The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 528: I dare not say

The latest website name: Qianye Pavilion The latest website address:

It was deathly quiet in the laboratory.

The entire medical team gathered in front of the dormant cabin, looking at Qin Weibai lying inside, as if he had seen a ghost during the day.

Even the extremely irritable medical team leader was confused.

She opened her eyes and stared at the dormant chamber, shaking her head constantly, looking suspicious of life.

The snow-white little rabbit is still moving.

She was held in Qin Weibai's arms, struggling out with shaking head, jumping on her shoulders, and then rushed into the nutrient solution.

The nutrient solution fluctuated slightly.

The little rabbit's body rose and fell with the spreading ripples.

Then it climbed up along the smooth glass shield of the dormant cabin and stopped in front of everyone. Its red eyes were like gems, crystal clear, and its mouth was still moving, looking very innocent.

Still no one from the medical team said anything.

At this time, everyone felt as if they were in a dream and were speechless at all.

The little rabbit leaned back slightly, fell into the nutrient solution, and then began to swim on its back.

Can rabbits swim?

Mainly, can a rabbit swim on its back?

No, it doesn't matter at all.

Because the rabbit in the nutrient solution started to fly while swimming.

It really took off.

Its body floated up from the water little by little, its snow-white fur trembled slightly, water droplets splashed, and it landed on Qin Weibai's head again.

Qin Weibai was lying in the dormant cabin.

Her closed eyes were still not opened, and her face was still pale, but her hands were raised again and she held the little rabbit in her arms.

This time the rabbit was very honest and didn't struggle. He lay obediently in Qin Weibai's arms, motionless, like a snow-white stuffed toy.

The ten members of the medical team seemed to have been cast under a restraining spell. They watched this scene silently, unable to react at all.

Qin Weibai hasn't woken up yet.

But Qin Wei moved in vain.

She moved!

This is simply impossible.

As one of the two medical teams that paid close attention to Qin Weibai's injury, although they were the second team, they did no less work than the first team.

They can be said to be the people who know Qin Weibai's injury best.

How serious is Qin Weibai's injury?

When she first appeared here, she could not even be considered a living person in theory.

He can only be regarded as a person who is not completely dead yet.

Even though three years have passed, Qin Weibai's injuries are far from healed.

Her current situation can only be said to have barely improved.

And this so-called improvement can even be said to be insignificant, and it is easy to be ignored.

In this state, Qin Weibai was still struggling on the edge of life and death.

How could she still move with such a serious injury?

How did she...


Did she move? !

The medical team leader's complexion alternated between pale and rosy/ turned completely pale.

Her voice was trembling: "Quick, I want her current physical data, especially the physical data of the hand bones! Quick! Go quickly!!!"

Qin Weibai's palm did move.

It could be said that it was an hallucination once, but it moved twice in a row and was seen by everyone. This cannot be explained by hallucinations at all.

This is a miracle?


People who really study medicine never believe in miracles.

At this moment, the medical team leader could only think of a series of possible consequences.

Judging from Qin Weibai's physical data, Qin Weibai cannot move at all now. It's not a question of whether it can move or not.

But can't.

her injury

The force was too heavy, causing the body to become extremely fragile.

Not to mention her action of raising her hands to pick up the rabbit. Theoretically, a slightly larger tremor in her body could cause her body to completely collapse.

In this state, Qin Weibai was even less fragile than a piece of paper and could not withstand any movement at all.

The deputy team leader, whose face changed drastically, also realized this, and rushed towards the core instrument with an almost flying attitude. He operated the instrument with trembling palms, called up Qin Weibai's recent body data, and then Her hand bone data was listed.

After just one glance, the deputy leader's eyes darkened and his face changed.

There is not much data on hand bones compared to other parts.

But it is also densely packed.

A large number of numbers and symbols are simply not understandable to ordinary people.

But after studying it for such a long time, they naturally know what these data mean.

Almost trembling, she brought the data to the team leader and handed it over in despair.

The team leader glanced hastily, and his body suddenly began to shake, as if he was about to fall to the ground at any time.

The data in his hand has been divided into two unrelated parts.

Various parameters even appear to be contradictory.

This can only mean one thing.

Following Qin Weibai's actions just now, her tambourine had broken, or in other words, was partially shattered.

Only in this case will they come up with various conflicting parameters for one part.

Broken hand bones.

With Qin Weibai's current body...

Three hours.

Up to three hours.

As the bones in her hand break, a large number of chain reactions will occur in various organs inside her body. The bones will be shattered, the muscles will be weak, and multiple organs will fail...

Thick cold sweat dripped from the clan leader's forehead.

Her lips even turned an extremely terrifying cyan color.

She knew the identity of the woman in the dormant cabin, her importance to the Lin clan and the dark world, and how much resources the family had invested in her.

If all these efforts turn out to be in vain...

She simply couldn't imagine the consequences of all that.

The most important thing is that this is not a helpless move after exhausting all means.

A rabbit appeared in Qin Weibai's dormant barn.

This is a mistake.

An extremely serious, yet extremely low-level mistake.

Qin Weibai's body has obviously begun to improve. Although the extent is very slight, improvement is improvement.

But all this was completely ruined because of such a ridiculous rabbit.

How to explain all this?

How else to explain it? !

The team leader simply couldn't imagine what would happen to them when all this became a foregone conclusion.

There are indeed a lot of salted fish at the Lin Clan headquarters.

But in some professional fields, the requirements for professional talents are also extremely strict.

If they exhausted all resources and used all means but failed to save Qin Weibai in the end, as long as they really tried their best, the Lin clan headquarters would not say much.

But if Qin Weibai, who had already turned around, died completely due to a mistake, how could the family let them go? !

And now, we are only three hours away from the worst situation.

Up to three hours.


The deputy leader's voice trembled uncontrollably: "Can we still... save it?"

The team leader's face was ashen and he couldn't say a word. Save?

How else can I save it?

The situation has become such that even if all the resources of the Lin clan are invested, there is no possibility of recovery.

She didn't even think of beating her to death.

A rescue that took countless resources, countless time, and countless energy was completely destroyed by a rabbit in the end.

This could be considered a horror joke.

"who is it..."

The team leader's lips kept opening and closing, muttering to himself: "Who is it?"

Her cold eyes scanned every member of the medical team, and the irritability and excitement in her tone made everyone's scalp tingle: "Who put the rabbit in? Get out! None of us can run away! All of them No one can run away! Tell me who it is!?"

In her hysterical high-pitched voice, the deputy team leader smiled desperately and said, "It's not us. You should know that we don't have a password."

The team leader was stunned.

Qin Weibai is currently using the most advanced dormant warehouse from the Wang Family in Beihai.

If the Sword Emperor of the Beihai Wang family has not recovered yet, he should be using this kind of dormant chamber.

The most advanced also means the highest security.

The seemingly ordinary glass shield on the hibernation is actually incredibly strong, even strong enough to withstand blasts from heavy weapons.

To open the hibernation chamber, it is very simple for the people inside, just press a button.

But it is extremely difficult for people outside.

Three passwords are required to open the hibernation compartment.

The two leaders of the medical team jointly mastered a password.

Lin Fengting mastered a password.

Another password is in the hands of another Qin Weibai, the current leader of the Lin clan.

When the last two passwords were set, no one watched at all, only the person who set the password knew.

Only by mastering three passwords can the dormant warehouse be opened, even if one number is missing.

Even if the first two passwords of the dormant warehouse are exposed, the third password is in the hands of Qin Weibai, who is in the transcendent realm. Who can get the password from her?

But if there is no password, how did the rabbit inside get in? !

The team leader looked at the rabbits in the dormant warehouse quietly. She thought about some of the current rumors in the dark world, and suddenly felt great fear in her heart, which made her face become even more ugly.

"Guard this place."

The team leader gritted his teeth and said, "I will report this matter to the clan leader immediately."

She is the leader of the medical team. This position does not sound like much, but it is one of the two medical teams that rescued Qin Weibai. In other words, she is one of the two main leaders of the Lin Clan Biological Laboratory. , in the entire Lin clan, he is naturally regarded as the real core figure, and has the power to directly contact Lin Fengting.

She glanced at the scene in the dormant warehouse again, turned around and hurried to the entrance of the laboratory, picked up the desk phone, and dialed Lin Fengting's number directly.

The call was answered quickly.

Lin Fengting's somewhat surprised voice rang from the phone: "Lin Su? What do you want from me?"

His voice gradually turned serious from surprise at first.

Obviously, Lin Su's position and the unusual phone call made her realize something.

"Clan leader."

Lin Su's face was extremely ugly, and her voice became hoarse: "Something happened in the laboratory. You'd better come and take a look."

"Is it the Lord of Samsara Palace?!"

Lin Fengting's tone suddenly became extremely severe.

Lin Su nodded and hummed.

"what happened?!"

Lin Fengting asked directly.

Lin Su swallowed her saliva and said with some difficulty, "I...I don't dare to say."

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