The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 345: Nothingness

When Hua Zhengyang came to Jinqiu Pavilion, there was already a hazy twilight in the sky.

He carried a double breakfast, shook off the snowflakes on his body, and laughed heartily: "President, do you want to try the steamed buns just out of the pan?"

Li Huacheng nodded with a smile, put down the internal reference document in his hand, got up and went to the restaurant.

Hua Zhengyang was busy pouring some vinegar, and started making soup from a bowl again, his movements were natural.

Li Huacheng looked at Hua Zhengyang busy with a smile, and asked, "In a good mood?"

"I like snow."

Hua Zhengyang said with a smile: "Every time it snows, it reminds me of my hometown. I haven't been back for many years. Some time ago, someone from my hometown came to visit me and gave me two wild ginseng. I soaked two bottles of wine. I'll bring you a bottle later."

Li Huacheng nodded, picked up the bun and took a bite.

It is different from Chen Fangqing and Guo Wentian of the Prince Group.

It is also different from Wan Qingyun and Ji Wenwen of the Southeast Group.

The relationship between Li Huacheng and Hua Zhengyang is not even the same as Zou Mulin, Dongcheng Invincible Ye of Duhaomen Group.

In front of Li Huacheng, Zhuang Huayang always showed a very clear respect and respect in his seemingly free-spirited attitude, which included deep gratitude, admiration, awe and closeness.

The giants of other groups may have high or low positions among each other, but their attitudes towards each other are basically equal. Only Hua Zhengyang looks like a subordinate in front of Li Huacheng.

In fact, the political career of the two is basically a very clear relationship between superiors and subordinates.

When Li Huacheng was the governor of Liaodong, Hua Zhengyang was the executive vice-governor. When Li Huacheng was the speaker of the Liaodong parliament, Hua Zhengyang was the vice-president. Five years later, Li Huacheng succeeded in ascending to the top, and Hua Zhengyang took advantage of the opportunity to enter the parliament and became the Minister of Civil Affairs of Zhongzhou. Li Huacheng was re-elected for the second time, and Hua Zhengyang entered the cabinet and became the second prime minister until now.

The Academic School is the youngest group in Central Continent other than the Special Warfare Group. Unlike the Special Warfare Group, which has a congenitally flawed structure, their structure is extremely rigorous and complete. They have grown from a large regional group to the ruling group that affects the entire Central Continent today. Any vocabulary can be used on Li Huacheng without reservation, and it is not exaggerated at all.

The credit is indispensable, the credit is the greatest, and the talent is broad.

Li Huacheng fully deserved such an evaluation.

The development trajectory of the academic school is almost the same as the rise of Li Huacheng.

The entire academic school was almost carried on his shoulders by himself and continued to grow.

His ideas have influenced everyone in the academic school, which has also made the entire academic school the most dynamic and energetic group among the six major groups.


But the short rise time also means that the academic school has shortcomings in various aspects, such as not having a close enough relationship with many retired but influential old people. This is a huge disadvantage that the academic school has never reversed. Another example is that it is too short In the short period of time, there is not enough talent reserve, and there is no perfect promotion framework. This point has not been completely perfected by the academy.

At the beginning, the academic school transferred Bai Qingqian, who was born in a wealthy group, to his back garden, Liaodong, as the speaker. This was Li Huacheng's move to improve the promotion framework of the academic school. There is no need to doubt the strength. The two groups could cooperate at the beginning. The academic faction just wanted to use Bai Qingqian to gain the support of the wealthy group. In their original plan, this general election was to push Bai Qingqian down to the Central Continent Councilor In terms of position, he was promoted in Liaodong Province, and in the next few years of hard work, he stabilized this concept, allowing Liaodong to obtain a political status similar to Wuyue, Nanyue, Beijiang, or Huating, North, Southwest, and Youzhou .

To put it simply, it is a practice for the speaker of Liaodong to enter the parliament, so as to completely improve his promotion framework.

This is the goal that any group must work hard to perfect.

The so-called promotion framework, to put it bluntly, is a stable within the group, from ordinary staff members to Zhongzhou members of the promotion road, which also ensures that in every general election, there will be at least one member of the group in their own hands. The position is completely in the hands of this group, that is, it is determined by default, and other groups cannot make a move.

Only when this position is established, when the group encounters a major crisis, can it be guaranteed that the person in this position will be pushed up one step, and then ensure that the voice of the group at the top of Central Continent will be heard by others.

And such a position, among the six major groups, only the academic school does not currently have it.

Southwest City in the hands of the Prince's Group is held concurrently by councilors and other groups cannot intervene.

In addition to the Southwest, the Prince Group also owns Northern Xinjiang.

The Southeast Group was even more extreme before, holding Beihai, Huating and Wuyue in their hands. The top leaders of these three places must be members of parliament. Wuyue fell more than ten years ago, and Wuyue is now under the control of Wang Qinglei. Even so, Beihai still has Beihai Province is the top level of his promotion framework.

The declining Northern Group also owns the Northern City.

The wealthy group owns Youzhou and several fixed positions in the military headquarters.

Even the new group has locked Nanyue.

Only the academic school has hit a wall everywhere in its efforts in this area in recent years.

The major groups are quietly squeezing the development space of the academic school.

Li Huacheng's initial goal was the Jiangshan and Northern Xinjiang provinces that seemed to be in harmony with the Prince Group.

But Jiangshan's mind is deep and unpredictable, and he has never expressed his position positively. After a few years, the academics set their sights on the Tibetan area, but the situation in the Tibetan area is complicated, and it is also difficult to be the back garden of the academic school for a long time. After ten years of games, In the end, the academic school can only choose the place where they started, Liaodong.

Five years ago, Bai Qing was reassigned to be Liaodong, and then the parliament introduced a lot of big moves that are beneficial to Liaodong. A large amount of funds poured into the Northeast. The changes in Liaodong can be said to be changing with each passing day. It is very likely that Qingqian will be elected as a member of the Central Continent Council in Liaodong, and the promotion framework of the academic school will take shape initially, and it will take time to stabilize.

But Li Tianlan and the East Palace broke the plan of the academic school, and Li Huacheng's plan was undoubtedly bankrupt again. Fortunately, he will continue to be re-elected after this general election, and there are still five years to operate. Otherwise, once he retires, Huacheng Although Zhengyang is still in power, relying on his own strength, it is really difficult to come up with a good solution in five years. At that time, the future of the academic school is really worrying.

All kinds of disadvantages make the academic group, a new group, always give people the impression that although they are very powerful, they still have some shortcomings. Until now, their structure is not perfect. It is conceivable that when Li Huacheng first rose What a difficult time.

Under such circumstances, Hua Zhengyang could almost be said to have been dragged and promoted by Li Huacheng all the way.

For Hua Zhengyang himself, Li Huacheng has an incomparable position in his heart, like a brother, a mentor, a guide, and even a role similar to a father.

Although the age difference between the two is less than ten years old.

From Liaodong back then to Yinlonghai today, no matter where Hua Zhengyang was, he always regarded Li Huacheng as the most respectable leader and always respected him.

"Last night the Prime Minister spoke to me about his thoughts."

Li Huacheng ate the steamed stuffed bun, and said slowly: "For him, the situation is out of control, and he is ready to accept the current situation."

Hua Zhengyang glanced at Li Huacheng in surprise.

Accept the current situation?

He is not familiar with Li Tianlan, but now the whole world knows Li Tianlan's character, how sensitive the general election in Zhongzhou is, and how crucial the emergence of the new group is, now this has become the focus of attention of all countries in the world.

Under such circumstances, Chen Fangqing was ready to accept this situation, which meant that he accepted death, not just his own death.

Li Huacheng saw Hua Zhengyang's surprised gaze, and was also a little surprised: "You don't know?"

Hua Zhengyang shook his head in confusion, smiled and said: "Although the prime minister doesn't have many opportunities now, there is always room for struggle. At the worst, he should be able to negotiate conditions. From his previous behavior style Judging from it, he shouldn't give up so easily."

"Simply give up..."

Li Huacheng muttered to himself, then shook his head: "It's not simple, it's not simple at all."

He was holding the steamed stuffed bun, feeling a little bit uninspired.

From a personal point of view, Chen Fangqing may still struggle, but from the overall situation, accepting this ending is the most stable way. Chen Fangqing's giving up is not easy, not at all.

He thought silently, and suddenly asked: "Did he not tell you his plan last night? He and Guo Wentian have reached a consensus that the Prince Group has decided to fully support you in controlling the cabinet. What did you talk about last night? "

Hua Zhengyang's hand holding the soybean milk suddenly froze in place.

His expression froze completely for an instant.

His thoughts seemed to return to a few hours ago.

At that time, he was practicing calligraphy in his office.

And Chen Fangqing stood outside, wanting to meet him.

How did I get the secretary to respond?

A clear embarrassment appeared on Hua Zhengyang's face, and he finally realized that something was wrong.


Li Huacheng looked at him and asked.

He received the news that Chen Fangqing was going to see Hua Zhengyang last night, but Li Tianlan and Qin Weibai were still there at the time, and Li Huacheng didn't care about the conversation there, subconsciously ignoring the issue.

"Didn't he go to you last night? What did you talk about?"

Li Huacheng asked again.


Hua Zhengyang opened his mouth, and finally couldn't help laughing bitterly: "I didn't see him last night."


Li Huacheng was completely silent.

He looked at Hua Zhengyang and didn't speak for a long time.

He knew who Hua Zhengyang was, so he knew why Hua Zhengyang didn't see him without asking why.

Chen Fangqing did not appear in Yinlonghai until the morning, which meant that after not seeing Hua Zhengyang, Chen Fangqing went to find someone else.


Who else can I find?

The current top-level structure of the cabinet is a structure of one prime minister and three deputy prime ministers. After this general election, Chen Fangqing will not stay, and two of the three deputy prime ministers will also step down. Hua Zhengyang did not see Chen Fangqing, so Chen Fangqing will go to see him There is only one left.

Deputy Prime Minister Wu Zhengmin.

Li Huacheng put down the bun in his hand, and said softly, "He went to Comrade Zhengmin's place last night?"

Hua Zhengyang also thought of this question.

His face changed, a little ugly.

"Zhengyang, you are confused."

Li Huacheng shook his head in disappointment: "No matter what, there is always a boundary between you and him, but why bother..."

Halfway through his words, he shook his head: "What are you worried about?"

Hua Zhengyang became more and more embarrassed and did not speak.

After being silent for a long time, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he said softly: "President, he went to find Deputy Prime Minister Wu Zhengmin, did he..."


Li Huacheng shook his head slightly: "Don't worry about it, he's a bit old. In this general election, he was able to be prime minister last time because of the support of the new group. It won't threaten you, and it's impossible for the prime minister to choose to support him instead." He doesn't have that position either. However, since they met, this meeting must be meaningful."

"I wasn't worried about Deputy Prime Minister Wu."

Hua Zhengyang said with a wry smile.

Li Huacheng's expression was still calm, and he said quietly: "If he chooses to support Wen Siyuan, he should go to Wang Qingyun and Ji Wenwen, or Ye Dongsheng, and he shouldn't go to Wu Zhengmin."

Hua Zhengyang thought for a while, and his face softened a little.

He took a sip of soy milk, hesitated, and said softly, "Should I visit now?"

Li Huacheng glanced at him and nodded: "I always have to go, but now..."

He shook his head: "He should have rested. In the afternoon, you can go and have a look. You don't need to explain anything, just pass by."

Hua Zhengyang felt a little relieved, and nodded with a smile.

In the blue and white hall that the two of them had never seen, Chen Fangqing did not rest, but he did not work either.

Instead of returning to his office, he entered the backyard of the Blue and White Hall and sat down on his bed.

He just sat like this, silent, with his eyes open, and through the drawn curtains, he stared blankly at the dim light gradually brightening outside the window.

He began to recall his seventy-one years of life.

He was born in a not-so-prominent family. He is from the north, but he grew up in the south. When he was just born, his father was the deputy director of a small county in the south. There is still some power in hand.

Therefore, Chen Fangqing's childhood was very stable, without ups and downs, without suffering, and without being bullied.

When he was a teenager, his father who was very enterprising but also tried his best to maintain the family became the council member of that small county. The best secondary school in China.

At that age, a deputy county-level father was obviously not a status worth flaunting in the heart of an inexperienced boy. Chen Fangqing never flaunted it, nor did he seem to have rebelled. He still feels that he is most fortunate that he met him in junior high school. Some of the best teachers who understand him the most, so that he has always maintained excellent grades far ahead of others in the three years of middle school.

During high school, Chen Fangqing's father was transferred from the county to the city as the deputy mayor, and barely became a council member at the city level. It seemed like a promotion, but in fact it was the result of a compromise after losing the competition.

Chen Fangqing was admitted to a key high school in their province and left that city.

My father and mother took out all the family savings to buy a house in that city where housing prices were a bit outrageous because of education, and my mother also moved there, just to take care of him to learn and grow.

My father's official career did not make any progress during high school.

In the year he graduated from high school, he was admitted to one of the best universities in Central Continent at that time with excellent grades.

His father was in a semi-retired state at that time because of serious liver disease. In his memory, his face was weathered and frosty, his temples were gray, and he spent most of his life struggling in the official career. Chen Fangqing seemed to have never seen him in high spirits. All he saw was his father's increasingly emaciated body and rickety body.

Chen Fangqing was nineteen years old that year.

On the day she received the university admission letter, Chen Fangqing swore in her heart that she would buy a house for her parents in Beihai after graduation, and let them spend their days in the best environment.

He applied for the Central Continent Beihai University.

Yes, Beihai University.

The Wang family of Beihai, Beihai of Beihai Province.

Perhaps because of his father's influence, Chen Fangqing has decided his future path since high school. He wants to follow his father's path, reach a high position, and use his thoughts to change many people, many matter.

So he chose Beihai University.

This is one of the best universities in Central Continent. It may not be as popular as Huaqing University and Youzhou University. In terms of international rankings, Youzhou University is slightly higher than Beihai University, but in the political field, even in the entire Central Continent , and there is no other university that can surpass Beihai University. The philosophy of Beihai University focuses on ideology, humanities and politics. In the five hundred years since the founding of the Central Continent, three Central Continent presidents and eleven Central Continent prime ministers have emerged from Beihai University. , more than 20 Central Continent Second Prime Ministers and hundreds of Central Continent Councilors.

This is a prominent university, a university that affects the political winds of the entire Central Continent. It is known as the Oxford of the East. The current Central Continent directors, Dongcheng Invincible, Hua Zhengyang, Wan Qingyun, and Bai Qingqian, who will soon become a councilor, are all Graduated from Beihai University.

Many years ago, that was Chen Fangqing's dream school.

He entered Beihai as he wished, and successfully passed the Beihai civil servant examination.

The public servants in Beihai have the best welfare in the world. Every public servant will be allocated a house of at least 80 square meters in Beihai.

But Chen Fangqing chose to return to his hometown in the end.

Parents rejected Chen Fangqing's request to live in Beihai.

In his father's words, Beihai is good, but home is even better.

That was the first time he brushed shoulders with Beihai.

On his father's recommendation, he entered the city government, worked as a secretary, took a second job in the county, went to the provincial government, and then was transferred to Qinzhou, where he met Wu Zhengmin.

Chen Fangqing was thirty years old that year.

At the age of thirty-two, his father died of illness.

Three years later, he was personally received by Li Honghe and extended an invitation.

He has received invitations from the Noble Group, the Prince Group and the Southeast Group.

Facing the city he governed, he made a choice that he still doesn't know whether he should regret or not.

That was the second time he passed by Beihai.

Then it was a smooth rise and a skyrocketing sky.

Governor of Qinzhou Province.

Talent Provincial Councilor, Deputy Speaker.

Governor of Tianfu Province.

Mayor of Southwest City.

Member of Central Continent, Speaker of the Southwest City Council.

Second phase of Central Continent.

Prime Minister of Central Asia.

Sing all the way.

But he still didn't have that high-spirited feeling.

Others watched him do his best, but his own feeling was just being cautious.

He carefully used his power and resources to plan his hometown, the city he governed, the province he controlled, and the country he represented.

Be careful, like walking on thin ice.

Seventy-one years of life have come to this day.

Scenes of pictures flickered in front of his eyes with incomparable clarity.

Chen Fangqing sat on the bed blankly, looking out the window at the sunny sky.

The snowflakes all over the sky are fluttering in the sky and the earth with coldness, messy, beautiful and quiet.

Like every day for many, many years.

He asked himself about yesterday.

Then I asked myself about my life.

first question.

He felt he had a clear conscience.

He couldn't answer the second question.

His heart may be extremely calm, but it is just like what he said to Wu Zhengmin.

Right and wrong can only be judged by future generations.

Chen Fangqing stood up slowly, and drew the curtains to cover up the wind and snow flying outside the window.

He took a shower casually, changed out of his pajamas, lay down slowly on the bed, and closed his eyes.

The headache has been relieved, no need to toss and turn.

Soon, Chen Fangqing fell asleep.

The world in the dream is a sunset.

Chen Fangqing, who seemed to be many years younger, felt that he was standing by the lake of Yinlonghai and looking towards the west.

Gorgeous rays of light filled the space between the sky and the earth, and the setting sun slowly sinking in the sea of ​​clouds seemed to be melting bit by bit. The blood of the sun permeated the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, turning into an incomparably magnificent landscape. blood red.

The blood red quietly occupied all vision.

It ended up being a pair of eyes.

A pair of eyes occupying the sky in the dream, covering the sea of ​​clouds.

A pair of cold and quiet, but extremely majestic eyes.

Those eyes were bright and calm, she looked down at the earth, the hidden dragon sea, reflecting the magnificent scene of the whole world, beautiful like a dream.

Looking at these eyes, Chen Fangqing suddenly became extremely frightened.

His consciousness was torn apart by fear, and his complete consciousness was torn apart in an instant.

Messy thoughts danced randomly in the dreamland intertwined with darkness and light, a little warm, even fiery.

A hot feeling boiled at the highest point of consciousness.

It was like a speech without much warmth, slowly sliding down, and slipping into the unknown.

The dream is completely shattered.

Darkness takes over.

The most forward direction is a cliff of ten thousand zhang, an endless abyss.

Chen Fangqing suddenly opened his eyes.

Everything familiar in the bedroom did not appear in sight.

There was darkness and nothingness in his vision.

The seemingly endless darkness and nothingness filled the bedroom, filled the space between the heaven and the earth, it was quiet and silent.

Chen Fangqing opened her eyes quietly.

The darkness and emptiness were getting closer and closer to him, covering his body like a veil, and it was like endless floating dust had found its home, accumulating more and more on his body.

The darkness fell completely.

The motionless Chen Fangqing looked ahead quietly.

The darkness that fell completely surged, and finally submerged his body in the seemingly endless darkness and nothingness.

For eternity.

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