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The underground laboratory of the Lin clan was busier than ever.

The system of two medical teams working in 24-hour shifts was broken by Lin Su himself.

In the middle of the night, she directly called Lin Fengyu, the leader of another medical team, with a phone call.

Lin Fengyu is Lin Fengting's cousin and the real person in charge of the laboratory. Lin Su's immediate boss is also the real leader of the Lin clan in the field of biological experiments.

A large part of Qin Weibai's treatment plan came from Lin Fengyu, and a small part came from Lin Su.

Such a big accident happened to Qin Weibai. No matter what, she had to report it to Lin Fengyu as soon as possible.

Lin Fengting has not left, but has been invited out of the laboratory. He is now sitting in the conference room waiting for news.

All female members of the two medical teams were present. Lin Fengyu turned off the anti-prying measures, and even cleared the foam in the dormant chamber.

For the first time in three years, Qin Weibai, or the Master of Samsara Palace, had a perfect body without any flaws, appeared in front of them.

"Where's the rabbit?"

Lin Fengyu carefully controlled the instruments in the dormant chamber, controlling Qin Weibai to turn around slowly. Rays of various colors in the dormant chamber shone on her body, recording her body data in real time.

Lin Fengyu adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes a little distracted.

Even though she knew it was inappropriate, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised in her heart.

The figure of the Lord of Samsara Palace is really great.

Not only the figure, skin, appearance, in her opinion, almost all have reached the extreme.

Such a woman makes her, a woman, not even feel jealous. The only thing she feels is inferiority.

If we push the time forward for thousands of years, such a woman can really cause great chaos in the world. At best, she will bring down the country, and at worst, she has the potential to bring disaster to the country and the people.

With random thoughts in his mind, Lin Fengyu smiled to himself.

She suddenly thought of Qin Weibai's identity.

Push forward a thousand years?

In fact, why ancient times a thousand years ago?

Even now, when the news of her lying here spreads, it will still cause chaos in the world.

She wasn't sure what was going on between the two Qin Weibai, but as Lin Fengting's cousin, she had many opportunities to come into contact with her cousin, and she would mention this matter on weekdays. She could feel that there was something wrong with this matter. Lin Fengting did not tell the truth about the matter.

Moreover, the attention that the Beihai Wang family paid to Qin Weibai was also extraordinary.

The Wang family in Beihai also has a top medical team treating Wang Tianzong, but their laboratory is much larger than that of the Lin family, so they can put together three of the top medical teams, two of which are responsible for day and night treatment. Guarding Wang Tianzong, the other one was the Lin clan and the Beihai Wang clan running back and forth, keeping a close eye on Qin Weibai's situation.

They were obviously outsiders, but their nervousness was no less than that of Lin Fengyu.

Even Xia Zhi came to the Lin clan secretly to observe Qin Weibai's condition.

The difference in attitude is obvious.

If the Lin clan is concerned and worried about Qin Weibai, then the Beihai Wang clan is purely nervous and fearful about Qin Weibai's situation.

If Qin Weibai died in the Lin clan's laboratory...

Lin Fengyu wasn't sure if there was chaos in the world, but with Li Tianlan's current strength, once the news got out, the entire Beihai Wang family would be exterminated within a year at most.

This also means that the Beihai Wang family will completely detonate their stored mushrooms at the end of the road. The entire Beihai, a small half of the northeastern territory of Middle Continent, the East Island, and the Snow Country will all become a dead place. The furious Southeast Group will completely destroy Tiannan, the Eastern Palace will become history together with the Beihai Wang family, and Annan and Nanyun will also usher in the end.

Li Tianlan basically had no chance of surviving.

The hegemony of Central Continent will also be on the verge of collapse.

With the destruction of the Eastern Palace, all the hidden strength of the Shengshi Fund will be completely exposed, and the financial order around the world will be completely chaotic. Prices will rise tenfold and dozens of times, and money will depreciate crazily. Millions of stars can't buy a piece of bread.

Then greater chaos would break out again.

The whole situation will continue to be tense, and in the spreading chaos, no one can imagine how far it will go.

Lin Fengyu was lost in thought, and then realized that she was thinking a little too far. No wonder her cousin often said that she had the so-called writer's mind. She wrote a novel when she was young, and after publishing it at her own expense, the sales were terrible. Because of this, she was often criticized Peers of the same race have joked about it, but in recent years, similar jokes have become less common.

Lin Fengyu shook his head and asked again: "Where is the rabbit?"

Lin Su looked a little strange.

She had just said it once, but it was obvious that Lin Fengyu didn't hear anything.

She shook her head again and smiled bitterly: "I swear, no, everyone in the medical team 2 can swear that we did see a rabbit."

"But now, the only one here is the Lord of Samsara Palace."

Lin Fengyu looked at Qin Weibai in the dormant cabin. She didn't want to see the figure and skin that made her feel inferior, but she couldn't help it.

The carefully matched nutrient solution circulates continuously. After the bubbles are eliminated, the nutrient solution is so pure that it is almost magnificent. Qin Weibai lies in it, as beautiful as a perfect painting.

Lin Fengyu kept looking at this eye-catching picture, but he really didn't see any rabbits.

Lin Su had nothing to say.

The Lord of Samsara Palace is here.

The target of her suspicion before was still in Central Continent.

She had never left the lab since she discovered the anomaly, but now the rabbit was missing.

It seemed as if the scene just now was like their entire medical team collectively having the same hallucination.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Lin Fengyu waved his hand, looked down at the various data printed out in his hand again, and said with a smile: "At the moment, it seems that it was a false alarm, but the result is still very good."

"But there is no way to explain this result."

Lin Su shook his head vigorously.

Her heart had calmed down compared to the beginning, and the despair and coldness had disappeared, replaced by great confusion and some joy.

"Just study slowly."

Lin Fengyu said calmly: "This is also one of our jobs."

"Team leader, this is the latest physical data report."

A young woman ran over with the latest printed report and handed it to Lin Fengyu.

Lin Fengyu took it and looked at it, frowned slightly, and said softly: "The data has dropped again."

The corners of Lin Su's mouth moved but she said nothing.

When she observed the latest data under Lin Fengting's instructions, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Because at that moment Qin Weibai's physical data were even more normal than most normal people.

If that kind of data is true, it means that Qin Weibai can wake up at any time, and he will still be alive and kicking, without even leaving any injuries.

Lin Su informed Lin Fengyu while conducting the second scan.

The data of the second scan was much lower than the first time. The third time was much lower than the second time.

This is now the result of the fifth scan.

It is also much lower than the fourth time, but the rate of decline in various indicators has begun to slow down.

"Continue scanning."

Lin Fengyu calmly ordered: "Since the peak has appeared, although it is inexplicable, at least it is not a bad thing.

This shows that she is indeed recovering. "

“I just don’t know to what extent the indicators will eventually decline.”

Lin Su was a little worried about gains and losses.

"No matter what, it won't be worse than before."

Lin Fengyu smiled and patted Lin Su's arm: "If such a peak occurs two or three times, then I am sure that within a year, the reincarnation palace master can be freed from the threat of death, and wait until her body stabilizes. After that, the recovery will be very quick, and we can tell His Majesty Li Tianlan the news within two years at most."

Her voice paused, and she laughed inexplicably, as if she was very happy: "By doing this, does it count as saving the world? The merit is immeasurable."

"what are you talking about..."

Lin Su rolled his eyes.

Lin Fengyu smiled, said no more, and said softly: "You stay here and stare at the latest data. I'll go and report it to my cousin first. It's so late at night, I guess he's scared too."

Lin Su nodded silently.

The purpose of rescuing Qin Weibai was to gain a favor that Li Tianlan would never be able to repay in his lifetime.

But the premise is to rescue Qin Weibai.

If it succeeds, everything will be fine. If it fails, then this so-called favor will actually be meaningless.

Whether from a personal perspective or from the perspective of the Lin clan, Lin Fengting will be nervous because of Qin Weibai's changes.

Lin Fengyu came to the door of the conference room and knocked on the door, taking his time.


Lin Fengting's deep voice came from the conference room.


Lin Fengyu opened the door and walked into the conference room with a calm voice, not nervous or anxious.

Lin Fengting breathed a sigh of relief first, but judging from his attitude, things would definitely not be too bad.

Although Lin Su was a few years older than Lin Fengyu, he was still a little impetuous.

He nodded, unconsciously stroking the tea cup with his fingers, and asked, "How is the situation?"

"So far, it looks pretty good."

Lin Fengyu smiled and said: "His Highness's physical recovery data reached a very special peak just now, and is now slowly falling back. However, the situation has been a big step better than before the peak.

This proves that our treatment plan is right. If we stick to it, the second peak will appear again. After a few more times, His Highness's body will stabilize. Then you can find an opportunity to tell His Majesty Li Tianlan the good news. . "

Lin Fengting nodded and remained silent for a while.

His expression was calm and he didn't seem very excited.

"Cousin is unhappy?"

Lin Fengyu was stunned.

"No, I was just thinking about a question."

The meaning in Lin Fengting's eyes was incomprehensible.

"When the Snow Country was in chaos, Xiaobai's strength was far behind Tianzong, and her injuries were much more serious than Tianzong's.\

,"Lin Fengting said softly: "If Xiaobai's condition can be stabilized, how about Tianzong's injury now?"

Lin Fengyu's expression changed.

Lin Fengting took a sip of tea and said softly: "I suspect he has even woken up now."

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