The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 265: Chaos (3)

At this moment, except for Wan Qingyun and Ji Wenwen, whose faces were extremely ugly, the eyes of the other directors seemed to be shining with light.

Dongcheng Wudi needs an attitude.

The attitude of a Beihai Wang family and Beihai Juntuan.

No matter how chaotic the situation is, this is what the parliament wants very much, and it can even be said that they cannot refuse.

The Beihai Wang family is very strong. No matter how the dark world changes for hundreds of years, strong people emerge in large numbers. The Beihai Wang family has always been known as the number one wealthy family in the dark world, and it is still worthy of its name.

But no matter how strong they are, their core is only the Wang family and the seven major sword-wielding families.

Occupying the Beihai Province, the Beihai Wang Family has been developing its own strength. They spend a lot of royal money every year on countless scientific research projects. However, when it comes to the monarch regiment, they do not count the Heaven-Slaying Army and the Internal Guard Army. With these small organizations, there is only one Beihai Juntuan.

It’s not that Beihai cannot afford it, but it’s not necessary.

Two hundred thousand Dajun is enough to meet the needs of the Wang family in Beihai under normal circumstances.

Even under abnormal circumstances, it can fully meet the needs of the Beihai Wang family.

What is abnormal?

They have experienced the decisive battle in Tiandu, the chaos in Snow Country, and the decisive battle in Beihai. Even though the Beihai Junjun suffered heavy losses, they were still able to hold on, which is enough to explain the problem.

But the key is that no matter how strong your foundation is, you can’t help but keep struggling.

Beihai Wang family has been losing blood, once, twice and three times.

But Wang Shengxiao is tough.

Don't admit coward, don't believe in fate.

The expansion of Beihai has already laid hidden dangers. Hundreds of thousands of new soldiers will inevitably need to be led by veterans. It will take five or ten years to turn them into new elites through running-in. Therefore, veterans must To disperse and give them time, they can all grow into a super-large group that is no less than the Border Forbidden Group.

From this point, we can see that the Wang family in Beihai can afford to support more people. Expanding from 200,000 to 800,000 people, Beihai will not be difficult at all. What they need is time.

But Wang Shengxiao didn't give himself much time.

When the veterans dispersed to bring in the newcomers, he directly put more than 20,000 people in his hands who could suppress most of the forces into the alliance's operation.

And then failed miserably.

This was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back.

The current Beihai Juntuan is still strong, but only on the surface.

Therefore, Wan Qingyun can confidently say that this is an explanation between the parliament and Beihai.

But in fact, Dongcheng Wudi has carefully calculated...

In today's Beihai, there are not many people who can really conquer Dongdao, but there are really not many.

Of course, there are a large number of high-tech weapons in the North Sea.

But there are some in Beihai, and there are similar ones in Dongdao. Even if the performance is not as good as that in Beihai, if Dongdao is willing to do so, will Beihai be willing to do so?

After all, this time Beihai Wang's website is local.

Beihai can indeed win. As long as they are willing, even if they don't use any big mushrooms, their weapon reserves can ensure that artillery fire covers Canglan, Tongtian, and Qiushui in the shortest time, killing everyone on the East Island, and also killing this area. Everyone in the Inner Beihai completely razed half of the North Sea to the ground.

Is Beihai willing?

This is not a question of reluctance.

The Wang family in Beihai is bloody. If they are really desperate, the worst they can do is break up. Whoever they love will die together and that's it.

But the question is... as for what?

Why is this so?

No matter how bad the current situation is, we don't need to die together. It's not that bad.

Both sides have reason, so they both maintain restraint.

This is an attack by Dongdao, but as long as both sides are rational, no matter how big the scene is, it is still a conflict in the dark world. Without destroying cities and destroying land and causing large-scale disasters to innocent people, it will not escalate to a station battle. .

Under this premise, Beihai and Dongdao maintained a restrained competition, and it became a veritable...rookie pecking each other.

When both sides suffered heavy losses, they still had to fight hard, even if they went home to eat dirt after the fight, they still had to fight, but they couldn't exert much strength.

What is this if this isn't novice chickens pecking each other?

At this time, the existence of Zhongzhou becomes very important.

Zhongzhou also needs to exercise restraint when participating, but it does not require any restraint.

Because Zhongzhou’s participation doesn’t even require anyone to come out.

The parliament only needs to express a clear attitude of support for Beihai. Even a verbal support is enough to make Dongdao go back in despair.

Because they are noobs pecking each other, Dongdao also knows very well that he is a novice now. He has suffered heavy losses several times. Now it is not a problem that he can afford to play. Facing Zhongzhou, they have no choice at all. Gotta play.

Now facing Dongdao, all it takes is one word or attitude from Dongcheng Wudi or Li Huacheng, and this conflict will not happen.

The situation is no longer what it used to be.

The fact is that Wang Shengxiao has exhausted Beihai's last bit of external power. Now Beihai really needs the support of the parliament.

The meaning of Dongcheng Invincible is very simple.

I can give you an attitude, but you also have to give me an attitude.

Central Continent and the North Sea are completely integrated and compete with each other. This game has lasted for hundreds of years. As long as both sides find an opportunity, they will definitely play their cards. In this case, any personal thoughts are insignificant and sit in their own positions. Above all else, they represent the interests of the entire Central Continent.

Now this is obviously another opportunity, and it is definitely a good opportunity.

This can be said to be the result of Wang's own suicide in Beihai, or it can be said to be for other reasons, but these are not important anymore. What is important is that looking at the situation now, Beihai seems to be unable to refuse the conditions put forward by the parliament.

Suppress the North Sea, not suppress the North Sea.

This is the idea of ​​​​the Parliament. In more clear terms, it is to control the North Sea, not to destroy it.

For hundreds of years, Beihai Province has been too free. As time goes by, in some extremely extreme minds, Beihai has even become a cancer that lies on the bones of Zhongzhou, sucking marrow and blood.

No one can deny Beihai's contribution to Zhongzhou, but no one can deny Zhongzhou's support for Beihai. Relatively speaking, Beihai's contribution to Zhongzhou is too arbitrary. This kind of randomness cannot be accepted by any country. .

It can be said that Zhongzhou is generous in accepting it, but it is also helpless.

So if you have the chance, why not take control of Beihai Province?

The Beihai Wang family is the number one wealthy family in the dark world. It would be great if they become a wealthy family. Central Continent and the Council all support it, and they absolutely support it.

But Beihai's political affairs, official affairs, people's support, development planning, sleeping materials, resource development, scientific research... can these things be controlled by a wealthy family?

Take it back, you must take it back.

From the standpoint of Zhongzhou as a whole, even Beihai has to outwardly support such an idea. There is no need to discuss right or wrong.

Central Continent is one.

That's right.

And it's absolutely correct.

This is the position of Parliament.

Different groups and different directors, including Li Huacheng, have tried to suppress the Beihai Wang family and suppress Li Tianlan.

But saying they have grudges against these two major forces? This is really out of the question.

Even for the dead Chen Fangqing, his end plan only offended Wang Shengxiao and Li Tianlan. His end was miserable, and the fate of the Chen family was even worse. Dead and alive, from top to bottom, every one counts. His reputation was ruined.

But who can say that Chen Fangqing is a bad person? Who dares to say that Chen Fangqing is a bad person.

They sit in this position and sometimes it's just not how they think it is and then they do it.

But they have to do it. As for what they think, it doesn't matter at all.

Dongcheng Wudi made up his mind to sit on the sidelines until Beihai expressed his stance.

This may seem reckless, but it is in the interests of Parliament.

Beihai has no choice. They must give the parliament an attitude that satisfies the parliament.

What is the so-called attitude?

Naturally, it is kingship.

Parliament attacked and Beihai disarmed.

In this chaos, Dongcheng Wudi seems to be determined to completely take back the monarchy of Beihai.

As for after it is recovered, the Border Guard Corps will have enough elites to go north to control Beihai.

The picture shows the poor dagger.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dongcheng Wudi directly stated his attitude in the most straightforward words.

Wan Qingyun's body was trembling with great anger, and he almost lost his mind, but the last bit of clarity in his heart finally made him choose to shut up.

He himself was born in Beihai.

To be precise, Wan Qingyun himself was born in Emperor Bingshan. Although his surname is not Wang, he has the closest connection with Emperor Bingshan in the entire Southeast Group.

The interests of Zhongzhou are naturally important in his eyes, but Emperor Bingshan also has reasons why he cannot compromise.

Being in the middle is actually the most difficult thing.

Wan Qingyun handled it very well before, but when Beihai encountered a great crisis, Wan Qingyun completely lost his composure for the first time in decades.

But he didn't know what to say.

Dongcheng Wudi wants Beihai to have a different attitude.

Reasonable and well-founded.

He had no way to refute, and even if he refuted it, it would be meaningless.

"Maybe Beihai has other back-ups."

Guo Wentian suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, Qingyun. The North Sea has deep foundations, and the East Island may not be able to succeed."

"Now it seems that Beihai is still very calm. They naturally know the information that we can all get, but no one is talking now. It is obvious that they do not need the help of the parliament."

Hua Zhengyang also said with a smile.

"I don't agree with the word stand aside."

Zhou Yunhai was even more straightforward: "When the troops from Central Continent enter Beihai, they need to say hello to Beihai. This was written in the treaty back then. Now Beihai has not asked for help. We remain silent, which is in line with all principles."

"Yes, at least we have to wait for Beihai to ask for help before we can take action. This is more justified."

Ji Wenwen continued to remain silent.

Wan Qingyun looked around blankly, and suddenly felt helpless like never before.

The words of several directors clearly indicated that they were waiting for Beihai to ask for help.

They are not afraid of causing huge losses to Beihai at all.

The losses in the North Sea will affect Zhongzhou, but the Wang family will be affected first.

If Di Bingshan is determined to die without asking for help, it first means that there is a problem with their own position. If they persist to the end, Zhongzhou will naturally be determined to watch indifferently.

But if they ask for help, they must do so in a way that satisfies Parliament.

This attitude represents the change of ownership of the Beihai monarchy, and represents much more.

Who dares to ask for help like this?

Wang Shengxiao, Summer Solstice, Dijiang River.

The three people who can shoulder this kind of responsibility are now out of contact. Who else but them would dare to make this decision?

The problem now is very clear. Beihai's silence is not at all because they have any confidence, but because no one can cross the Imperial Army Mountain to give the parliament the attitude they want to see.

Wan Qingyun slowly sat down, took out a cigarette, and took a long puff.

When a cigarette was about to burn out, he raised his head, looked at the calm Li Huacheng, and said softly: "If Beihai falls, what will happen to the East Palace? What will happen to Li Tianlan?"

The meaning of this sentence is obvious.

If Beihai falls, what will the Eastern Palace think in its heart?

Li Tianlan can claim to be the sixth most powerful country in front of the whole world. Has the parliament seriously considered his ambition?

The existence of Beihai can balance the power of the Eastern Palace and is even an important bargaining chip to check and balance Li Tianlan.

After all, the Wang family in Beihai still has Wang Tianzong.

"Kuantu Li has made a breakthrough."

Dongcheng Wudi got ahead of Li Huacheng and reminded Wan Qingyun kindly.

Wan Qingyun gritted his teeth, his eyes becoming increasingly bitter.

Check and balance Li Tianlan.

It was never the Beihai Wang family that the parliament initially used to check and balance Li Tianlan, because to a certain extent, the Beihai Wang family and the Eastern Palace could even be considered allies.

The one they used to check and balance Li Tianlan was Jiang Shangyu's trio.

Although Gu Xingyun has fallen now.

But with Li Kuangtu's breakthrough, he and Jiang Shangyu will be more intimidating. When Li Kuangtu's state stabilizes, he can fully play the role of checking and balancing Li Tianlan, so the parliament does not need the Beihai Wang family at all. .

Moreover, the development models of Donghuang Palace and Beihai Wang Family are too similar, which makes them natural allies to a certain extent. However, the conflict between Li Tianlan and Wang Shengxiao has intensified. If we take advantage of this opportunity, we can eliminate one company without worrying about the rebound of the other company. If so, why not do it?

Now is the best opportunity.

"Adjust the satellite."

Li Huacheng spoke slowly: "I want to see the real-time picture of southern Beihai."

Wan Qingyun perked up and looked at Li Huacheng with hope in his eyes.

Dongcheng Wudi was silent for a while, nodded, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"in addition..."

Li Huacheng took a deep breath: "Contact Dongdao Huangshi, I want to speak to Tianhuang."

Yes, contact Huangshi, not Dongdao Cabinet.

No matter how big the scene Beihai faces tonight, Dongdao will not admit that this is their main and auxiliary behavior.

Strictly speaking, this is just a conflict in the dark world.

Both sides will control the situation within the scope of this conflict.

In this case, this matter has nothing to do with the Dongdao Cabinet, at least on the surface it has nothing to do with it, it is just related to the Huangshi.

Dongcheng Wudi took a deep look at Li Huacheng, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Don't be too hasty, let's take a look first."

Li Huacheng smiled and threw a cigarette to Dongcheng Wudi: "Let's see what happens."

Wan Qingyun's heart sank.

This is Li Huacheng's attitude.

He is willing to contact Dongdao.

But he was in no hurry.

If understood correctly...

That means Li Huacheng is still waiting, waiting for Beihai to ask for help.

Although other directors had expressed similar thoughts before, Li Huacheng was completely different.

Only Li Huacheng's attitude can truly represent Zhongzhou and the parliament.

His current attitude is the attitude of the Parliament.

Unquestionable and unchangeable.

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