The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 508: Reason

The latest website name: Qianye Pavilion The latest website address:

Reinhardt was stunned.

The word "Li" that Jiang Shangyu just spoke made him subconsciously think of Li Tianlan. He thought Jiang Shangyu would say that Li Tianlan was ranked second. At that moment, he thought a lot, and even speculated whether Wang Tianzong had recovered or even gone further.

But Jiang Shangyu's painting style changed, and the name he said...

Who is coming?

Reinhardt thought he heard wrong.

"Li Huacheng."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly: "The Speaker of Central Continent, Li Huacheng, he is ranked second, which is the most conservative estimate. If it is not too shocking, I would even want to rank him first.

In my speculation, Li Tianlan really may not be able to do anything about Li Huacheng. "

Of course, these words are not entirely true.

He was mainly afraid that if Li Huacheng was really ranked first, Li Huacheng would find an opportunity to kill him. Although this was not in line with Li Huacheng's temperament, Li Huacheng himself was a great master, which was completely subversive.

"How can this be?"

Reinhardt was a little sluggish and shook his head subconsciously, his movements violent.

He was naturally no stranger to Li Huacheng, and had even met him on some occasions. Looking back now, he suddenly found that he didn't know much about Li Huacheng. He just felt that the other person was very stable and low-key, and sometimes even existed. The feeling is not strong, and these vague impressions cannot construct a clear image of a master in his mind.

"That's the truth. If he hadn't personally hit me hard, how could I be willing to leave Central Continent?"

Jiang Shangyu's voice was calm.

"Can you tell me more specifically?"

Reinhardt took a deep breath. He still felt it was a bit absurd, but he instinctively wanted to know more.

"Spiritual realm."

Jiang Shangyu pondered: "He is a master in the spiritual field, but his mental power is extremely explosive and can also become very obscure. This gives him extremely strong combat effectiveness and also extremely strong hypnotic ability.

In terms of levels, he should be still half a step away from the transcendent realm, but he has many tricks up his sleeve and is hard to guard against. "

He tried hard to recall the process of his fight with Li Huacheng.

In fact, there is really no process.

When facing Li Huacheng, it was really just a moment when he was hit hard without any defense or resistance.

The other party's spiritual power and explosive power were simply unbelievable, so he wisely chose to talk rather than take action.

If he had fought with Li Huacheng at that time, he would have died and would not even be able to escape.

Because in such a situation, his so-called escape may be affected by Li Huacheng's mental power. When he feels that he is getting further and further away from Li Huacheng, maybe he is actually getting closer and closer to Li Huacheng, which is simply shaking his head. It's like sending him over to kill him.

"Are you sure?"

Reinhardt's face turned a little ugly.

"He put some instructions in my head."

Jiang Shangyu laughed heartily: "At the critical moment, he can activate these instructions and make me become his puppet. Of course, he instilled these instructions very covertly, and he thought I didn't notice."

Jiang Shangyu took a sip of wine and squinted his eyes: "The content of what I talked about with him was very simple, that is, I will leave Central Continent, strive to gain a foothold in Star Kingdom, Europe, or Snow Kingdom, and give you a blow at the critical moment, and cooperate with Li Tianlan inside and outside. , helping him become the only emperor of the dark world.

In return, he will protect my Jiang family and make the Jiang family a top wealthy family when I return to Central Continent, hehe, haha..."

Reinhardt was a little wary, but as Jiang Shangyu talked more and more, he gradually relaxed.

"So, Jiang, you can get rid of those instructions, right?"

"I don't need to get rid of it at all."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly: "Before the alliance took action, I asked the Holy Emperor to do a double spiritual coronation for me. No matter how many tricks Li Huacheng has, he is still not as good as the Holy Emperor in terms of level. His orders cannot affect me at all."


He smiled strangely: "This can be regarded as a retreat for me, so you ask me whether leaving Zhongzhou is true or false. This can be said to be true or false. The main thing is to see Xingguo’s sincerity and heritage.

If Li Tianlan can really be killed, then anything can be said.

But if things are really unavoidable, in order to survive, even if I don’t want to take this fallback path, there is nothing I can do. All I can guarantee now is to try my best, but I don’t want to die, you can understand What? "

Reinhardt was silent for a while, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Xingguo is very much looking forward to your joining. We are sincere enough, and please believe that we also have enough foundation.

When the time is right, Li Tianlan won't be a problem. "

Jiang Shangyu's eyes lit up: "I want to know now, what do you have that can guarantee the death of Li Tianlan?"

Reinhardt glanced at him calmly and said with a smile: "It's not the time yet, Jiang, you should also understand us. If the time is right, we can even hand over that thing to you, but not now, we We’re still talking about cooperation, aren’t we?”

Jiang Shangyu took a deep look at him, chuckled, and picked up the wine glass in front of him.

Reinhardt also raised his glass to signal, and drank the white wine in the glass again.

"Also, regarding the question you just asked, I can also answer you now."

Reinhardt said slowly: "Aren't I trying to draw a cake for you?

That's not interesting.

I come here with sincerity. In fact, letting you control the Angel Lord Group is not a temptation to you at all, but a prerequisite for our cooperation.

Jiang, in my opinion, I will give you sincerity, and your control of the Angel Lord Group is the sincerity you give us. "

He played with the wine glass in his hand, his eyes a little wandering: "I like some concepts of Zhongzhou very much, such as... balance? Li Huacheng has not had a strong sense of presence in these years, but in terms of balance, he has done really well.

These two words are the truth no matter where they are placed.

We also need balance.

To be precise, the Angel Group needs balance, which is why I urgently need you to join us. At present, it seems that you are the best candidate. "

He wasn't going to hide anything.

Because now that he has decided to cooperate with Jiang Shangyu, Lucifer and the current situation of the Angel Group cannot be hidden at all. What he hopes is that Jiang Shangyu and Lucifer will check and balance each other, not that Jiang Shangyu will die. If he didn't explain the situation clearly, he was really worried that Jiang Shangyu would overturn.

"Does the Angel Group need checks and balances?"

Seemingly stunned, Jiang Shangyu asked subconsciously.

Reinhardt thought about the scene in the elevator again, and his face began to turn a little pale. It was an extreme fear.

Jiang Shangyu, who noticed the change in his expression, narrowed his eyes. He said nothing, but his thoughts had extended to the black robe who had been watching all this: "What's going on?"

There is no need to say anything when they are alone together, because their thoughts are synchronized, and when they are not talking, information transmission is more efficient: "What will happen to the Angels?"

Why didn't they expect to win the Angel Lord Group in the first place?

Because in Jiang Shangyu's memory of another time and space, the Angel Jun Group was always firmly in Jun Fang's hands, and he controlled it very well.

But looking at the situation now, this is not the case at all.

At least Reinhardt is already eager to get rid of the Angels, and even wants to recruit people to check and balance. This can only mean that there is a problem within the Angels.

And it's definitely not a small problem.

Otherwise, Reinhardt would not have reacted like this, let alone be so sincere.

"It's no use asking me."

Heipao's thoughts fluctuated in response to Jiang Shangyu: "In my memory, the Angel Jundan is a sharp blade, and there is no possibility of any problems, at least in the next four or five years.

What I said is not a problem. I look at it from the perspective of the Star Kingdom. In another time and space, they have always valued the Angel Lord Group because they are really easy to use.

But now, the situation seems to have changed. "

The black robe paused, then became confused: "Why?"

Li Tianlan, Qin Weibai, and Jiang Shangyu himself had never had any direct connection with the Angel Lord Group before.

There are many indirect connections.

For example, the destruction of the men in black, the destruction of the fantasy world, and even every major movement in the dark world, if it can affect the Star Kingdom, will inevitably affect the men in black indirectly.

Could it be that these indirect influences interfered with the development trajectory that the men in black should have had, causing them to have accidents?

What kind of accident could cause Reinhardt to react like this?

"ask clearly."

The black robe spoke in a low voice.

Jiang Shangyu looked at Reinhardt calmly and said softly: "Angel Corps, is there something wrong?"

"Big problem."

Reinhardt's face became more and more unnatural, and he moved the corners of his mouth and gave a bitter smile: "The Angel Lord Group is still generally normal.

But there's something off about Lucifer, and Lucifer Squad. "


Jiang Shangyu frowned.

"I'm not going to hide anything from you. In the field of biological modification, we are at the forefront of the world, and Lucifer can be said to be our most mature and perfect work at this stage.

His various combat data show that he has a strength that is infinitely close to the peak of invincibility.

But in fact, he can turn into the most terrifying super weapon under command, without emotions or feelings, pure and terrifying. In that state, he can even kill the masters at the peak of invincibility.

After the chaos in the Snow Country, the Angel Lord Group is our greatest reliance, and Lucifer is our most important trump card. "

Jiang Shangyu listened expressionlessly: "Go on."

"But... I don't know why, he suddenly seemed to change."

The unnaturalness in Reinhardt's tone could hardly be concealed: "I can't describe the change. He suddenly became very weird, even turned into a monster..."

"Can you be more specific?"

Jiang Shangyu's eyes became deeper.

"Some time ago, we tested Lucifer's various data. His various data are no longer close to the peak invincibility. Using a certain peak invincible figure in Star Kingdom as a template, we found that Lucifer's various data have been It has tied the data on the template, and now, I suspect Lucifer should have retained his strength in the test."

Reinhardt smiled bitterly and said: "But the problem is that the data test of the super weapon will instill instructions. In that case, Lucifer is the super weapon. He should not have any thoughts and will instinctively follow the instructions. But why does he Can you retain your strength under such circumstances?”

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath: "Do you think Lucifer has escaped control and has the strength to surpass the peak invincibility?"

Beyond the peak of invincibility...

What level is that?

To put it bluntly, Jiang Shangyu, Li Tianlan, and Lin Fengting are now at a level beyond the peak invincibility.

Lucifer, is it possible?

He is a super weapon.

Strictly speaking, there is no realm at all. His data may improve slightly, but the main improvement in combat effectiveness depends on the technological progress of Star Kingdom.

Without technological advancement, it would be impossible for him to improve beyond the so-called realm.

If there is no realm, how to cross it?

"Do you have evidence?"

Jiang Shangyu asked.

"Before I came here, I was with Lucifer."

Reinhardt's wry smile became more obvious: "At that time, we were discussing how to kill Li Tianlan, and he suddenly said that he was hungry, and then... right in front of me, he ate half of his own arm..."

While Jiang Shangyu's pupils were contracting violently, Reinhardt continued talking to himself: "At that time, it was as if he didn't know the pain, and there seemed to be countless souls in his body, and he even made a woman's voice... .Then, he showed a strong ability to recover.

The arm that had been eaten regrown in front of me. At that time, the skin all over his body was swelling, and there was a very intensive heartbeat, like...

He was covered in hearts. "

"Our transformation of him definitely did not involve this field. In fact, with his performance like that, I no longer think he is human... he is just a monster.

Inexplicably, he turned into a monster. "

Jiang Shangyu pursed his lips and was silent for a long time.

He didn't know what to say, so he could only convey it to the black robe through his thoughts: "What do you think?"

If everything is really as Reinhardt said...

That kind of recovery ability is actually more terrifying than Li Tianlan?

Li Tianlan can recover in a short time if he is seriously injured.

But if it is a short limb, can it be reborn in such a short time?

What is the concept of having a heart all over your body?

A dense heart, how disgusting is that?

"I can't see..."

The black robe responded lightly: "But inexplicably, it feels so familiar..."

He silenced the council again and said softly: "No change is truly silent. There must be a reason for this. When did Lucifer become like this?"

Jiang Shangyu asked directly.

"Within half a year."

Reinhardt said with certainty: "I am certain that this change in him definitely started within half a year."

"Where has he been these past six months?"

Jiang Shangyu asked subconsciously.


Reinhardt said: "In the past six months, he has been stationed at a base in South America, in the Chole Province of Godbia. I have investigated and found that in the past six months, there has been no major event there that could shake up the dark world."

Jiang Shangyu suddenly fell silent.

Because he captured the black robe's thoughts.

Province of South America, Godbia, and Chole.

Within half a year! ! !

There was indeed no major event that shook the dark world.

However, within half a year, a major event occurred there that shocked the whole world. It is a major event that will affect mankind even today and for decades to come and even longer.


Jiang Shangyu spoke softly.

Reinhardt was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"A few months ago, the unprecedented earthquake first occurred in Chole Province."

That day, the whole world saw a faint, somewhat abnormal blue moon.

The magnitude of the earthquake that lasted for less than a minute could not be described at all. In less than a minute, the entire land plate of Chole Province was completely torn apart. Hundreds of square kilometers of mountains were completely lost in the earthquake and were submerged by sea water.

Today, earthquakes occur from time to time, and their scale has spread to less than half of South America, and the number of victims has exceeded millions.

The core area where the earthquake occurred, as well as several surrounding countries, are facing huge typhoons and tsunamis.

That earthquake has affected the violent shaking of the South American land plate. The overall impact will spread to South America and the entire North Magnesium in the next ten years. South America will become the hardest hit area by countless natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes. , volcanic eruptions are very likely to take place in turn, and may even affect the global climate.

No one thought that such a big thing would have anything to do with Lucifer turning into a monster.

But the first time he heard about Lucifer's changes, Jiang Shangyu instinctively felt that there must be some connection.

At the same time, Hei Pao felt even more confused inside. The feeling that something important had been lost suddenly became stronger than ever when he mentioned Nami and the earthquake.

Jiang Shangyu remained silent.

But the man in black robe in the base suddenly raised his hand, bit his finger, and laughed: "I don't know why..."

He murmured in a low voice: "Suddenly, I feel so hungry too."

"We need to discuss this issue carefully."

Jiang Shangyu looked at Reinhardt and said calmly.

"We can change places."

Reinhardt stood up immediately.

Jiang Shangyu did not refuse, stood up, and followed Reinhardt to the door of the box.

Reinhardt opened the door.

His body froze in place again, and then began to tremble violently with a frequency that could not be concealed.

Right at the door of the box.

A figure with fiery red hair bent his body, put his ears against the door, covered his ears with his palms, and seemed to be eavesdropping on something furtively.

Even when the private room door was opened, he did not change his posture and was still eavesdropping with a weird smile.

In his other hand he held a table knife.

The table knife was stained with scarlet and dripping.

"you you..."

Reinhardt's face turned livid, then turned pale again, then turned livid again, and he was speechless for a while.

Lucifer, who was holding the table knife, slowly straightened up.

He stared hard at Reinhardt and Egami Yu, and his weird smile gradually widened, even to the point where his gums were completely exposed.

"You are here..."

He chuckled quietly.

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