The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 324: Position

The virtual light blue lines show a little bit of white.

Everything was digitized the moment it was shrouded in light, and a faint light burst out from one point and spread in all directions.

The light faded the white clouds and sunlight in the sky, outlining the shape of a door.

Two figures with completely virtual bodies fell out of the door, stumbled, one kneeled on one knee, and the other almost fell to the ground.

"Cough cough cough..."

Blood flowed out of Wang Shengxiao's mouth along with coughing.

The moment when the sword qi coat was constantly pulled, deformed and torn to shreds may have been very short, less than a tenth of a second, but the pervasive sword qi still left extremely serious injuries inside and outside his body. After experiencing this unimaginable virtual shuttle and returning to the real world again, his posture was extremely embarrassing.

Trembling, he crushed a button on his body, mixed the medicine powder inside with blood, and ate it. Wang Shengxiao propped his hands on the ground, panting heavily.

Lin Shishi, who was kneeling on one knee, also coughed up a cloud of blood mist, but his breath completely stabilized immediately.

The venomous sunlight shone unscrupulously in the endless grassland.

He straightened up slowly and looked around. A little farther away, the apostle and the saint were rushing towards him.

"It's safe here."

Lin Shiyi looked down at Wang Shengxiao, and stretched out his palm to him: "That His Majesty will not chase here."

Wang Shengxiao hesitated for a moment.

Although the other party had saved his life, but upon careful observation at this time, Wang Shengxiao was very sure that he did not know the other party. How could there be any kindness for no reason in this world? Any kindness that does not seem to be reciprocated means that he will have to pay a greater price in the future to repay it. He took a deep breath, held Lin Shiyi's palm and stood up, vigilant in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface: "You save me!" me."

"do not worry about it."

Lin Shixi smiled and said.

Wang Shengxiao looked around, feeling a little dazed. Their current location seemed to be the center of a grassland, but the grassland was a bit too big. With Wang Shengxiao's eyesight, he couldn't see the end of the grassland, which was about a thousand meters away. , is a somewhat blurred black and white tone, in groups.


Wang Shengxiao was a little dazed,

It seemed to be a group of extremely large zebras.

here it is...


Tiannan has such a large-scale wildlife park?

Not to mention the safari park, most of the mountains are not well developed in Tiannan, and it is not easy to find such a large flat grassland.

Wang Shengxiao was not sure about the details of Tiannan, but he was sure that there should be no wild animals around Xuanyuan City. In the development plan of Xuanyuan City, this plan will not be implemented until at least three years later.


Wang Shengxiao carefully recalled the extremely miraculous shuttle just now.

Lin Shiyi pulled him into a door, and then opened another door. The whole process only took a few seconds.

In such a short time, could they have left Li Tianlan's sword energy? Left the East Palace? Leaving Xuanyuan City?

How can this be?

Wang Shengxiao was thinking silently, recalling where the wild animal park closest to Xuanyuan City was, and subconsciously asked, "Where is this?"


Lin Shixi said softly: "To be precise, it is West Africa."

His voice was flat and flat.

"Cough...cough...cough cough cough..."

Wang Shengxiao didn't come up in one breath, coughed violently in an instant, and blood foam flowed out of his mouth again, which was shocking.

But Wang Shengxiao didn't care about this at all. He raised his head and looked at Lin Shiyi in a daze. In a hurry, the Mandarin in his mouth suddenly changed to Northeast dialect with a little foreign emphasis on Beihai: "What are you talking about?!"

"We are in West Africa, so we are very safe here, and His Majesty will not be able to catch up here. Calm down and don't get excited."

Lin Shishi looked at Wang Shengxiao.

The smile on his face faded, and the whole person became very flat.

The outstanding eleventh prince of the God of War Realm is indeed very similar to his father. He is not overbearing, but he is not very gentle. Most of the time, he is calm and even has no characteristics, but he still makes him laugh. One cannot ignore.

"Africa...West Africa..."

Wang Shengxiao muttered to himself and shook his head vigorously.

Apostles and saints came trotting.

"Your Highness, how are you?"

The apostle looked dignified, but the saint was like an enemy. She even subconsciously raised her palm, and a thick white light shone in his hand.

Li Tianlan.

For this identity, this name, they are still very unfamiliar.

The Li Tianlan they knew was completely different from the current Li Tianlan. Lin Shiyi's fight with him, no matter how short it was, was enough to make one's scalp numb and dare not be careless.

Your Highness?

Wang Shengxiao subconsciously caught this sensitive word, and his mind became more and more confused.

"I'm fine."

Lin Shiyi shook his head and motioned to Wang Shengxiao: "His injury is quite serious."

The saint raised his palm without any hesitation.

An incomparably shining milky white beam of light suddenly burst out from her hand, covering Wang Shengxiao's body.

The warm feeling instantly enveloped Wang Shengxiao's whole body.

Then there were the fixes that were beyond his common sense.

The external wound healed quickly.

The extremely pure and soft energy penetrated deep into the internal organs, repairing all the injuries, the blood flow in the body continued to accelerate, the cells seemed to proliferate rapidly, and regained their activity. In an instant, Wang Shengxiao's injuries had completely recovered.

Wang Shengxiao stood quietly on the spot, feeling the changes in his body.

All this change should make him ecstatic.

But a strong uneasiness and chill continuously rose from his bones, almost freezing his soul.

He didn't know what that meant.

Not knowing was what frightened him the most.

"who are you?"

Wang Shengxiao looked at Wang Shengxiao and asked seriously.

In just a few seconds from Tiannan, he crossed the ocean and traveled thousands of miles to Africa, regardless of whether it is true or not. Just now, the middle-aged woman next to Lin Shiyi caused his injury. It is impossible to completely restore this method, even beyond everyone's cognition.

"My name is Lin Shishi."

Lin Shishi made another self-introduction: "One of the branches of the Lin tribe, we have lost contact with the headquarters of the Lin tribe many years ago. Now, we are the most down-and-out branch of the Lin tribe, right?"

"The worst?"

Wang Shengxiao raised his eyebrows.


Lin Shixi nodded his head as a matter of course: "Our branch, now only the three of us are here, and even the family headquarters has to be relocated, isn't that downright depressing enough?"

"I don't think so."

Wang Shengxiao shook his head calmly: "With your abilities, no one will think that you are the most down-and-out branch of the Lin clan."

"It doesn't matter what other people think."

Lin Shiyi said flatly: "As long as you don't think so, it's fine, which means that we have a basis for cooperation."


Wang Shengxiao was startled.

"Of course it's cooperation."

Lin Shixi said slowly: "Otherwise, why would I save you?"

Wang Shengxiao was thinking quickly in his mind, and asked cautiously: "What kind of cooperation do you plan to carry out?"

"About dealing with His Majesty Li Tianlan."

Lin Shiyi spoke in a serious manner, but Wang Shengxiao's words were extremely awkward in Wang Shengxiao's ears.

Against Li Tianlan? That is the enemy? But what's the matter with your sincere respect and awe between the lines?

"To deal with the East Palace?"

Wang Shengxiao muttered to himself.

"No, it's a confrontation with His Majesty Li Tianlan, and it's limited to His Majesty Li Tianlan."

Lin Shixi said slowly: "I will re-edit my identity, but now, I need a position, a position that can stand opposite that His Majesty."

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