The King of The Worlds

Chapter 18 Transformation

In the silence, a wave of ripples spread rapidly, dividing Barbuda and Honglei into different spaces on both sides.

follow closely.

"Hoo hoo!"

The strong wind swept up, and the vegetation on the ground of the Eastern Continent swayed slightly, and then quickly swayed to and fro, making crackling sounds. This wind, almost in an instant, has become extremely huge, making people dumbfounded.

Then, in the sky, a little flame rose, and quickly extended, becoming even bigger, and brilliant sparks shone in the sky, exploding into balls of fireworks. After the individual fireworks are separated, they are quickly outlined to form a whole.

That is, two groups of huge energy groups that cover the sky in a radius of several thousand meters.


The dull thunder resounded through the sky, and the golden and long lightning bolts made the entire sky of the Eastern Continent fall into a state of constant flickering.

Unimaginable, shocking, horrifying horror explosion.

The real explosion is silent and silent.

At this moment, the collision between the two parties just confirmed this point.

It wasn't until the ten seconds of silence passed that the energy of the two flames soared to hundreds of meters and had already hit the ground, causing pieces of the ground to crack and the big trees shattered into pieces. The earth-shattering sound came out at this moment. And when the voice came out, the whole Qin Xing heard it.

No matter how far away the distance is, this terrifying sound can be heard.

"Eastern Continent, split!"

in the astronomical academy,

People trembled.

They saw the earth split open, the sea surged a hundred meters high, a tsunami was brewing rapidly, a typhoon was about to form, the earth turned into a gully, and the sea swooped and roared and submerged. The entire Eastern Continent actually sank at this moment, becoming divided and narrowed.

"Where are the Saiyans?"

During the earth-shattering changes, people in the Astronomical Academy began to search for Barbuda.

However, in such a chaotic situation, Barbuda himself did not know where he was hit by the big bang. Even if the Qin Telescope observed at such a close distance, he would not be able to catch the other party.

The people in the entire astronomical institute were tense and had difficulty breathing.

Only Qin Yi, who was sitting in the corner, squinted his eyes and stared at the chaotic screen in silence.

A big explosion caused the entire Eastern Continent to explode in an instant, and the entire sky was reflected in a terrifying sky with dust mixed with crimson.

And Barbuda, at the moment has been submerged in sea water.

The explosion and impact of Honglei was extremely powerful, and it was already able to hurt him.

"Cough cough cough!"

Coughing out bursts, red blood sprayed out from his mouth, instantly dyeing the seawater red.

Barbuda's body was in the sea, surrounded by humming, the sound of the sinking of the earth.

His breath seemed a little weak at this moment, and there was even more pain on his face.

Injured, and, this time, severely injured.

Barbuda felt incredible, and was extremely angry. He never thought that he would be so hurt when he came here. Even, it has already affected his life.

Anger, blazing from his heart, made Barbuda tremble all over.

This trembling was partly due to injuries, and partly due to anger.

A giant dragon, the shame and anger of being bitten by ants!

His body trembled violently, his figure was like a sharp arrow, shooting straight towards the surface of the sea, breaking through the water, startling the white waves, and reaching the sky in the blink of an eye.

"You all deserve to die!!"

A deep, angry voice came out of Barbuda's mouth, and his face was now gloomy and angry.

Immediately afterwards, he swung his right hand, and something was thrown into the air by him.

In the astronomical institute.

"He's still alive!"

"What is he doing? He threw something!"

There was an uproar, and the ministers were all shocked by Barbuda's tenacious vitality. Even the Eastern Continent couldn't bear it, the explosion of the thunder and the impact of the energy wave, the opponent could actually do it!

This can no longer be called human beings!

monster! It's a monster at all!

In the corner, Qin Yi, who had been sitting silently, stood up abruptly when he saw the light object thrown by Babuda.

He walked over in a few strides and came to the front.

"Order the country to enter a state of martial law!"

"in addition."

After a pause, Qin Yi's eyes burst into a stern light.

"Without my order, no one is allowed to walk out of the range of the protective mask at will!"

He glanced at the faces of all the unexpected and surprised ministers present.

"This battle is mine!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yi moved and stepped out of the astronomical courtyard with a few big steps.

"Your Majesty?"

The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, even more shocked in their hearts.

Such a powerful Saiyan, does His Majesty want to deal with it personally?

In the picture, on the top of Barbuda's head, the light released by him has almost grown in size, turning into a moon emitting a strange light.

"This is, the artificial moon!"

"What the hell is he trying to do?"

The scientists of Qin State quickly recognized what Barbuda released, and said in surprise.

Soon, they saw that Barbuda on the screen had red eyes and raised his head.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

His hands hammered his chest continuously, making dull vibrations.

Its image and behavior at the moment are like a crazy one.

Chimpanzees? ?


Finally, over the Eastern Continent, the Saiyan Barbuda was wearing his battle uniform, which was already broken. At this moment, he exploded in an instant. Then, his whole body was expanding rapidly, and even more black His hair grew quickly, and his face, visible to the naked eye, changed into the appearance of a wild beast.

"He, he transformed!!"


In the Academy of Astronomy, all the ministers were shocked and dumbfounded.

That Saiyan with terrifying fighting power turned into a gorilla at this moment.

He seemed to be mad, standing in the air, yelling continuously.

Thirty seconds later, Barbuda seemed to sense a sound somewhere, his huge body suddenly moved, and his whole body jumped and ran quickly on the sea surface.


On the way of running, terrifying energy fluctuations brewed in its huge mouth, and then it spat out fiercely forward.


A beam of energy waves can wipe out an island in an instant.

This terrifying scene made the ministers in the Astronomical Academy tremble.

"His strength is even stronger! This transformation mode can increase his attack power!"

"But he seems to have lost consciousness!"

The people in the council said solemnly.

But soon, when Barbuda turned around thirteen times in a row, their expressions suddenly changed.

"No, he's running towards us!"

At this moment, a soldier came in and reported hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty flew over!"

"Where are you going?"

General Yang immediately asked.

"Go to the Nasaiyan!"

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