The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 521: Who are you?

The latest website name: Qianye Pavilion The latest website address:

It's completely like a nightmare.

Dreams are things without any rules, bizarre, absurd, and chaotic.

In different dreams, you can gain everything or lose everything, you can become a monster, you can become a god, you can make yourself glamorous, you can also make yourself ugly.

Dreams have no logic.

No logic is also a kind of logic.

Qin Weibai feels like this now.

She felt that she was dreaming, but in this dream, she did not complete the logical self-consistency of the dream, so she knew clearly that she was dreaming and was not immersed in it.

But the problem now is that she can't seem to wake up from this dream.

She was sitting in front of the dressing mirror, her hair was slightly messy, her face was red because she had just woken up, her white silk pajamas made her skin smoother and more delicate, and her delicate and sharp face was perfect without any flaws. In the bedroom Her own rich fragrance was floating around. If she hadn't been grabbing her hair with her eyes wide open and her face dull, her current state would have been the lazy posture of a goddess who had just woken up from sleep.

Qin Weibai examined his face.

It was indeed her own face, very similar, but not exactly like it.

This feeling is indescribable. If he had to put it into words, Qin Weibai felt that the self in the mirror was a completely pirated version of himself.

It seemed like that was the case, but something was obviously wrong.

The self in the mirror seems to be a portrait of myself, and the artist's skill is extremely poor. Although the image is very close, the charm is completely lacking.

In general...

I look really, really ugly in the mirror.

And what I see in the mirror...


She subconsciously reached out and touched her back.

It turned out that the reflection in the mirror was correct and there was indeed nothing on her back.

Qin Weibai's expression suddenly became aggrieved.

She wanted to scream.


She won't.

Familiar face, familiar body, but all this is just familiar in appearance.

The structure of her body became a little incomprehensible, and some details were also a little different. In a state of shock, she couldn't even find a way to use her vocal cords to make sounds.

The heart is beating slightly, driving a trace, not even a trace, but a wisp of energy that is difficult to detect.

His body was incredibly weak.

She didn't even know how her weak body survived.

Why do I have such inexplicable dreams?

It has become so ugly, and why are the wings gone?

Not only is it ugly, but it's also dirty...

Why are you covered in dirt...

She pulled her hair hard, feeling aggrieved as if she was about to cry at any time.

Why haven't you woke up from this dream?

Could it be that an enemy is taking action against him? Hypnosis?

But how is this possible? This is the field that I am best at, and this is my palace. The eldest brother, the elder brother and the third brother are all close to me. Who else can take action against me?

Just why do you dream...

Why dream!

Her body kept twisting on the chair, and she subconsciously wanted to find a communicator to contact her brother. Her spiritual power spread out in an extremely delicate way, almost instinctively. She once again felt extremely weak, and even Even the communicator is gone.

It seems that this is indeed a dream.

As her spiritual power continued to be released, she quickly calmed down.

She analyzed her situation. Obviously, everything in front of me is just a dream.

The dream begins when I am in a very small room.

I woke up in a strange bedroom, ate some unpalatable food, and then found that I became very strange and weak.

There seem to be many strange and weak life forms around him, and the body structure is also very strange. The area where the spiritual power radiates is currently very limited, but it can be roughly felt that it is the surface environment.

There was a guard standing outside his door.

What a weak guard...

But this is a dream. In a dream, everything that is unreasonable is reasonable.

Qin Weibai sat silently, thinking about the situation in the dream, trying to wake himself up quickly.

However, this dream space is incredibly solid. Even though I am completely calm and my consciousness has fully awakened, I can still be in this dream safely without any palpitations.

All thoughts begin to return after the chaotic emotions.

Qin Weibai began to receive the message.

Qin Xi'er?

Your own name?

What a crappy name...

What is Li Tianlan?

I actually want to accompany him...

Accompany him...accompany him...

Qin Weibai's eyes suddenly turned cold.


The almost violent mental power exploded completely in the bedroom. With Qin Weibai as the center, pieces of terrifying transparent airflow formed around her.

The entire castle she was in was shaking violently, and the structure of her bedroom was obviously distorted.

Qin Weibai was slightly startled, and instinctively controlled his mental power to rush out of the castle.

Blue sky and white sun.

A deafening thunder suddenly sounded over the East Palace.

The transparent air flow stirred the entire space and exploded in the most open area of ​​the East Palace. A white air mass spread fiercely across the sky.

The air mass immediately condensed as it spread, forming a giant pillar of air that shot straight into the sky.

The sun was shining down, and the entire giant pillar of air was colorful. In an instant, the spiritual power of time and space surged over the entire East Palace.

Everyone in the East Palace and Xuanyuan City who saw this scene was stunned and didn't know what was happening.

In the bedroom, Qin Weibai had already stood up with a cold face.

At this moment, she was no longer aggrieved or even angry. She was in the calmest state.

She didn't know who left the message for her.

I don’t know who Li Tianlan is either.

The most important thing is that she simply cannot accept the message the other party left her.

She wants to be with a man named Li Tianlan in this dream?

Do you still want to obey him and make him happy?

What is Li Tianlan?

Is he worthy?

What is it that left this kind of message and psychological suggestion to myself?

Who dares to dominate her? !

In an extremely cold mood, she finally found the correct way to breathe and pronounce words.

Taking a deep breath, she left the bedroom and opened the door regardless of her current image.

The knight is still standing outside the door, as dedicated as a statue.

Qin Weibai's eyes softened slightly.

Although this was a dream and everything in front of him was illusion. Although this weak guard seemed not to exist, Qin Weibai could still feel her loyalty.

The knight immediately felt the movement behind the door, turned around, and subconsciously bowed slightly: "Boss, you're awake."

Qin Weibai frowned and said: "@#@\u0026...%*"

The knight suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin Weibai with a confused expression.

What is this...what are you talking about?


She shouted cautiously.

Qin Weibai frowned slightly: "*\u0026...%¥ # "

The knight's face turned a little pale. She couldn't explain the current situation because she couldn't understand what her boss was saying.

Which country's language is this?

She couldn't understand it, but she instinctively thought it sounded good. The rhythm between the lines was very neat, with a mysterious and elegant charm.


It doesn't matter what the language is.

The important thing is why doesn’t the boss speak Chinese?

With random thoughts in his mind, the knight saw the boss waving to him.

Although she was a little uneasy, she still walked over without any hesitation.

Qin Weibai stretched out his finger and landed on the knight's eyebrows.

The knight stood silently, without any resistance or even the slightest intention of resistance.

Qin Weibai's eyes became softer.

The spiritual power completely enveloped herself and the knight in an instant.

Time passes minute by minute.

Qin Weibai seemed a little impatient, but her impatience was expressed in a somewhat aggrieved mood.

So slow...too slow...

After about ten minutes, Qin Weibai took back his finger and asked, "What is this place?"

The knight was stunned for another moment, unable to react at all.

She is from Snow Country.

Qin Weibai was using the language of Snow Country at this time.

Qin Weibai misunderstood and frowned: "Isn't this your language?"

This time, she naturally switched to English.

The knight's expression collapsed.

Chinese! Chinese!

What about Chinese? !

Boss, have you forgotten your native language after sleeping? !

"What is this place?"

Qin Weibai asked again, this time she switched to extremely standard Chinese.

Her voice sounded the same as before, but it became more ethereal and cold.

The knight finally reacted.

She suppressed the absurd emotions in her heart, and her voice was trembling: "Boss, this is the East Palace, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm dreaming."

Qin Weibai responded, frowning, looking thoughtful.

What kind of boss am I again?


The knight's tone was a bit exaggerated.

"I'm a little confused..."

Qin Weibai shook her head, her hair dancing gently with her movements. She was not in the mood to care about it for the time being.

"Where is Li Tianlan?"

She asked calmly.

The knight's body trembled subconsciously.

At this moment, Qin Weibai's tone was very calm, but the knight heard an extremely deep chill from her voice.

"Boss, what do you want to do?"

The knight's tone trembled even more.

"He deserves to die."

Qin Weibai said lightly: "I'll kill him first before I can think properly."

Regardless of reality or dream, anyone who dares to blaspheme her will die.

Although she can't find her brother here, nor her eldest and third brothers, it doesn't matter. She is alone in her dreams and can do whatever she wants.

The knight's mind went blank for a moment.

Her face became stiff and she started to back away a little.

She looked at Qin Weibai as if she had seen something extremely terrifying.

"You're not the boss."

The knight tried his best to calm down: "Who are you?"

Qin Weibai glanced at her and nodded: "I am Xibai."

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