The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 556: Reasonable

The latest website name: Qianye Pavilion The latest website address:

Li Tianlan became increasingly uncomfortable.

He looked at the woman named Ruth in front of him silently, frowning a little bit.

My thinking has been completely confused.

The memory was completely shattered in a very cruel way.

Cognition is being reshaped bit by bit by an inexplicable force.

Everything that was clear started to become blurry.

Everything that was blurry became completely dark.

He just looked at Ruth silently and didn't speak for a long time.


Ruth looked at him, her smile was extremely weird: "How sure do you think we are? One hundred percent... ninety percent sure, are you?"

"Say you are willing..."

"Say, tell me you are willing..."

In a daze, an inexplicable voice rang in Li Tianlan's ears.

It was like there were countless women surrounding him, constantly urging him.

Li Tianlan seemed to have some vague images in his mind, which seemed to have happened many years ago, but if he recalled it carefully, he had no idea what the women were urging him to do at that time...

But the feeling is similar.

They are all very uncomfortable feelings.

In his memory, someone forced him to say yes, and now Ruth asked him how sure he was...

This feeling is very consistent, but the specifics cannot be explained.

It seems that as soon as I say yes, or how sure I am, something terrible will happen.

Li Tianlan closed his mouth tightly and said nothing.

"If Li Shuai dies, the entire Pan family will still be the top family in Annan. The Tiannan Treaty may restrain Annan, but without Li Shuai, Zhongzhou will not have enough confidence. When facing Annan, it will need more energy to appease Annan. , this is your chance, Pan Sen, don’t you look forward to it, your family’s survival depends on tonight, this is the key to our cooperation.”


Li Tianlan's tone was a little slow.

"Yes, your family."

Ruth's face was serious and cold: "Think about your father, your daughter, your son..."

"my father..."

Li Tianlan's tone was as dull as a mentally retarded person: "My father... is Dongcheng Wudi... my daughter is Pan Ying... my son... I don't have a son... my family... Dongcheng Family...No...I am...Chen Shaoqing? I am Hemerocallis...I am Pan Sen? I...I am...Li Tian..."

"Pan Sen!"

Ruth's expression suddenly changed, and she interrupted Li Tianlan's words with an almost crazy scream.

Li Tianlan seemed to be frightened and looked at him blankly.

Ruth looked shocked. After a long time, she said as softly as possible: "Who are you?"

"I'm... Pantheon."

Li Tianlan said softly.

Ruth breathed a sigh of relief: "Then do you still remember your mission?"


Li Tianlan frowned in pain: "I want to take them all out..."

He stretched out his hand and tore his hair hard: "Bring everyone out... Li Shi... Li Shi will stand at the top again... We must bring everyone out of the Dongcheng family... everyone We all have to live...uh..."

His fingers even pierced his scalp, and blood flowed in his hair, leaving blood lines on his face: "No compromise... No retreat... I will stand Standing in front of them... the human race... I must... the Pan family is not to be slaughtered by others... kill!

They don't understand Annan and the Tiannan Treaty at all, bullshit! kill! Kill Gu Xingyun... let the Li family come out... Li Songping, bastard, he bastard... destroy the Wang family in Beihai... protect Zhongzhou. Damn it, damn it!

The Pan family will become the strongest Li family in Central Continent... Ah... uh... Li family's Pan Dongcheng family is invincible and powerful to kill An Zhongnan in Central Continent..."

Li Tianlan tortured himself like crazy.

His mumbling changed from a logical confusion at the beginning to a confusion of sentences, and then every word became completely confusing, with no preface and follow-up, and it seemed that the fundamental meaning was completely lost.

Ruth sat on the sofa and watched this scene with relish, her eyes full of enjoyment.

Li Tianlan was still mumbling to himself, Qin Weitong, Dongcheng Yuebai, Wang Rushi, Imperial Palace East, Forty-Two Swords... messy names kept appearing from his mouth.

But his pain began to feel less and less.

Thinking continues to become sluggish.

He himself has forgotten the meaning of mentioning these things. If he continues, he will not need any hint. He will keep talking and keep talking until he is completely dead, and he will no longer think about the meaning of these words. Where.

Ruth listened to his muttering. She didn't know how long it took before she chuckled: "Are you confused?"


Li Tianlan was stunned and looked at her: "What is it?"


Ruth stood up with a giggle, walked to Li Tianlan, and sat in his arms.

She reached out and pinched Li Tianlan's earlobe, her red lips raised slightly: "Tell me now, who are you?"

"I...don't's so confusing..."

Li Tianlan said softly.

"You're not in good shape."

Ruth whispered: "I can analyze it for you, where is the mess?"


Li Tianlan looked at her.

Ruth twisted her expression charmingly and said coquettishly: "Say it."

"I... am Pan Sen... but, the Li family, the Dongcheng family... why are they related to me... I am Pan Sen... but I want to help the Li family... My Parents, in the Dongcheng family, I am Pan Sen from’s so strange..."

"I did not understand."

Ruth looked at Li Tianlan: "What's so strange about this? Isn't this normal?"


Li Tianlan looked at her blankly.

"It's normal. You are Pan Sen, but your parents are in the Dongcheng family, so you want to help the Li family. Is there any problem with this? Is it reasonable?"

Ruth chuckled. She picked up the table knife and stabbed it into her abdomen: "For example, if I want to drink, I have to pour the wine into the wound. Isn't this normal? It's very reasonable.

Of course, there are other choices, and any choice is very reasonable. "

Li Tianlan stared blankly as Ruth put the wine glass into her own wound, and said silently: "But, isn't it strange?"

"Nothing surprising."

Ruth said calmly.

"What about...Qin Weibai? She is the little princess of the Wang family in Beihai?"

"It seems so, well, at least it is now. Maybe it won't be tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow she won't be called Qin Weibai, or the Beihai Wang family will become the Beihai Li family..."

Ruth whispered: "This is also normal. For example, you, you are Pan Sen now, but maybe tomorrow, you will become Chen Shaoqing, or you will become me, you will become anyone... Or, If you die tomorrow, you can live the day after tomorrow, is there anything wrong with that?"

Li Tianlan sat silently and murmured: "It seems... not?"

"of course not."

Ruth smiled and said: "These are very reasonable."

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