The King of the NBA

Chapter 42 Phenomena Level


With a soft sound, the ball went into the ring.

People were quiet for two seconds, and then erupted. Cheers, cheers, and screams burst from the auditorium and swept the entire arena.


"It's really crazy, it's another three-pointer, and Ning has already scored 19 points."

"My God, what did I see?"

"Ning's scoring is too crazy. It reminds me of the New York Knicks last year. At that time, he was also a Chinese. They set off a storm and swept the entire NBA."

Ning Yi's scoring this wave is really crazy, as if the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha. The basketball has spirituality in his hands and has become restless. He wants to give the fans the biggest surprise.

Hitting consecutively, scoring consecutively, the third quarter is not over yet, Ning Yi has already scored 19 points.

What concept is this?

How is this going?

Everyone was shocked, especially those who had predicted that Ning Yi would not score more than 10 points in this game, and they were stunned in place with a dull face.

Facts have proved that they were wrong, and they were wrong. Not only did Ning Yi get more than 10 points, but he already got 19 points, and he will soon be able to reach 20 points.


Coach Casey shook his head and called a timeout, not knowing what to say.

This is definitely not the norm, Ning Yi shouldn't have this ability to cut points, but it just happened.

On the Timberwolves side, a group of players cheered up and flew towards Ning Yi, surrounding Ning Yi in the middle: "Ning, you are so good, you are so crazy."

"You know what? I just thought I went back to 2012, and I thought you were Lin from the Knicks."

"Haha, Ning, you should look at the expressions of the fans, they are all scared by you. Frankly speaking, I was also scared by you. How did you do it?"

This kind of crazy performance is rare, not to mention that Ning Yi is just a rookie.

A group of players were extremely excited, surrounded Ning Yi, and celebrated with Ning Yi. Ning Yi's performance today has stunned everyone. He has become the most dazzling star on the court today.

"Hey" Shabaci sighed, his heart full of loneliness.

This year the Timberwolves have a total of three rookies, Dion, him, and Ning Yi. Dion was pretty average, but it was clear everyone liked him and played a lot of minutes.

Needless to say, Ning Yi, since entering the preseason, he has shocked people time and time again, performing impossible performances time and time again, and now the limelight has even overshadowed this year's top rookies.

Compared with these two, Shabatz pales in comparison.

"Is it because I really can't do it, or is it because of other reasons?" Shabaci asked himself, thinking of a lot for a while, and looking at Ning Yi, the jealousy and hatred were less.

From youth to maturity, this is a process. Everyone experiences it differently, and the time of maturity is also different. Shabaci's life has been very unsatisfactory recently, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.

At least, he is more mature than before.

During the timeout, people's discussions did not stop, and they were all talking about Ning Yi, including fans outside the arena in front of countless TVs and computers.

Tonight, the name Ning Yi is destined to spread everywhere.

After a moment, the pause ends.

Adelman did not replace Ning Yi and let him continue to play. He was also surprised by Ning Yi's performance today, and wanted to see what Ning Yi could do.

For the Raptors, Gay was replaced by Fields.

Looking at Ning Yi, Fields had mixed feelings in his heart. Just last year, he witnessed with his own eyes that the Chinese Jeremy Lin who was sleeping on his sofa suddenly erupted, setting off a crazy shock wave. But today, he once again saw a crazy performance with his own eyes, and the main character was still a Chinese.

"Lin, Ning." Fields repeated, a bit confused about the pronunciation of the two words, "Even the names are similar, they are all crazy guys."

It's just that Ning Yi and Jeremy Lin are different after all. Lin madness has become a thing of the past, and now Jeremy Lin's life in the Rockets is not satisfactory.

But Ning's madness has only just begun.

This is not Ning Yi's peak, but just a starting point!

The match between the two sides is still going on, and Ning Yi has become the focus of the fans and the focus of the Raptors' defense.

As a result, Ning Yi felt more pressure, he reduced his shots, did not blindly pursue more points, and kept calm.

For two minutes in a row, Ning Yi didn't make a single shot and only got one rebound.

At this time, the Raptors were a little slack, and Ning Yi saw this opportunity, as if a cheetah waiting for an opportunity, once again stretched out his sharp claws.


Another hollow hit.

21 points!

Tied the score of the previous game!

At this time, Adelman replaced Ning Yi.

When Ning Yi walked off the field, the fans in the auditorium stood up one after another, shouting at the field: "Ning" and even, some people shouted "mvp".

This is of course an over-praise, but it can also be seen that Ning Yi's performance today is very amazing and has conquered the fans. If he is to be selected as the mvp of this game, he must have a place.

The following game became uneventful, and the Timberwolves continued to lead until the end of the third quarter.

After entering the fourth quarter, the Timberwolves still suppressed their opponents. The Raptors' bench lineup tried to counterattack, but the effect was not good. The point difference did not shrink and remained at more than 10 points.

Until six minutes into the fourth quarter, Adelman replaced Ning Yi again.

"Ning is up."


Seeing Ning Yi playing, people cheered up.

Ning Yi didn't let them down either. He came up with a feint, tricked the defender into jumping up, then rubbed against the defender, made a foul, and made two free throws at the free throw line.

23 points!

Then Ning Yi took two more shots and hit one. His personal score reached 25 points, and he also expanded the point difference to 16 points in one fell swoop. The game has entered garbage time.

At this time, Adelman replaced Ning Yi.

25 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, these are Ning Yi's stats today. Under the premise that everyone is not optimistic, he completed a crazy explosion and shocked everyone.

"In the four games in the preseason, except for the second game, the other three games had 18 points, 21 points, and 25 points. This is definitely a phenomenal performance. Ning is too crazy."

"Yeah, it was unexpected."

People looked at Ning Yi sitting on the bench and were filled with emotion.

Before the preseason, who would have thought that an undrafted pick would perform like this? No one can think of it, and no one would think so, because there is no basis, Ning Yi does not seem to be "lethal" at all, his body and technology are not dominant, and he is not like those big players in Huaxia in the past.

But until now, people have to admit that Ning Yi has the strength to play in the NBA, and they are looking forward to him more and more. Everyone wants to know how long he can be crazy?

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