Complaints can only be complaints and cannot become facts.

The facts are obvious. For such an important matter, when Li Tianlan is temporarily unable to solve it, the neutral camp will inevitably intervene.

If Taihao doesn't come, others will come, but in comparison, Taihao, who has become the Supreme and has the power, is the best choice.

The God of War has fallen, and there are only three Supremes who can appear here now.

Needless to say about the Human Emperor, no one can solve his special characteristics now. With the wrong path and correct authority, if he appears here, even if his experience can keep up, he will not be able to play any role in the real environment. Facing the Master of Samsara Palace, his fate was even worse than that of Li Tianlan.

Xuanyuan was able to come, and he could perfectly solve the problem this time, but he couldn't leave, and it was difficult for him to be distracted and deal with the situation here.

Of the three supreme beings, one cannot be defeated when one comes, and one cannot get away, so Taihao can only come.

The significance of life authority to the neutral camp is self-evident. The world has now been ended by the God of War, and the entire universe is collapsing. In the process from the beginning to the end, if the master of the reincarnation palace can control the life authority instead of being controlled by the life authority, then this will be the end of the world. One thing, this time is worth it to the end of the world.

On the other hand, if the reincarnation palace masters are allowed to return to order, they will face even greater pressure after the world restarts.

It is an authority that cannot be directly harmed by the Supreme Being. Its position has an extremely critical influence no matter how you look at it.

The prayer in the starry sky has taken effect, which shows that Xuanyuan Wushang's guess is correct, and the accuracy of this guess shows that the neutral camp has the possibility to control life through the reincarnation palace master, so Taihao came as soon as possible.

Father and son teamed up to resolve this matter, at least temporarily.

Li Tianlan was running, and the Lord of Samsara Palace was chasing him.

The first time he arrived in the City of Miracles, Taihao saw Li Tianlan rushing past him. He stood between his parents, a family of three, forming a straight line.

Then he heard Li Tianlan's voice, "You push me."

The figure of the Lord of Samsara Palace instantly drew closer.

The distance between mother and child is less than half a meter.

They reunited after a long absence, but what followed was not a hug. The Lord of Samsara Palace in this state rushed over, and a life-and-death fight was the only possibility.

Taihao suddenly raised his palm.

The half-meter distance between mother and child was suddenly extended infinitely.

Taihao used lies to deceive the distance.

The Lord of Samsara Palace was still rushing forward, and she even turned into the fire of life, but the half-meter distance between the two seemed to be constant at this moment. No matter how hard she hurried, she could not get any closer.

The fire of life was already burning in the half-meter distance as the distance was stretched.

The distance deceived by Taihao was also given life by the Lord of Samsara Palace.

, the distance that exists based on lies is shrinking crazily.

Taihao sighed, and his voice rang in Li Tianlan's ear, "I can't harm life. Mother's current situation needs to be sealed."

Sealing is the most perfect way. Since prayer can affect the Palace Master of Samsara Palace, and since Qin Weibai's current mental state has always been sober and rational, then temporarily sealing the life authority will shield the influence of the authority on the Palace Lord of Samsara Palace to the maximum extent. , this time the matter will be resolved.

As for the future, as the reincarnation palace master gradually becomes familiar with the authority of life, and then continues to advance in the authority, she can also use a safer way to master the power of authority bit by bit.


Li Tianlan paused.

His thinking has become extremely slow now.

He deceived the real environment, possessed the power of seven levels of authority in an instant, and then collected the entire Isenbul. The huge fatigue had made his eyes black.

After hearing Taihao's words, he felt his own condition and said without any hesitation, "Send me to Beihai."

Which company has the best sealing technology?

Find in Zhongzhou Beihai

What a mess

Li Tianlan shook his head hard. In his current state, let alone going to Beihai, he couldn't even walk on nothingness, even though after collecting Isenbul, there are already conditions for walking on nothingness here.

Taihao raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Li Tianlan's figure disappeared instantly.

Precise banishment.

Li Tianlan's eyesight blurred, and the roaring waves appeared in his sight.

Waves crash against the cliffs.

It was afternoon in Shengzhou City, Beihai.

The heroic stone engraved with names stood quietly beside Li Tianlan, making no sound.

Li Tianlan's body became unstable, completely subconsciously, and he held on to the huge stone next to him.

The truth was still hanging on his body. Before he could recover, countless golden lines had begun to shine crazily.

At the same time, Emperor Bingshan, Xiaoxiong Terrace, and Xiaoxiong Rock were on display.

The names of each person seemed to come alive, and the large area was distorted and fluctuated.

No supreme being can harm the authority of life.

Then the best way to deal with life is to seal it.

Seal is the ability of destiny.

And Beihai has the power of destiny.

Beihai calls it worry-free.

In the starry sky, it represents one of the three sources of destiny authority. It is called 'if' and also called 'judgment'. ’

Maybe it’s intentional, maybe it’s unintentional, or maybe it’s the instinctive attraction between authorities.

The first time Li Tianlan was banished by Taihao from Isenbul to the Hall of Heroes, before Li Tianlan could react and 'if' didn't react, Li Tianlan pressed his hand on the Hall of Heroes Stone.

If you are caught off guard on the Xiongxiong Stone.

Li Tianlan was also caught off guard.

Both parties without any psychological preparation

We meet on a narrow road.

Isen Bull at the same time.

It only took a few seconds for the Lord of Samsara Palace to forcefully break through the distance deceived by Taihao.

The fire of life that filled the sky burned in the most violent way on the Isenbul ruins where only a piece of white land was left.

There was a scream in Taihao's ears that could break gold and stone.

That voice contained extreme anger and hatred, constantly echoing in the fire of life.

Without any warning, Taihao's body shattered.

He is pregnant.

To be precise, every cell, every drop of blood, every hair, and every bone in his body was forcibly given life, and then all of them became pregnant.

Without any process, the consciousness of every part of the body appeared in Taihao's mind, and then the birth began at the first moment of pregnancy.

The beings of different shapes burst out of Taihao's body as they were born, and were immediately affected by the power of life, and each one began to scream.

The scream lasted less than half a second before suddenly disappearing.

Lies deceived every newly born life, and countless flesh and blood gathered together again to look like Taihao.

At the same time, the screams of the Lord of Samsara Palace stopped abruptly.

Her screams were collected by Taihao along with her abilities.

Taihao sighed, looked at the Lord of Samsara Palace, and said softly, "I am not the father."

Li Tianlan holds power and is suppressed but not restricted in the real environment.

Taihao also holds power and is suppressed without restriction in the real environment.

Li Tianlan had just regained his authority and had no experience, so his reactions in all aspects were slow. In the eyes of the Lord of Samsara Palace, he looked like an idiot.

But experience is something

Taihao has.

Even in the whole world, he is one of the most experienced people in the field of lies.

Li Tianlan couldn't keep up with the rhythm of life, but Taihao was completely fine.

To put it bluntly, the authority to lie lies in the hands of Li Tianlan, and it is completely in the hands of Taihao.

There are two kinds of permissions.

A 'liar' can even be slow to respond to deception during a battle. What's not a tragedy?

Li Tianlan is such a tragedy.

Taihao is different. He is a truly experienced liar. He can deceive anything and is capable enough to deal with any situation.

He may not be able to harm the Lord of the Palace of Reincarnation, but without having to worry about anything else, he is not afraid of the authority of life, not at all.

The Lord of Samsara Palace stared at Taihao.

From the other party's perfect and calm face, she found her own shadow, and also found the shadow of Li Tianlan, but there was no warmth in her heart, and the endless prayers in her mind were constantly affecting her. The state caused her various abilities to become strong and weak. Qin Weibai was still talking in his mind. Various emotions were constantly erupting and getting stronger. The Palace Master of Samsara, who was completely in chaos, now only Instinct remains.

Li Tianlan stole her domain.

She instinctively wanted to take it back, but the guy in front of her

Guy in the way

annoying guy


The Lord of Samsara Palace screamed "Lie" again

The screams stopped abruptly again.

There was a hint of hesitation and sluggishness on the perfect face of the Palace Master of Samsara. She subconsciously raised her palm and looked at it. She was a little confused, and her posture looked cute.

Her thoughts just now were collected by Taihao.

At this moment, she suddenly lost consciousness and didn't know what she was thinking just now.



The fire of life surges instantly.

When his mind went blank, the power of life erupted directly. A fierce fire appeared between Taihao and the Lord of Samsara Palace, and a figure was quickly outlined.

The figure of Li Tianlan.

Life calls.

The Lord of Samsara Palace consumed a lot of life force and directly summoned the projection of Li Tianlan just now.

The projection looked at Taihao as soon as it appeared and raised his palm.

The next second, Li Tianlan's projection was still looking at Taihao, but all the attacks hit the reincarnation palace master.

Taihao deceived the projection's position and instantly changed from enemy to teammate.

The attack belonging to Li Tianlan turned into a large amount of vitality as it approached the Lord of Samsara Palace.

But all the vitality did not fall on the reincarnation palace master, but was replenished to Taihao himself.

Taihao deceived all the life breaths and let them fall directly on him.

He moved his body, sighed contentedly, and said sincerely, "Can't we stop fighting now? Let's talk."


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