The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 274: Rise of Dynasty

An excellent actor will prepare all his emotions before performing. This is the actor's self-cultivation.

Alice agrees with this statement very much.

So the moment she left the meeting room, she had already begun to adjust her emotions.

Her mood is very complicated now.

There is the anxiety that your destiny will become completely different from now on, the melancholy after making a choice, the expectation that the world is about to change, and the vague guilt after betraying the family...

Lots of emotions.

But none of these emotions were what she needed.

What she needs is anger, madness, eagerness to try and revenge that still maintains a trace of calmness amidst the hysteria.

The Duke chopped off her palm with a knife, and she escaped death and was rescued by the Sabins family. In shock, this was the emotion she needed most.

The emotions have to be in place.

Breathe deeply...keep breathing deeply.

Alice silently prepared and adjusted her condition. She stood in front of the elevator and pressed the button, watching the elevator go down. She suddenly felt a little self-deprecating at this moment.

After tonight, even if you don't go to Shengshi Fund to become the vice president of the Continental Group, I'm afraid it won't be a problem to make your debut in a movie, right?

The premise is that your next performance must be successful.

Must succeed.

With a crisp sound, the elevator slowly opened to both sides.

Alice, who was brewing emotions, suddenly froze.

There were two middle-aged men standing in the elevator.

A white man with a hooked nose and a deep outline who looked to be in his sixties or seventies.

The other one was an ordinary-looking Asian man wearing glasses and looking very polite.

The two of them were stunned for a moment when they saw Alice.

No one spoke for a while.

Alice, on the other hand, was completely confused.

Her eyes fell on the Asian man in the elevator, and she even blinked subconsciously, as if to confirm something.


Alice took a deep breath: "Mr. Lin?"

"Who is this?"

The middle-aged Asian man held his eyes, his tone was a little uncertain.

"This is Ms. Alice."

The hook-nosed old man smiled and narrowed his eyes: "She was born in Rothschild. She is a very good young man. If she can appear here, it means that she is one of our own. Mr. Lin, Alice is She is an important figure in this plan, and she has a glorious enough mission.”

"Is that so?"

The middle-aged man who looked gentle and quiet smiled and reached out his hand: "Okay, madam, I am Lin Yingxiong."

Alice stared at him blankly, and stretched out her hand blankly. It wasn't until their hands came together that her body trembled slightly, and she subconsciously bent down and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Lin, see you. it's my honour."

From this moment on, Alice knew that she had met the first real ally of Shengshi Fund.

As for the wealthy representatives and patriarchs in the conference room?

Those don't count, at least from the perspective of Shengshi Fund, those people are all members of Shengshi Fund.

But what is in front of you is your ally.

Lin Yingxiong.

It sounds like a tacky name, even a name that most people in Europe have never heard of.

But if his identity is mentioned, I am afraid everyone will feel thunderous.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is the leader of the Lin clan.

Yes, LinClan.

In the eyes of the few people who know the inside story, he is the leader of the European branch of the Lin clan.

It is recognized as the strongest branch among the major branches of the Lin clan. It has maintained the closest ties with the family for hundreds of years and is a well-deserved world-class top wealthy family.

This is the continental branch of the Lin clan.

Among the major branches of the Lin clan, the European branch is the most special. They are the only branch that can exercise the power of the clan leader when the clan is temporarily unable to support the major branches.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yingxiong became the leader of the Lin clan in the hearts of many people who did not know the inside story.

In other words, if Lin Fengting suddenly falls, without Qin Weibai, and Lin Youxian has not grown up, Lin Yingxiong can definitely enter the headquarters and exercise the power of the Lin clan leader before Lin Youxian grows up.

This kind of thing has happened several times within the Lin clan.

Every time the clan leader of the European branch ascends and abdicates, it is extremely smooth. Because of the strange structure of the Lin clan, the so-called position of the clan leader has nothing worth fighting for for power except for reputation. No, the Lin clan is reclusive and becomes the leader. The clan leader of this tribe doesn’t even have a reputation anymore, so what’s the point of being aggressive?

Therefore, every time the European branch of the Lin clan comes to power, it is really a temporary escrow. They even can’t wait to train a new clan leader from the clan to get rid of the painful life of eating, drinking and having fun every day. For those who want comfort For some people, the Lin Clan headquarters is a paradise within paradise, but for some people with great ambitions, these enjoyments are equal to torture every minute.

The secluded world of the headquarters and the expansion of branches are the core concepts of the Lin clan that have lasted for hundreds of years. Therefore, the Lin clan is the most stable. Because each party adheres to each other's ideals, all ambitious people in the clan eventually become It has become a branch, and people who like comfort stay in the headquarters. In this way, the headquarters is not afraid of people from the branches competing for the so-called power, and people in the branches are also not worried about people from the headquarters competing for the so-called interests.

The structure is loose but closely connected. No matter how scattered the Lin clan is, they will always be one.

And under this loose and somewhat incomprehensible structure, the European branch that can exercise the power of the Lin clan leader under certain special circumstances is undoubtedly the most special role.

The strongest branch, the top world-class wealthy family, all this comes from the Lin clan, and it is also because of their own strength.

Many first-line forces and even super forces in the Dark World are very aware of this, because someone has made statistics. According to statistics, in the past 500 years of the Dark World, among the rankings with the largest number of peak invincible masters and ordinary invincible masters, Zhongzhou has no suspense. In the first place, more than one peak invincible realm appeared in each generation. At its peak, there were six peak invincible realms in Central Continent at the same time, two from the Wang family in Beihai, one each from Shushan and Yaochi, and the last two were from the Li family. , is the leader of the Li clan and the loyal dog of the Gu clan beside him.

The six peaks were invincible. In that era, Zhongzhou could be said to be truly powerful. The Dark World did not dare to breathe in front of Zhongzhou at that time. Although Zhongzhou was the overlord, such a golden age could only be so powerful for hundreds of years. once.

The second place is tied with the Beihai Wang family and the Lin family.

Their past clan leaders must also be masters of the peak invincibility realm.

But what makes people speechless is that compared to the Beihai Wang family, which has more than one invincible realm in each generation, in addition to the clan leader, there will also be other invincible realm masters appearing in the Lin clan headquarters, but they are basically too lazy to do anything. , during such a long period of time, many invincible masters of the Lin Clan either stayed in the Lin Clan all their lives and were too lazy to go out, or they went out with a sum of money, did not cause trouble, just played, and then died in obscurity while playing. Already...

It is precisely for this reason that although they are tied for second place, the Beihai Wang family is more important than the Lin family.

In third place is Dongdao.

As a truly powerful country, Dongdao is famous for its bushido spirit. Their peak invincible masters occasionally appear in different generations. Each generation basically has more than one invincible master. It can definitely be said that there is a lot of talents, whether it is the peak invincible master or not. They are among the best in terms of the number of masters and the total number of invincible masters.

After the East Island is the Sanctuary.

Each generation of the Holy Domain basically has peak invincibility, but the total number of invincible masters is less.

The fifth place after the Sanctuary is the European branch of the Lin clan.

Over the past few hundred years, the European branch of the Lin clan has given birth to six peak invincible masters.

As a special branch that can control the headquarters at critical moments, each generation of the European branch will have one person who will be carefully trained by the headquarters. Such candidates are called shadows within the European branch.

The candidate for the shadow may be someone else, or it may be the clan leader himself.

As for the shadow of this generation, the major forces have been investigating for many years before finally targeting Lin Yingxiong.

No one has seen Lin Yingxiong take action, and no one knows whether he is a master or not. He rarely even appears in public. He is mysterious and low-key, but his presence does have a deterrent effect comparable to that of an invincible master.

Now that such a special person appeared here as an ally of the Shengshi Fund, Alice instinctively smelled something unusual.

Lin Yingxiong didn't say anything more to Alice, he just smiled and then entered the conference room accompanied by the Sabins patriarch.

Alice stood outside, her heart was up and down, she took several deep breaths in succession, and then walked into the elevator.

The elevator went all the way up and returned to the warehouse where countless sundries were piled up. Following the warehouse and walking out of the secret passage, Alice's figure walked out of the Sabins family's living room.

The old butler of the Sabins family, who was wearing a tailored suit and with silver hair, was standing in the living room. When he saw Alice coming out, he smiled and leaned over, and said in a gentle voice: "Madam, the medical team is ready. In addition, there are There are encrypted communication tools. The patriarch said you need these. If you need anything else, I can prepare it for you right away."

Alice was silent for a while and said seriously: "I want to put on makeup."

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, his expression remained unchanged, and he continued to smile: "Okay, please follow me."

Alice nodded and followed the housekeeper out of the living room.

The evening has passed.

Night has officially fallen.

An ordinary black car drove along the smooth road of the manor and stopped near Alice.

The car door opened, and a man in a black robe stepped out of the car with a calm and serious expression.

Alice paused subconsciously, then lowered her head before the man looked over, and silently followed the housekeeper in another direction.

The night was hazy.

Alice didn't see the other person's face clearly, but she saw the gold coin with two small wings embroidered on the other person's black robe.

Anyone in Europe is familiar with this symbol, but very few people have actually come into contact with it.

This logo represents only one organization in the world - the Holy Angel Group.

The Holy Angel Group controls all the industries in the Sanctuary.

People from the sanctuary also came.

Alice thought silently.

It wasn't until this moment that she fully understood the fact.

After tonight, Shengshi Fund will definitely change more than just the financial world.

The dark world, and even the global structure, will suffer an unprecedented impact.

The dark world that has been bustling for countless years, with major superpowers confronting each other tit for tat, and countless wealthy families scheming, will usher in a new order.

Dynasties rise.

Alice's eyes became more determined.

This is the end of the dark world, but it is the prosperous age of the East Palace. She is lucky enough to join in. Although the way is not beautiful, fortunately her special position allows her to play an extraordinary role. She hopes to join in To have his own place in this dynasty, for this goal, other emotions such as guilt are not important at all.

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