The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 276: Let you see the world

The mighty convoy passed around the mountainous mountains and drove forward along the wide and clean road for about sixty kilometers. What appeared in front of the convoy was a small city with bright lights.

In other words, a modern town is more appropriate.

It is located quietly among the mountains, shining with lights. Various lights interweave over the city to form a colorful light and shadow, mysterious, beautiful, leisurely and almost elegant.

Six Mercedes Benz and one stretched Rolls-Royce, a luxury convoy with a 100% turnaround rate among the outside world, arrived at the end of the road and entered the tunnel leading directly to the city along the downhill slope.

The lights completely surrounded the convoy. In the long tunnel with no end in sight, various signs clearly marked the various points the convoy passed. In the center of the back row of the Rolls-Royce, a blond young man holding a cigar He slowly took a puff of his cigar, and when the smoke dispersed, he said softly: "There don't seem to be many vehicles."

Not much is actually putting it mildly.

The tunnel is brightly lit, and the twelve lanes in both directions are majestic. However, from the perspective of the young man, the opposite lane is completely empty. There are no vehicles leaving the city, and the vehicles entering the city, except for their convoy, are About two hundred meters ahead, a black car was driving slowly.

Then there is no more.

The luxurious two-way driveway, the open environment, everything around seems to be extravagant and wasteful to the extreme.

"That's just the periphery."

Next to the young man sat an old man who was about sixty years old. Half of his brown hair had turned white. He was dressed neatly in a formal dress and tie. He put his crutch aside. He looked serious and calm: "This is a building with many buildings." It is a city that everyone longs for. There may be many people who want to come in after going out, but those who come in never want to go out. I have been here once, and I have seen the rarest peace here. So except for outsiders, there are almost no There are too many vehicles choosing to go out of the city, and once they come, they don’t want to leave.”

"That sounds kind of magical."

The young man smiled a little wantonly.

"On the contrary, it is reality."

The old man looked unmoved: "This city is only the size of a large town, or a small city, but this small city can meet the basic necessities, food, housing and transportation of tens of thousands of people. In fact, it is not just here, there are many in many countries around the world. People never leave the city where they were born, and not everyone needs to travel far in life. Especially here."

The old man's voice paused and said softly: "You can't imagine how a completely free city can maintain order. There are hospitals, schools, shopping malls, cinemas, opera houses, parks, playgrounds, and zoos here. Everything that is available in an ordinary city is available here, all facilities, all occasions, all items are completely free. Do you know what this means? It means that if you are a resident here, you can even move completely if you want. No one will care about you even in a shopping mall in this city.

Here we have most of the things we have seen and need, but the only thing we don’t have is class and power. Here, everyone is truly the same, there is no hierarchy, no privilege, because everyone enjoys the same What you have, I can also have, unless I don’t like it. In such a city, you can’t even see some small contradictions. Doesn’t it feel a bit incredible?

We are a wealthy family, the top consortium, but among all the wealthy families in the world, this is the only one that can own a private city and develop the city to this extent. "

"I don't like it here."

The young man was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "If that's really the case, that's great, but I don't like it. There is no class, no power. When everyone is truly equal, it means that everyone is equal. People will lose their dreams, pursuits, motivation, and even thoughts are unnecessary. Enjoyment, endless enjoyment, just like pigs, I don’t think enjoyment is the whole meaning of life. Even a life of only enjoyment, on the contrary It is the most meaningless. There are always things we need to pursue, right? If we don’t even have these, is the so-called enjoyment real enjoyment, or is it another kind of numb suffering? "

The young man took a deep breath of his cigar and said softly: "All ambitions are killed here."

"No one kills ambition."

The old man said: "Everyone here has the right to leave at any time. Even when everyone leaves here, they can take away a large sum of money without even giving a reason. There is indeed no room for ambition here, but ambition is never rejected. people get out of here."

The young man was silent for a while.

His expression became a little complicated, and he said softly: "This is the Lin Clan. This is Wangyou Villa."

He smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying nothing more.

"Won't you make a comment?"

The old man smiled and asked casually.

"Am I worthy?"

The young man pointed at his nose and laughed: "Who am I to be able to express my opinions on an ancient wealthy family that has been developing for hundreds of years? I don't have the qualifications. If I really want to say something, then it's okay. Not making an opinion, but telling a joke.”

The old man smiled, picked up the document at hand, lowered his head and looked through it silently.

The young man was not talking, smoking a cigar and looking out the window silently.

The convoy gradually entered the city from the outer tunnel.

There are still twelve lanes in both directions, but the traffic flow is gradually increasing, and traffic lights are beginning to appear.

The young man who came to Wangyou Villa for the first time watched with interest.

Intersections, red street lights, parking lots, road signs, electronic billboards...

His eyes kept shifting, and then fell on a strange electronic screen.

On the screen is a humanoid creature with a pig nose, carrying a nail rake, laughing and stroking its belly with the other hand. Opposite this monster, there are a series of images that the young man feels familiar... .

The two sides seemed to be divided into two camps, and every frame of various special effects seemed to be burning money. It was like a movie promotional video, except that it was a mess...

"That is?"

When the red light was about to turn green, the promotional video ended, and a square line of Chinese characters popped up on the screen.

The young man didn't understand Chinese characters, so he asked subconsciously.

The old man beside him glanced casually and laughed: "Zhu Bajie vs. Superman Spider-Man? Hahaha... That's right, this is a movie "Zhu Bajie vs. Superman Spider-Man", March 15th, shocking. Attack...hahahaha..."

"What the hell..."

The young man looked confused: "Isn't this an infringement?"

"It's just some kids making something for their own entertainment. It won't be shown to the outside world. The audience is the people of Wangyou Villa. This is their internal entertainment film. What kind of infringement is it? What does this mean? When Bald Mighty fought Ultraman, I I’ve seen them all.”

The old man smiled and said: "The Lin clan likes to make some messy things, pure entertainment, such as their internal movies, which are standard entertainment to death. This group of people are just determined to enjoy life, a reclusive wealthy family. , you get countless wealth from various branches every year, what can you do? You can only play casually. If you stay here for a while, you may be able to see the Calabash Baby vs. Godzilla."


The young man rubbed his forehead, smiled bitterly and said nothing.

"This is the Lin tribe's way of life and has nothing to do with us."

The old man lowered his head and scanned the information again, then organized the information and put it in a folder, and said softly: "We are almost there."

The young man felt awe-inspiring and also picked up a stack of documents beside him.

The super-luxury motorcade passed the intersection and moved forward according to the signs.

When the tunnel was about to end, a lone sign finally appeared in front of it.

Turn left 200 meters ahead and reach Wangyou Villa.

Although the whole city is called Wangyou Villa.

But here, the only thing that can really mark these four words on the sign is the manor where the core figures of the Lin clan live.

The convoy turned around and stopped in the nearest parking lot.

Lin Fengzhi, the person in charge of external affairs at the Lin Clan headquarters, had obviously received the news in advance. When the motorcade stopped in the parking lot, he happened to take his secretary out of the underground elevator.

"Mr. Feng Zhi?"

The blond young man stepped out of the car, reached out his hand, and introduced himself: "Clark Morgan."

"I'm Lin Fengzhi."

Lin Fengzhi smiled and stretched out his hand: "It's our first time meeting you. Hello."

The sound of a vehicle closing a door sounded.

The old man sitting next to Clark got out of the car, looked at the lights in the parking lot, and smiled softly.

Lin Fengzhi's attitude became more respectful while remaining calm. He took the initiative to walk over and said in a calm voice: "Hi, Your Highness Carter Hill."

The old man patted Lin Fengzhi's shoulder gently: "Lin, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years, but I always remember you. You are my friend and my noble person."

Lin Fengzhi smiled a little complicatedly.

Cuthill Rockefeller.

Currently one of the most important figures in the Rockefeller family is the core of the core, and his right to speak on certain matters is as much as that of the Rockefeller patriarch.

Use the simplest three words to describe Carter Hill...

Invincible state.

These three words are enough to explain it all.

This is a secret all over the world. Only the most core executives of Rockefeller know about it, and even Star Kingdom does not know about it.

Cuthill has never set foot in the dark world. He is not famous at all, and he does not have a well-known code name. He is like a ghost hiding behind Rockefeller's backstage. He never exists and is everywhere. For many years, he never knew how to replace Rockefeller. How many hidden troubles have been solved.

The reason why the Lin clan knew this was because when Carter Hill broke through the invincible realm, it was twelve years ago. At that time, he was following the leader of the Rockefeller clan to visit Lin Fengting.

In other words, Carter Hill broke through to the invincible state in Wangyou Villa. After the breakthrough, in order to stabilize his own state and make further progress, he even lived in Wangyou Villa as a guest for nearly four months. .

What made Lin Fengzhi's mood even more complicated was that Carter Hill broke through while chatting with him.

So the other party always thinks that he is his noble person.

Lin Fengzhi didn't know what to say about this.

Twelve years.

From the first time I entered the invincible realm to now...

Although Carter Hill was too old when he broke through, it was difficult to improve, but now he is at least close to the peak of invincibility. Strictly speaking, Carter Hill is now even the number one master in America.

Even the Lin Clan must pay attention and a certain amount of respect to such people.

It's not that the Lin family is arrogant, but for them who have always treated the outside world with a reclusive attitude, if it weren't for Carter Hill, Clark, the second heir to the Morgan family, let alone Lin Fengzhi, would have even come to greet him. Even the Lin Clan’s Wangyou Villa cannot be entered.

"Mr. Lin now?"

Carter Hill asked proactively, his voice respectful.

The pattern of the dark world is changing at an unprecedented speed. Li Tianlan shouted the slogan of the sixth most powerful country in the world. Li Kuangtu's breakthrough on the battlefield represents the arrival of a new era. First there is Wang Tianzong, and then there is Li Kuangtu. , coupled with Li Tianlan who can suppress Li Kuangtu to fight, everything proves that human beings have once again exceeded the limits of individual force. The invincible realm is no longer synonymous with invincibility, and their high status will be A new realm has replaced the martial arts framework. However, no matter what, Lin Fengting, who has surpassed the peak invincibility realm, still represents the top five or even the top three human beings in the world. His status will even be higher than before, whether it is Everyone must maintain due respect when facing Lin Fengting.

"I just came back from rehearsal. I'm waiting for you in the living room now."

Lin Fengzhi smiled and said, "Actually, our rehearsal tonight ended early."


Clark was a little confused. It was his first time coming to the Forest Clan's Wangyou Villa, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was something wrong with the painting style. Zhu Bajie vs. Superman and Spider-Man was outrageous enough, so what was the rehearsal now?

"We will have a private concert here in half a month. The patriarch has been invited to be the conductor. He has been rehearsing these days."

Lin Fengzhi explained casually and stretched out his hand: "You two, please."

Clark nodded in confusion and forced a smile: "Mr. Lin really enjoys himself with the people."

"Our entertainment life has always been very rich."

Lin Fengzhi said casually and pressed the elevator button.

The elevator went all the way up and when the doors opened on both sides, they had already arrived at a hall with an area of ​​approximately thousands of square meters.

Going out from the hall is the private manor of Wangyou Villa, and most people who come to the Lin clan will basically stop in this hall if they don't have enough friendship.

Because the three living rooms of the manor are all in this hall.

Lin Fengting had already made tea. In the elegantly decorated living room, he sat quietly on the sofa, lowering his head to study the music score in his hand, concentrating, focusing and forgetting himself.

Lin Fengzhi coughed and reminded: "Fengting, the guests are here."


Lin Fengting raised his head and looked at the representatives from the two top financial groups in Star Kingdom, and handed the music score to Lin Fengzhi: "I revised a few scales.

, let the little guys try it, I think it’s pretty good. "

As the leader of the Lin clan and a master of all things food, drink and fun, Lin Fengting naturally dabbles in other fields besides martial arts throughout his life. He knows music, especially violin and piano, and is particularly proficient in classical piano. He also knows painting and sculpture. Wait, wait, except that he doesn't understand family management and business operations, he basically understands everything else. Such a great master who stands at the pinnacle of martial arts is completely opposite to other wealthy patriarchs.

"Okay, I'll show it to them."

Lin Fengzhi said casually and looked at Carter Hill and Clark: "You guys talk."

The representatives from the two wealthy families in the Star Country bowed slightly and watched Lin Fengzhi walk out, and the living room fell into silence again.

Lin Fengting picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He glanced around the two people opposite him and suddenly said: "There is no need to introduce yourself. Let's talk about it."

Clark, who had just opened his mouth to introduce himself, hesitated slightly and subconsciously glanced at Carter Hill beside him. It was obvious that he couldn't adapt to Lin Fengting's style.

Morgan and Rockefeller are both local wealthy families in the Star Kingdom. Their relationship is a bit like the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family before the start of this alliance. They are naturally opposed to each other, but they are each other's allies and compete with each other. He does everything possible, but when faced with fundamental interests, he can sit down and form an alliance calmly. When he comes to visit Lin Fengting this time, Clark, the second heir to the Morgan family, only represents Morgan, the invincible Carter Hill. He is the one who can decide everything.

Carter Hill was silent for a few seconds and said slowly: "Your Highness, the alliance has already attacked the Eastern Palace and the operation has begun. The battlefield is in the northern border of Annan."

"I know."

Lin Fengting nodded casually: "Although the Lin Clan is not as good as the Beihai Wang Clan, I still have no problem if I want to take a look at the scene."

"Did you see it?"

Carter Hill was stunned for a moment, then shook his head as if he had said something wrong, and said solemnly: "What do you think of this battle?"

Lin Fengting drank tea silently, and after a long while, he slowly said: "I couldn't understand, so I went to rehearse."

Clark: "..."

Carter Hill: "..."

Don't understand what the hell is going on?

"I am telling the truth."

Lin Fengting said calmly: "I really don't understand this battle. Many things are beyond my understanding, including Tianlan's martial arts, and that... uh... Iron Man? That's how I understand it. If I didn't know their identities, I would even think I was watching a movie. This is almost a battle on another level. You see, I am in Europe now and cannot interfere with things over there. , even if I rush over now, it's probably too late, and I can't understand it, so why should I watch it? So I went to rehearse. If you hadn't come suddenly, I should be in the private concert hall of the villa now, Music is a good thing, it makes me feel happy.”

"Then do you know that Li Kuangtu has made a breakthrough? Like Wang Tianzong back then, he has entered a new field. It can even be said that the current Li Kuangtu is the only genius in the world."

Clark couldn't help but speak.

"I know, but I think you have a wrong concept."

Lin Fengting said seriously: "Tianjiao is a concept of invincibility, not a symbol of a certain realm. I am not as good as Kuangtu Li. I probably will never have a breakthrough in this life, but what will happen if he does? Isn't it better to lose to him?" Tianlan? His breakthrough can only mean that he has entered another new realm. This realm can be described in any word. Above the invincible realm, you can call him invincible or super invincible. What is it called? That’s fine, but you can’t call him a genius. If there must be a genius in today’s dark world, it would only be Tianlan. Li Kuangtu has already lost. If you lose, you don’t deserve these two words.”

"His Majesty the Eastern Emperor's power is indeed awe-inspiring."

Carter Hill said softly, trying to keep his tone calm, but Lin Fengting still heard a hint of complexity in his voice.

Carter Hill is also a warrior.

It would be difficult for any warrior to maintain a normal state of mind in the face of the current Li Tianlan. He could single-handedly suppress Li Kuangtu, who had already broken through, and at the same time break the alliance formed by the Wang family in Beihai. Such Li Tianlan would be almost invincible. Two words taken to the extreme.

Especially his declaration to the world.

The sixth most powerful country.

Everyone who heard this sentence was very angry. They felt that Li Tianlan was arrogant, that Li Tianlan was forgetful, and that Li Tianlan was complacent.

But as a warrior, who dares to say that he doesn't have a little bit of jealousy and envy in his heart?

The sixth most powerful country, not to mention whether the previous five people recognize this title, being able to name it can already prove Li Tianlan's courage.

Lin Fengting did not speak, but quietly looked at the two guests in front of him, who could represent Rockefeller and Morgan, with calm eyes without any fluctuation.

"But...the battle continues."

Carter Hill said softly, then looked at Lin Fengting and asked seriously: "Your Highness, what do you think the outcome of this battle will be?"

Lin Fengting squinted his eyes before he guessed the purpose of Carter Hill and Clark's visit. Carter Hill asked very seriously, and his answer also needed to be from a neutral perspective, because no matter what their purpose was, he would answer The answers that come down will be extremely important.

"Hard to say."

Lin Fengting was silent for a full three minutes, and then slowly said: "What happened to those three people? I'm afraid the whole world has gone crazy with the discussion now, right?"


Carthill smiled bitterly, with confusion in his eyes: "Those three people are very strange. They seem to be a group of their own, outside the alliance, and they are led by that young man. Xingguo officially followed half an hour ago The Continental Alliance, Central Continent and even the Snow Country have exchanged information. We are all very sure that a few months ago, there was no information about these three people at all. The only thing that can be confirmed now is that a few months ago, they seemed to suddenly appear in He defeated Feilu and took control of the Wang family's Shenwu Legion in Beihai. Of course, these are just two people, that young man and that, uh... Iron Man?"

"As for that lady, we have never seen her before, and we can't find any useful information."

Lin Fengting nodded: "But what is certain is their strength, and even various methods beyond our understanding, as well as the current technological level that even Zhongzhou cannot reach. What is Tianlan's current martial arts level? , I don’t know. And I don’t know what other trump cards that trio has. With the addition of Kuangtu Li, who can predict the outcome of this battle?”

He spread his palms and said, "At least I can't."

"However, from my personal standpoint, I think it will be difficult to determine the outcome of this battle immediately, but before dawn, at most before noon, Kuangtu Li will most likely withdraw."

Lin Fengting said suddenly.


Cuthill was stunned for a moment.

"physical strength."

Lin Fengting's tone was calm: "Hangtu Li's physical strength can't keep up, haven't you noticed? Tianlan's physical strength is endless now, and his vitality is far beyond his current state. He can He can squander his physical strength at will, but Li Kuangtu can't do that. That woman has disappeared now, and Li Kuangtu's battery life will inevitably drop to three hours. In his current state, I guess it is about three hours. His His condition will decline, and this is when he tries his best. As for how long it will take for him to take action after his condition declines, it's hard to say, but it won't be later than noon tomorrow at the latest.

I know Li Kuangtu better than you do. He is a person who is afraid of death. In other words, he does not have the real courage to die with Li Tianlan. Once his condition drops to a certain level, he will definitely give up this battle. Go back and stabilize your realm for the future.

As for the final result of this battle, I am personally optimistic about Li Tianlan. That young man is very strong, and the so-called Iron Man is also strong enough. I cannot objectively evaluate this battle, but from my personal standpoint, I am more optimistic about Li Tianlan. You can understand this as my trust in him, or, this is my intuition. "


Carter Hill murmured to himself, in any field, people are accustomed to believe in the answers of authoritative people. Perhaps in the eyes of most people, Carter Hill is authoritative enough, but in Carter Hill's eyes, Lin Fengting is the authority. Because the other party is already the highest level figure in martial arts that he can come into contact with.

Carter Hill didn't dare to doubt the so-called intuition of this kind of person, but he didn't dare to believe it completely. And the most important thing was that he and Lin Fengting actually had no friendship. The other party could tell him this, which already gave him enough face. He had to take care of it. Anyway, the result was here. Lin Fengting was optimistic about Li Tianlan.

As for the reason, it doesn't matter anymore.

Even if there was really a reason, Lin Fengting would not be able to tell them this.

"Then what?"

Clark suddenly asked.


Lin Fengting raised his eyelids.

"Does Your Highness think that anyone will really recognize His Majesty the Eastern Emperor's status as the sixth most powerful nation?"

Clark looked into Lin Fengting's eyes.

"Dongdao admits it."

Lin Fengting's tone was neither salty nor light.

Clark's mouth twitched, thinking that you know so much, so you were always paying attention to the information from the outside world during rehearsals, right?

"We all know that Dongdao's recognition doesn't mean much. To put it bluntly, even if most countries in the world recognize it, it doesn't mean much. The most important ones are Central Continent, Star Kingdom, England, France, and Snow Country. Do you recognize it or not.

These are the five powerful people recognized all over the world. If they join forces, they can easily subvert all countries except them. This is the strength of the five powerful people. If they don't recognize His Majesty Donghuang's words, then there will be no sixth in the world. Strong. "

"so what?"

Lin Fengting frowned: "What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is that it is impossible. The five powerful ones, including Zhongzhou, will not recognize His Majesty the Eastern Emperor's status. No matter how powerful one person is, it is impossible to defeat the whole world alone, but the five powerful ones can.

So... what I most want to say is...

His Majesty Donghuang may have the last laugh in this battle. His absolute invincibility will be remembered by the whole world. This will be his most glorious time, because his existence is tantamount to redefining martial arts on behalf of mankind all over the world. The concept of the peak, but when he is personally brilliant, the East Palace will also be in the greatest crisis... The Five Congresses will take action, and they will definitely take action to curb the ambition of the East Emperor. Even you, Your Highness, cannot deny this. "

Clark said quickly.

Lin Fengting looked at him thoughtfully and said softly: "So, do you think Donghuang Palace is afraid of this?"

"It's not a question of whether you're afraid or not."

Carter Hill took over the topic and said softly: "This is a problem that the East Palace cannot handle at all. In fact, I think that the best result is for His Majesty the East Palace to lose this battle and ensure that he is not injured. But obviously, this is not in line with His Majesty's character. If I say it boldly, maybe the moment His Majesty wins the victory, it will be the beginning of the official destruction of the Eastern Palace."

"The contradiction has become somewhat acute, and this is an unavoidable problem."

Lin Fengting picked up the tea cup again and said expressionlessly: "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because of your relationship with Donghuang."

Clark's voice became a little cautious and full of probing: "Your Highness, don't you think that the connection between the Lin Clan and the Eastern Palace is too close? As far as I know, the original heir of the Lin Clan is now in The East Palace has become a new branch of the Lin Clan in Asia, but the blood relationship between father and son cannot be separated, and even in the eyes of many people, the Lin Clan as a whole has become an ally of the East Palace."

He paused for a few seconds and gritted his teeth: "And with all due respect, when the conflict really happens between the five powerful people, the background of the wealthy family is no longer important, and the apparent force is , is the most important thing. I don’t doubt your power, but obviously, you are not as absolutely invincible as Donghuang.

The five major forces will definitely take action against the East Palace, but before they take action, they will definitely weaken the overall power of the East Palace, such as the Lin clan, the Dark Knights, and the East Island... Only after these forces have disappeared, will they target the East Palace. The palace will become very calm. "

Lin Fengting put down his teacup, took out a cigarette and lit it.

He squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, half-smiling.

"So what you're saying is that the Five Greats will attack the Lin Clan first and destroy the Lin Clan soon?"

"It's logical."

Carter Hill said softly: "It doesn't matter whether it is correct or not, what the Five Greats did is correct. The Lin Clan is in danger now, to be precise, it is very dangerous. Hasn't His Highness considered the future of the Lin Clan?"

Lin Fengting suddenly burst out laughing. In the uneasy expressions of the two of them, he pointed at them with a cigarette between his fingers and said with a smile: "It's really interesting. I, the patriarch, have not considered the future. It seems that you have already considered it for me." Arrived? The Lin clan is facing the crisis of destruction. This is your idea, right? Okay, then tell me, what would you do if you were sitting in my position?"

Clark and Cuthill looked at each other.

The former coughed and said in a very slow tone: "I can understand the feelings between you and Donghuang Palace, but for the sake of the family, many times, we have to give up some things that are very important, but not as important as the family. s things.

Your Highness, in such a sensitive time

Now, I think you should consider severing ties with Donghuang Palace.

This is my suggestion. Of course, this is also our selfishness. We do not deny this and there is no way to deny it.

The Lin Clan is a very powerful family. Even in the world, the Lin Clan is the top family. We are very uneasy about having allies like the Lin Clan in the East Palace. This is also the purpose of our coming here. For the future of the Lin clan, and for our benefit, at present, it is necessary to cut off the relationship with the East Palace and draw a clear line. "

He and Carter Hill suddenly took out the folder they had brought over at the same time, and then they both moved in unison, pushing the folder in front of Lin Fengting with both hands: "Of course, we bring not only suggestions, but also our sincerity. We do have selfish motives, but we also sincerely consider the future of the Lin Clan. If you can accept our suggestion, then everything will belong to the Lin Clan."

Lin Fengting raised his eyebrows curiously, took the folder and opened it.

The two folders were all filled with thick documents. The transfer agreements one after another were dazzling. Lin Fengting just glanced at them twice and lost interest. He threw the folders on the coffee table: "I If you don’t understand this thing, tell me what it is.”

Clark was a little helpless, but he cheered up: "This is the transfer agreement for nearly half of Morgan and Rockefeller's groups in Europe. There are also transfer agreements signed by many wealthy families including Rothschild and the Sabins family. As well as a large amount of cash compensation, the total value of these things is an exciting 1200 billion Zhongzhou coins. Your Highness, all these things are here now. As long as you nod and sign your name, it will take up to half an hour. , all this will belong to the Lin clan."

His voice was excited and high-pitched, even a little sharp.

Lin Fengting whistled and said with a smile: "It sounds really good, so what do I need to do?"

"There are three things I need to trouble Your Highness about."

Carter Hill said calmly: "First, we hope that His Highness can become the leader of the Lin clan again. Second, we hope that His Highness can recall Mr. Lin Youxian. Third, we hope that the Lin clan will issue a statement to the outside world and contact the Qin Dynasty. All relations with Ms. Wei Bai, and terminate all relations between His Highness Lin Youxian and the Eastern Palace."

"Of course, there's a fourth point."

Karak took over the topic very actively: "If His Highness is willing to let the power of the Lin clan join us, I mean the financial alliance. I think His Highness has long known about the existence of the alliance, right? This is an alliance that exists to deal with the Shengshi Fund. Alliance, if the Lin clan is willing to join, your harvest this time will be exactly the same as ours, and..."


Lin Fengting laughed, and with his laughter, the temperature in the living room began to drop rapidly, and a faint edge filled every corner of the living room.


Lin Fengting's tone was soft and slow: "It's really interesting. In the hundreds of years of history of the Lin Clan, this is the first time that someone, the first time, an outsider has shouted slogans that are good for the Lin Clan and asked the Lin Clan to expel the current leader. .”

His body leaned forward slightly.

A huge sense of oppression came over my face, overwhelming.

Clark's face instantly turned pale, and his whole body was pressed against the back of the sofa.

Carter Hill also felt a little uncomfortable. The invisible sword energy seemed to have filled his mouth and nose. With every breath he took, it was hurting their bodies. He could even feel the smell of blood coming out of his throat.


Lin Fengting looked at them, and the sword energy around him suddenly withdrew: "Do you really want to die?"

"Your Highness..."

Cuthill closed his eyes and slowly opened them again.

His eyes carefully observed Lin Fengting's eyes without any evasion: "We have no ill intentions."

"Qin Weibai is the current clan leader of the Lin clan. Any proposal to expel her would be malicious to the Lin clan and also an insult."

Lin Fengting said lightly.

"Then are you really willing to stand beside the Eastern Palace and be the enemy of the whole world?"

Clark couldn't help but raise his tone a little.


Lin Fengting twitched the corner of his mouth: "If the so-called whole world is the kind of whole world you think...then give it a try."

Carter Hill's heart moved slightly.

Lin Fengting's voice continued: "While I don't want to kill you now, take your things and get out immediately. In fact, I also really want to see how powerful your so-called whole world is."


There was complete silence in the living room.

Clark and Cuthill looked at each other, and each could see a hint of hesitation and struggle in the other's eyes.

Lin Fengting looked at them quietly, expressionless and silent.

The two folders were taken back by them.

Clark glanced at Cuthill again.

The other party nodded slightly.

As if he had received the signal, Clark opened the folder, took out a large number of documents that had been stapled together and placed them on the coffee table, and then picked up some scattered documents.

Cuthill followed suit.

In Lin Fengting's playful eyes, the two looked at each other again.


With a slight sound, all the scattered documents were torn into pieces by the two people.

Lin Fengting remained calm.

Carter Hill spoke, but not to Lin Fengting.


He spoke softly, stretched out his palms, and faced Lin Fengting: "I'm going to introduce you. This is the contemporary leader of the Lin Clan. With him as the core, the Lin Clan has hundreds of branches scattered all over the world, influencing The fate of millions of people affects the pattern of countless industrial fields. This is a great family, a super wealthy family with hundreds of years of history.

He is just like us. The survival of our family is the most important thing for us.

On the way here, we discussed the life of the Lin clan, the enjoyment, comfort, and tranquility of their headquarters... The city we are in now has a population of only 10,000, but everyone here is truly carefree. , except one person. "

Carter Hill pointed at Lin Fengting: "This is... or in other words, the past clan leaders of the Lin clan. They are the ones who are waiting silently behind the scenes for the happiness and stability of everyone here. For this stability, they can sacrifice everything. Including sacrificing themselves.”

Lin Fengting was silent.

Carthill's voice continued: "So, Clark, tell me, such a clan leader is willing to risk the life and death of the entire Lin clan for the Eastern Palace. Such a stupid decision, are you willing to believe it?"

Lin Fengting frowned.

"I do not believe."

Clark's voice was soft, but extremely firm.

"I don't believe it either."

Cuthill nodded: "But we were still rejected. What does this mean?"

Clark looked at Lin Fengting, with a smile on his lips: "Maybe it means they still have a trump card, right? An amazing enough trump card."

The two of them talked to themselves and left Lin Fengting aside.

"But what I must say is..."

Carter Hill looked at Lin Fengting: "The current East Palace, the current Lin clan, including the Dark Knights, do not have the power to make the Five Great Lords bow their heads for the time being. Your Highness, I say this, do you agree?"

Lin Fengting hummed lightly.


The last trace of hesitation flashed in Carter Hill's eyes, and then he pushed the stapled documents to Lin Fengting again: "I think you need this."

Lin Fengting raised his eyebrows.

"We can fully represent the Rockefeller and Morgan families. And now these two documents are all transfer documents of our two industries. Only our two industries are worth hundreds of billions of dollars. This is our sincerity, and other Rich families have nothing to do with it.”


Lin Fengting looked at them: "What do you mean?"

"The current power of the Eastern Palace is not enough. His Majesty the Eastern Emperor wants to challenge the whole world, and if he wants not to be defeated by the whole world, then what he needs is power that can fight against the whole world."

Carthill said seriously: "With the addition of Rockefeller and Morgan, how much do you think can increase His Majesty's chances of winning?"

A huge flip suddenly appeared in front of Lin Fengting.

Even though Lin Fengting was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Plus Rockefeller and Morgan.

The ultimate backstab?

It was the Financial Alliance who stabbed you in the back!

From the very beginning when they came to the Lin clan, Morgan and Rockefeller prepared two plans.

Either persuade the Lin clan to leave the Eastern Palace.

Or, join the East Palace camp.

East Palace, Lin Clan, Dark Knights, Rockefeller, Morgan!

This is an almost unprecedented super alliance.

Money, wealth, connections, ultimate force, everything is available.


Lin Fengting said softly, even he was shocked by the turn of events between these two wealthy families.

There was no ecstasy or excitement in his eyes, only a hint of appreciation.

This look made the two of them more convinced that their choice was correct.

"If the dynasty really emerges, we will stand beside the dynasty and welcome the new era with His Majesty the Eastern Emperor."

Clark's voice was solemn and serious.

"That's very nice to say."

Lin Fengting smiled: "But when you come to me, in the final analysis, it is just to buy first-hand insurance. Your current partner is the Lin clan, which is one floor away from the East Palace and at the same time stands in the camp of the East Palace. In this way Come, even if you fail, you can get away, just be careful to fight well.”

Carter Hill's body stiffened and he smiled bitterly: "Being an enemy of the whole world is a necessary caution."

"Your caution is pointless."

Lin Fengting shook his head: "Because you have found the wrong person. I can cooperate with you, but you should not talk to me about your specific demands, because I don't understand them. You always say you are the enemy of the whole world, but the world is so Da, have you really seen it?"

He looked down at his watch.

At this point in time...

Alice should have completed the gathering and transfer of funds.

Therefore, if something is exposed, it won't matter. Even if Morgan and Rockefeller go back on their word, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"I see your sincerity."

He said softly: "I also know what you mean. You want to see Donghuang Palace's trump card, right?"

Clark and Carter Hill's eyes lit up for a moment at the same time.

"It's a pity that you can't see the trump card."

Shaking his head with some regret, Lin Fengting picked up the remote control next to him and turned on the screen: "But I can let you appreciate other things. This will make you truly realize that if you want to follow the footsteps of the dynasty, you now The little things we have brought out are not enough, far from enough.”

"other things..."

Clark's eyes were a little fiery: "What about?"

He and Cuthill aren't afraid to pay the price.

Coming to the Lin Clan this time is to alienate the Lin Clan, and it is also a test for the Lin Clan.

The rise of the Eastern Palace has really affected the nerves of countless wealthy families, so Morgan and Rockefeller prepared two plans, and they have full authority to decide which plan to implement. This is the ultimate trust of the families behind them, and For this trust, they must also have wise enough judgment.

The situation in the dark world is always in turmoil.

All wealthy families are facing unprecedented dangers and opportunities.

As long as their judgment is accurate enough, no matter how much they pay, it will be worth it.

As long as they can be sure that joining the Eastern Palace camp is correct, they will not hesitate to follow a dynasty even if their current sincerity is doubled.

The night is getting darker.

Clark and Cuthill looked at each other again, both seeing excitement in each other's eyes.

Everything about this night is destined to go down in history.

Fighting, talks, chaos, killing...

In the constant turmoil of the dark world, no one realizes that the people at the top have begun to build a new order.

Lin Fengting controlled the screen and connected to the encrypted channel.

The entire screen is divided into three parts.

Han Donglou's figure appeared on the screen.

The other picture is of a conference room...

Sabins, Caroline, Holy Angel Group...

Representatives sat in the conference room and talked.

Clark and Carter Hill opened their mouths wide and looked at the screen blankly. His body completely stiffened, his face was dull, and behind the dullness, extremely rich panic appeared in their eyes at the same time.

People in the conference room also saw Clark and Carter Hill, and everyone was equally surprised and shocked.

Lin Fengting answered with a smile: "For example, let you see the world, or let you feel that your decision is wise enough, and at the same time appreciate the end of the major wealthy families."

"Welcome Morgan, welcome Rockefeller."

Han Donglou's voice came out of the screen, clear and ethereal: "Welcome to the new era."

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