The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 21: Dark Tide (Part 2)

At 3:10 in the afternoon, in the nursing home, the Saints received news from Jianghuai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

As the new invincible expert in Zhongzhou, although he is no longer the head of the Southeast Special Warfare Headquarters, there are still countless news channels. Shushan is also stronger than before because of his existence.

The message was sent to his mobile phone mailbox in the form of voice, and it was extremely detailed, from the debates in the parliamentary meeting to the appointment, to which giants voted for and against, everything was clearly stated.

Saint looked down at his phone.

His eyes fell on the new governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

The new governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Dongcheng Qiuchi.

The saint's brows were tightly frowned, looking at the name, he was silent for a long time.

Dongcheng Qiuchi is one of the directors of Huating. She has done very well in the Wudong New District. Among the senior officials at the vice-governor level in Zhongzhou, and because she is a woman, her personal qualifications and abilities are outstanding. Wudong New District has been in the past few years. It may be a bit out of the ordinary to serve as the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but it is not completely unreasonable.

But the last thing she should do is go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to serve as the governor.

Dongcheng Qiuchi is the daughter of Dongcheng Wudi.

Furthermore, Dongcheng Qiuchi is Zou Yuanshan's wife.

Now the husband is serving as the speaker in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the wife is going to serve as the governor. In a southeastern province, the first and second in command are actually husband and wife. What is this? There has never been such a situation in the hundreds of years since the founding of the Central Continent, it will never happen before, and it will never happen in the future.

It's just ridiculous.

And in the process of causing this ridiculous result, how many transactions were there?

The saint is a little restless, he is the purest swordsman, especially when Wang Tianzong's whereabouts are unknown, he can even be said to be the number one swordsman in Zhongzhou today, and he has dealt with swords all his life. He couldn't understand it at the time, but even he, an 'outsider', could still detect inappropriateness through this appointment, so what was Dongcheng Invincible thinking?

Sending the daughter and son-in-law to Jiangsu and Zhejiang as the first and second in command is tantamount to a big taboo. If there is a problem, no matter who has a problem with the husband and wife, the other will not be able to escape. The danger in this is, The saints could see it, so how could Dongcheng Invincible not know? Even if the wealthy group really wants to take Jiangsu and Zhejiang by force, Dongcheng Qiuchi doesn’t have to go there. Zou Yuanshan’s ability is enough to stabilize the situation. Taking a step back, even if the wealthy group likes the position of governor, in the Nuoda group, except Dongcheng Qiuchi , and some are candidates.

Why do you want to do this?

Saint closed the mailbox, thought for a moment, and dialed a number.

The phone is hung up.

In the next second, the large screen on the wall of the nursing home office lit up.

The Saint connected casually, looked at the strategist who appeared on the screen and nodded, but didn't say much.

With the status of a military master in Central Continent, he probably got the news much earlier than himself, and although he has the strength of the top half-step invincibility, but to some extent, he is not a pure warrior, military master, this code name It is enough to see his position in the Palace of Reincarnation. The saint can be sure that he will get the information faster and more detailed than himself. Even today's series of events are the result of the secret promotion of the military division.

"Have you eaten?"

The military division greeted lazily,

His face was flushed, and he looked sleepy.

"There was a social gathering at noon, so I drank more and just woke up."

The military division rubbed his forehead and yawned.

"Does the matter in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have anything to do with you?"

asked the saint.

"There is something to do with it."

The military division nodded and said calmly.


Why do this? "

The saint stared at the military adviser in the video with solemn eyes: "Dongcheng Qiuchi, Zou Yuanshan, put them in the same province, maybe there will be big problems, the wealthy group..."

"Since when have you gotten used to thinking from the standpoint of a wealthy group?"

The military division said something strange.

The saint froze for a moment.

"Dongcheng Invincible is probably going to be bullied by the Wang family of Beihai this time, but overall it's not a bad thing. I have some friends in the wealthy group, but there are also quite a few who don't like me. I don't care about them. I also have no obligation to be responsible for them. Before I retire, I will only consider issues from Tianlan's standpoint, neither Tianlan nor the wealthy group can represent anyone else."

"I don't see any benefit for the Palace Master to have so many."

The saint's tone was calm, and anyone could hear some differences in the tone.

In front of Li Tianlan, the titles of the saint and the military advisor were basically the same, and they were called His Highness.

But when Li Tianlan was not around, the military advisor would address them by their names directly, while the saints would address them as Palace Masters.

Obviously, no matter what happens in the future, the saints will stay in the reincarnation palace.

As for the military division, as well as Burning Huo who had already left at the beginning, and perhaps many others, they would choose to retire quietly after helping Li Tianlan once and completing their mission.

The military adviser took a deep look at him and said softly, "That's because you don't understand the information."

"Maybe I don't understand, but don't you think the wealthy group doesn't understand either? Dongcheng Wudi is in charge of the military, and he will be killed by Wang Shi of Beihai?"

The saint asked indifferently.

"Oh, the wealthy group, Dongcheng Invincible..."

"Dongcheng Invincible is aware of some information, but the wealthy group may not understand it. All this information has been suppressed by Dongcheng Invincible. Judging from the results this time, Dongcheng Invincible was indeed deceived once, but this is also his willingness."

The military division laughed lightly.

"You speak more clearly."

The saints are a bit big-headed.

"The motion to mobilize Dongcheng Qiuchi has been going on for a while. The original intention of the wealthy group was to transfer Dongcheng Qiuchi back to the Central Plains to serve as the governor of the Central Plains province. The transfer of her to Jiangsu and Zhejiang happened only recently. At the beginning, It was Wang Jingxin who communicated with Zou Yuanshan, and later it was Ye Dongsheng who communicated with Dongcheng Wudi. The reason is very simple. The Wang family in Beihai is in a very bad situation now, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang must be let out. Wang Qinglei is ambitious, and the situation in Jianghuai is also unstable. At that time, Wang Jingxin, the ace that has been cultivated for a long time, can play a big role."

The military adviser's tone was calm: "So Beihai Wang gave up Dijiang, gave up Su Xinghe, gave up a lot of things that could cause trouble, tried to stabilize the internal situation of Beihai Wang, and at the same time gave up Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and used Wang Jingxin to go to Jianghuai. The situation in Jianghuai is also a test for him, and it is also a way to strengthen ties with the wealthy group."

"Go on."

The saint narrowed his eyes, his eyes twinkling.

"The Beihai Wang family's attitude of wanting to advance and retreat with the wealthy group is very obvious. The recent military transaction also illustrates this point. They need to reshuffle internally, and they also have to face the parliament. They must win over a strong enough ally. Pushing Dongcheng Qiuchi to Jiangsu and Zhejiang is a move to ensure the position of the wealthy group. Putting Dongcheng Qiuchi and Zou Yuanshan together is too sensitive, but since this transfer has become a fact, the two of them will not move in the short term. , it will have a great negative impact on them, and the wealthy group cannot afford such a loss. Therefore, the two major groups have joined forces to put the two in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and they must jointly maintain the current situation. Therefore, in the short term, the cooperation between the two major groups There can be no repetition."

Saint nodded: "I can understand Beihai Wang's thoughts, but why did the wealthy group agree?"


To be honest, Dongcheng Invincible agreed. "

The tone of the military adviser was a bit unfathomable: "Do you know the result of the decision-making bureau meeting just now? The appointment of Zou Yuanshan was unanimously approved, and the voting result of Dongcheng Qiuchi is very interesting. Each of the six major groups in Central Continent agreed with Dongcheng Qiuchi's appointment. As for the transfer, there are also people in every group who oppose the transfer of Dongcheng Qiuchi, Ye Dongsheng voted for it, Wang Qinglei opposed it, Dongcheng Wudi voted for it, and Zou Mulin opposed it, there are different voices within each group.”

"There are part of my reasons for this, including Dongcheng Wudi's promise to mobilize Dongcheng Qiuchi, and there are also my reasons."

The saint's body shook slightly: "You went to see Dongcheng Wudi?!"

"Not only Dongcheng Invincible, I also visited Bai Zhanfang."

The saint said slowly.

"In what capacity did you go?"

The saint's tone was dignified.

"It's my current face, with the identity of a military adviser."

The military division laughed.

The saint didn't speak for a while, and the military advisor was wearing a black cloak most of the time. No one in Central Continent knew who he was, but now that he had revealed his identity with his true face, it was impossible for Bai Zhanfang and Dongcheng Wudi not to be shocked.

"What did you talk to him about?"

The saint couldn't help asking.

"Dongcheng Wudi was not in favor of such a deal at first, but I provided some information on the internal affairs of the Wang family of Beihai, so Dongcheng Wudi nodded in agreement, and willingly let the wealthy group be bullied by the Wang family of Beihai once."

The military adviser said meaningfully: "Do you really think that only the Beihai Wang family needs to shuffle the cards? The loosest giant group among the six major groups also needs to shuffle the cards. Although the demand is not as urgent as the Beihai Wang family, once it is done, it will More thoroughly, the Dongcheng family has been seeking changes for many years. Now the time is ripe, and it is time to make a move. Tianlan can't represent the wealthy group, and the wealthy group cannot represent Tianlan. Do you think this is normal? At least Dongcheng Invincible doesn't feel normal, Li Tianlan has been trained as the core of a wealthy group from the very beginning, and his status is even higher than Zou Yuanshan's."

"Nowadays, the wealthy group seems to be unified. That's because Eastern Europe has provided the wealthy group with a steady stream of benefits. In such a situation, Dongcheng Invincible has long wanted to change it."

The military division said softly.

"If that's the case, then why didn't Dongcheng Invincible agree to Beihai Wang's request in the first place?"

asked the saint.

"Because Dongcheng Wudi underestimated Wang Shengxiao at first, and didn't know his determination."

The military master chuckled: "I told him, and he naturally has no scruples."

Saint looked at the screen and was silent for a long time.

"if it is like this..."

He pondered: "The strength of the wealthy group may shrink significantly."

"But the core cohesion will not change."

The military adviser said indifferently: "And it doesn't necessarily have to be a wealthy group, maybe it will be the Donghuang Group? As for the shrinking strength you said, do you really think that I have been operating in Zhongzhou for so many years, and the cards in my hand are for nothing?"

The saint took a deep look at him, and said in a cold tone, "Are you so impatient?"

"These years, too tired, I should retire."

The military division looked at him with a sincere smile, but there was a little interest in his eyes.

"When the situation becomes clearer, I should go to the desert and have a showdown with Tianlan."

The saint said no more, hung up the phone silently, and looked at the sky outside the window.

Under the violent storm, an undercurrent that could change the future pattern of Central Continent has surged.

And obviously, with the exception of Dongcheng Invincible, no one in Central Continent seems to be aware of this undercurrent.

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