan crazily.

The light swept over everything, and all the transparent sword lights that shuttled from all directions were swept and oppressed by the colorful light in an instant, approaching Li Tianlan.

Jianguang completely turned into a domain.

The domain contains all the transparent sword lights that are completely shrunk, and the entire battlefield is shrunk in an instant.

Perhaps Wang Shengxiao is nothing to be afraid of, but his current situation is really a bit tricky. He and Wang Tianzong have the same sword energy. The sword energy has been completely baptized, and now Wang Shengxiao's sword intent and Wang Tianzong's sword energy have almost completely matched, and Wuyou's energy is the strongest catalyst and fusion agent. In this state, when fighting Wang Shengxiao, Li Tianlan was fighting directly with Wang Tianzong.

After all, as an energy core, Wuyou can completely carry Tianjiao's sword energy, and it is even more suitable as a pure energy body than Xuanyuanfeng.

The sword qi of their father and son are infinitely compatible, but they are not completely compatible after all, but even so, Wang Shengxiao's real combat power at this time is already at the real peak, and it is only half a step away from Wang Tianzong in the Murmans period. Before the sword energy and worry-free energy are exhausted, it is almost equivalent to the Central Continent Sword Emperor before the final breakthrough with Jie.

This is better than Li Tianlan's state before the breakthrough, there is no doubt about it.

Li Tianlan just broke through and needs to be familiar with, and Wang Shengxiao can also continue to make his sword intent and Wang Tianzong's sword intent more compatible.

what does that mean?

This means that as long as Wuyou's energy is not exhausted, Wang Tianzong's sword energy can be replenished all the time. Then when Wang Shengxiao's sword intent perfectly matches Wang Tianzong's sword energy, Wang Shengxiao can fully exert Wang Tianzong's sword energy when he was in Murmans. The most peak strength.

That is, the strength of the truly supreme Tianjiao level.

Wang Shengxiao's path has been completely clarified since today.

He just needs to match his sword intent with Wang Tianzong, there is no bottleneck, the road in front of him can directly reach that supreme level.

Li Tianlan's sword intent is already perfect, and there is no bottleneck, as long as he has time, he can reach the supreme level.

What both sides need is time, who will be one step faster?

This step means too many things, not only the advance and retreat between the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family, but even the life and death between the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family.

Li Tianlan himself did not expect that an opponent who had been far away from him would force him to the point where he could only race against time overnight.

This is the background of the Beihai Wang family, but it is also because of Wang Shengxiao's personal talent and hard work.

This step between the two is extremely important.

But it doesn't matter.

Realizing this, Li Tianlan became more determined in his heart.

Perhaps Wang Shengxiao didn't want to kill him at first.

Because of the delicate relationship between the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family.

But this so-called delicate relationship will be completely broken no matter who takes that step first.

That being the case, what's the point of maintaining it now?

Wang Shengxiao might have concerns.

But Li Tianlan, who has already broken through and entered the invincible realm, and has truly stood on the threshold of Tianjiao, has no scruples!

kill! ! !

This kind of Wang Shengxiao, such a cunning sword, would have been difficult for him to deal with in the past, but the moment the sword energy was transformed into a domain, everything became clear.

Li Tianlan's eyes suddenly became sharper, and the colorful rays of light gathered towards him from all directions became more and more shining. The field continued to shrink, and the battlefield between the two quickly shrank. Countless transparent sword auras were particularly dazzling in the field completely covered by the colorful lights. Clearly, a large number of sword lights were oppressed and kept gathering.

One, two, three, countless...

Countless sword lights gathered together in the ever-shrinking field.

Emperor Dao Sword!

No thought or hesitation at all.

The moment all the sword lights were about to gather, the sword's momentum of the Guidance Sword turned instantly.

Wang Shengxiao's figure reappeared, and the huge sword edge of the sky had already pierced Li Tianlan's chest.

Really unimaginably determined and strong.

Wang Shengxiao's sword intent has been changing, nimble, resolute, decisive, and confident. He has always followed Li Tianlan's fighting rhythm, never falling behind.

Emperor Dao Sword.

Dominate the world!

Li Tianlan has also studied this sword.

Among Beihai Wang's six reincarnation swords, this is the simplest sword, and it is also the sword that looks the most similar to Wang Daojian but is different or even completely different.

Wang Daojian is heavy.

And Emperor Daojian is seeking simplicity.

The simplest straight thrust, the strongest burst, the shortest distance, the fastest speed.

The simplest ones are often tried and tested.

The huge sword edge in the sky flickered with cold light.

The sword and the figure instantly became extremely clear, extremely simple, and extremely ordinary.

Jianfeng goes straight!

Every time this seemingly simple sword trembled, it carried an extremely heavy edge and killing intent.

This sword cannot be avoided.

Even Li Tianlan couldn't avoid it.

The sword edge tore through the air and traversed the distance. The moment the heavy sword tip landed on the black windbreaker, Li Tianlan stretched out his hands.

With both hands together, the sword light shines.

A fierce and violent force exploded out of Li Tianlan's hands.

Suddenly, there was a wild sound between heaven and earth.

Blood gushed out of Li Tianlan's hands, and the huge and thick blade of the sky suddenly broke into two pieces.

The moment the blood bead and the sword edge shone in the air, Wang Shengxiao let go of the hilt of the sword, and pointed like a sword, pointing directly at Li Tianlan.

The distance between the two narrowed in an instant.


Wang Shengxiao has been rushing to attack, not only keeping up with Li Tianlan's rhythm, but even trying to suppress Li Tianlan's rhythm.

Li Tianlan had never even experienced such a feeling in his life except during practice with Li Honghe.

Wang Shengxiao's fingers became completely transparent even at this moment.

The mighty sword energy gathered at his fingertips, carrying ultimate strength and speed.

His sword intent has the same origin as Wang Tianzong.

The sword energy on his body at this moment is supreme.

Worry-free energy is extremely abundant.

Even in terms of his own physique, Wang Shengxiao also has a natural wind and thunder pulse.

Wang Shengxiao has never been bad.

Even though Li Tianlan has risen so quickly, Wang Shengxiao, who has always been low-key, has always been considered one of the top powerhouses of the younger generation. Now, with the appearance of the coat of sword energy on him, all his shortcomings seem to be completely made up for.

One's own physique, one's own vision, one's own combat art, everything seemed to be completely perfect.

There is no sky in his hand, but this sword is the closest to perfection.

Holy Sword!

Calm, majestic, deep, lofty.

The fusion of sword energy and sword intent, the fusion of sword intent and sword light, the fusion of sword light and energy, the fusion of energy and sword energy.

In an instant, Wang Shengxiao's whole body turned into a sharp edge that seemed to be able to split the world.

The distance between the two is too close.

The moment the sharp edge rose, the irresistible sword intent of the Holy Sword appeared directly in front of Li Tianlan.

At such a close distance, Li Tianlan punched Wang Shengxiao's arm hard without hesitation.

The arms of the two collided fiercely, and the sword energy shot up into the sky. Wang Shengxiao, who was pointing like a sword, let go of his palm one second before the holy sword was about to explode.

His palm shifted slightly under Li Tianlan's fist, but he stretched forward instantly, grabbing Li Tianlan's clothes suddenly.

Li Tianlan's clothes...

What is Li Tianlan's current clothes?

It was Ruthless, it was Xuanyuan Feng who had just absorbed a small amount of Wuyou's energy but hadn't recovered yet!

Wang Shengxiao has never forgotten his purpose.

Li Tianlan is very strong, stronger than he expected.

According to Wang Shengxiao's prediction, Li Tianlan's combat power should be weaker than it is now.

He came to Tiannan to take Xuanyuanfeng because he speculated that Li Tianlan was likely to be seriously injured, but he also made preparations for Li Tianlan not to be injured.

He thought that his current strength should be stronger than Li Tianlan.

But when he saw Li Tianlan, he realized that this was not the case at all.

Among other things, Li Tianlan's second heart made Wang Shengxiao a little puzzled.

What he originally thought was that his own strength was already stronger than Li Tianlan's. As long as Wuyou merged with Wuqing, he would not have to worry about the East Palace in the future. In other words, the Wang family of Beihai has the peak level of combat power, or Wang Tianzong's injury has recovered, or his own sword intent is perfectly integrated with his father's sword energy, then there is no need to be afraid of Li Tianlan.

He felt that he was stronger than Li Tianlan, and the speed of fusing sword energy should be faster, and it would not be too late to deal with the East Palace.

But now, Li Tianlan...

Seems like a breakthrough?

The two seem to have stood at the same starting point and looking at the same end point.

Li Tianlan had murderous intentions towards Wang Shengxiao.

When Wang Shengxiao realized this, why didn't he have the intention to kill Li Tianlan?

But no matter what, his main goal is still ruthless.

If you can get Ruthless today, the battle with Li Tianlan doesn't have to be today.

His outstretched palm grabbed Li Tianlan's collar.

The moment the mighty sword energy suddenly erupted, Wang Shengxiao raised his head suddenly.

In his line of sight, what he saw was Li Tianlan's extremely calm and indifferent face.

Plain, firm, calm.

Don't retreat, don't let, don't dodge, don't avoid.

Li Tianlan raised his palm.

A strong uneasiness instantly enveloped Wang Shengxiao.

No hesitation, no time to think.

He suddenly let go of Xuanyuan Feng's collar.

The incomparably majestic sword light erupted suddenly in his hands, burning everything.

Wang Shengxiao's whole body seemed to burn completely at this moment.

Six reincarnation swords!

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