The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 558: The existence of non-existence

The banquet hall is huge.

After all, although Annan is very poor, it is not like he cannot find a decent venue. Especially in his own capital, this hotel and this banquet hall can be said to be first-class in terms of facilities and area.

Because of this, when most of the lights in the banquet hall were completely turned off, the entire banquet hall seemed extremely empty.

The most remote corner of the banquet hall naturally became the darkest place.

But when the so-called rules completely fail, cognition completely loses its meaning.

The darkest can naturally become the brightest, and the brightest can naturally become the darkest.

This is the least noticeable corner in the banquet hall, and can be subconsciously ignored by everyone. There is no light nearby, and the darkness that should be invisible is here distorted into the softest light, and darkness envelopes this place. , but it illuminates everything here extremely clearly.

A tall, muscular man is eating.

Some thin middle-aged Asians were sitting opposite.

A mature and plump woman who looked to be about thirty years old was gently sorting out various foods.

Everything is quiet.

Chewing was the only sound in this corner.

The one who was immersed in the meal was a black man with an exaggerated body shape that was a bit scary. He had a bald head, a height of over 2.1 meters, a weight of over 150 kilograms, and explosive muscle bulges all over his body, which made him look not only not fat, but also fat. Almost terrifyingly powerful and ferocious.

He has a very real cobra tattooed on his face. The head of the snake that spits out the snake is just level with his plump lips. As he eats, the real and weird tattoo seems to come alive on his face. Keep climbing and climbing.

The table in front of the black man was all filled with food. There were so many bloody pieces of meat that it was hard to tell whether they were beef, mutton, or something else.

He picked up the piece of meat with a huge knife and fork that was not in line with dining etiquette, grilled it casually, dipped it in the sauce, then opened his mouth wide and put it into his mouth, biting all the bones and swallowing them, and the blood-water and grease dipping sauce came from Water flowed from the corner of his mouth, and along with the venomous snake tattooed on his face, the whole scene was terrifying and unreal.

He kept eating, kept eating, and the pieces of meat were consumed continuously, ten pounds, twenty pounds, fifty pounds...

He doesn't drink alcohol or water, he just eats. It seems that no matter how much food he has, he can't satisfy his appetite.

In the center of the banquet hall, countless people had surrounded Li Tianlan.

The various commotions became louder and louder.

Everything speaks.

Sharp, hoarse, gloomy, excited, all kinds of sounds were mixed together, becoming meaningless noise.

The black man listened to the noise and ate the food, which became more and more delicious.

Time passed in silence.

The black man still kept eating and eating.

The mature lady sitting on her knees occasionally picked up a tissue to wipe away the fat and blood from the corner of his mouth. Her movements were gentle and careful, with a happy face. The spade tattoo on her wrist set off her snow-white skin, which was extremely dazzling.

The middle-aged man sitting opposite the black man turned a blind eye to this, but looked in the direction of Li Tianlan from time to time, opening and closing his lips as if he was saying something silently.

The crowd in the light source was still making all kinds of noises.

The three people in the darkness remained silent.

The negro eating remained impassive.

But the face of the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa became more and more ferocious and irritable.

His soliloquy gradually took on a voice, filled with madness and resentment: "Why hasn't he agreed? Why hasn't he agreed..."

No one paid any attention to him.

Like a giant bear, the black man keeps eating, never satisfied.

The thin middle-aged man sitting opposite him looked like a child, and a crazy child at that.

He who was sitting peacefully suddenly jumped up and put one foot on the table full of food.


The sound of bones breaking could be heard clearly.

The middle-aged man's entire calf flew out with a spurt of blood, and a large area of ​​food on the table was immediately contaminated.

But he seemed to feel no pain, and roared at the top of his lungs: "Why didn't he agree?! Why didn't he agree?! This bastard! Bastard! Villain!

Why can he withstand the emotional impact and guidance of so many of us? !

How could he possibly bear it? "

The black man raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then laughed.

His voice was vague and rough: "What are you in a hurry for?"

The middle-aged man's crazy face suddenly became extremely calm. He let the blood flow from his broken leg and sat on the sofa minding his own business. He said calmly: "Don't you find it strange?"

The black man paused while eating, then reached out to pick up the middle-aged man's calf that fell on the ground. He licked his plump lips and threw the calf directly into the darkness: "Go and trade with him for something, anything. It will be all right."

The calf was thrown into the darkness, and then silently rushed towards the light source in the center of the banquet hall.

"We are making a deal, and the other party has the right to refuse. This has just begun."

The black man forked a piece of raw pork and stuffed it into his mouth.

"'s so weird."

The middle-aged man's expression darkened again.

He casually picked up the raw meat on the table and put it on his wound. He pinched two handfuls at will and turned it into a new, twisted and deformed calf. He continued: "He doesn't even know who he is..."

After a pause, he continued: "He should be our seed...

We can take away his identity, take away his mind, take away his soul, take away his power...

He shouldn't be able to resist...

But...why? "

"With so many many people in the banquet he the only one who is special?"

The black man's movements also stopped.

"Tell me, why?"

The middle-aged man stared at him.

"have no idea."

The black man shook his head: "Maybe, his subconscious will is very strong, takes time?"

He himself didn't know if this explanation was correct, but it was the only explanation he could think of.

In fact, let alone explaining Li Tianlan's problem, the black man didn't even know why he had these methods. He had these methods inexplicably, and then accepted them naturally.

The so-called reasonable and unreasonable are completely meaningless to him.


The middle-aged man laughed: "Are you talking to me about the subconscious? Whose subconscious?!"


The black man touched his bald head with his big hands stained with oil and blood.

He wanted to say it was Li Tianlan's subconscious.

However, under the influence of chaos, the three words Li Tianlan have become a relatively vague concept in the banquet hall.

In other words, Li Tianlan does not exist in this banquet hall.

But he is here again.

But his identity here is not Li Tianlan, but Chen Shaoqing, Hemerocallis, and Pan Sen.

This is not a disguise or a change in identity.


But an extremely complete replacement.

In this banquet hall, the concept of Li Tianlan does not exist.

When he walks in here, he is Chen Shaoqing, Hemerocallis, Pan Sen, anyone.

His strength, his thinking, and his talent are all non-existent.

Whatever strength Chen Shaoqing has, that's what Li Tianlan is. Whatever Pan Sen is thinking, that's what Li Tianlan is thinking.

His personal will has been completely replaced by the will of others.

After being replaced, Li Tianlan was not aware of his own existence at all, so he would really hate Li Tianlan from the standpoint of Chen Shaoqing, Hemerocallis, and Pan Sen.

In other words, Li Tianlan has now been forced into the chaotic camp by them, and has accepted his different identities.

Chen Shaoqing is willing to be Li Tianlan's lover.

So now Li Tianlan is also willing.

Pan Sen has the deepest hatred for Li Tianlan, because the arrival of the power of Zhongzhou means the destruction of the old order, and it also means the destruction of the Pan family.

So now Li Tianlan will also hate himself to the core.

His position changes as his status changes.

Therefore, the fatal trap for Li Tianlan can be easily laid out.

For example, when he was Chen Shaoqing, ladies asked him if he would be willing to change the soul of Li Shuai.

For example, when he was Pan Sen, Ruth asked him how sure he was of killing Li Tianlan.

This series of problems seems simple, but in fact they are all huge threats.

If Li Tianlan answers yes, his soul will really be completely replaced and he will become a puppet of chaos.

He may not know himself now, but as long as he gives the other party a positive answer, the answer will be confused and corrected by Li Tianlan's true self-awareness the moment it is spoken. This is equivalent to him willingly giving up his soul and sinking. and chaos.

At that time, he was Chen Shaoqing, but he could also be Li Tianlan.

As long as he replies that he is willing to replace Li Shuai's soul.

This sentence will be revised in an instant into a sentence with Li Tianlan's self-awareness: "I want my soul to be replaced."

Willingness, the iron-clad fact cannot be changed.

And when he was Pan Sen, if he was 100% sure of his answer...

Such an answer will also be revised, turning Li Tianlan into giving up resistance...

This method is extremely dangerous but silent.

If you are a determined person, you can theoretically resist struggling for a long time.

But now Li Tianlan is no longer Li Tianlan.

They turned Li Tianlan into a pure concept, and then gave Li Tianlan a new identity that was completely consistent with their stance.

Driven by hatred, they thought that such a trap could easily work on Li Tianlan.

But time and time again, Li Tianlan's hesitation and silence made things gradually go wrong.

This was obviously impossible to happen, but it just happened.

"Is there any other way?"

The middle-aged man's calm and gloomy face began to become irritable again.

"Hold him still."

The black man licked the oil stains on his fingers and said slowly: "Stabilize him first. We all know that Li Tianlan does not exist in this banquet hall. But at the same time, he also exists because he has become a concept."

When Li Tianlan was not Li Tianlan, although the real Li Tianlan did not exist, at the same time, he existed in a non-existent way.

"Hold him still."

The black man looked at the middle-aged man opposite: "I will take action myself and find out this concept first. After I get his power, he will not be important."


(Happy New Year to everyone~~ Updates may still be discontinued these days, or they may not... It will stabilize after the fourth day of the Lunar New Year... Don't wait for updates these days...)

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