The King of The Worlds

Chapter 49 Meet Beirut

It was as if the whole world was suppressed at this moment, and the air was suffocated for a moment. In Qinghuo's eyes, Qin Yi had become a supreme, unimaginable existence.

Just by looking at each other, he can feel the power and majesty of the other party, which is a feeling beyond the gods.

No matter which way you look at it, you can't detect any flaws in the other party.

Harmonious as one, incomparably perfect, the other party has achieved perfection in terms of spirit, sex, and rules.


In the blink of an eye, Qin Yi had already set off, came to Qinghuo, and punched out loudly.

Qinghuo raised his arms to resist, and the mysterious law was quickly rotated out by him. At this moment, all the things he had comprehended in his life came to his mind, rearranged and deliberated. The flight of thoughts made him have new thoughts in a blink of an eye, and new sparks of wisdom burst out.

"I'm about to see it!"

My heart was shaken, and Qinghuo seemed to see his own road to consummation.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yi's huge power surged in and crashed into him.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Qinghuo knocked out a big crater on the ground, but soon, he flew into the sky again, and with every gesture, he erupted with even stronger power.

"Very good, Qinghuo, you have realized something, and you are one step closer to consummation!"

Qin Yi laughed, his divine power was running, and stronger power was brewing.

"Come on, Horn, give me stronger pressure!"

Qinghuo drank loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qin Yi let out a long laugh, his figure stood erect in the void, his whole body trembled, and a phantom appeared behind him.

With a slender and majestic long body, awe-inspiring eyes, and cold scales, within a few breaths, a solid dragon body appeared in front of everyone.

It was a green dragon, with powerful and tyrannical power and mysterious and strange power all over its body.

"What a terrifying coercion,

I can't resist it! "

Burgess complexion changed drastically, his knees were trembling, his waist was bent, and he had the tendency to kneel at any time.

Qing Huo even showed his figure in his eyes. He looked at Qin Yi from a close distance and clearly noticed the appearance of the green dragon behind him, which seemed to affect the flow of time in a faint way.

At the same moment, after Qin Yi used this natal talent, various sentiments spread in his heart.

"Dragon Yin!"

With a cold drink, the majestic dragon chant came out at the same time.

In an instant, time was affected at this moment, and the flow of time and space around the green fire froze in an instant.

This is an attack from the power of time and space, and Qin Yi has rarely come into contact with this kind of power in many worlds. The only direct contact is the king's talent, changing the flow rate of different worlds, but that kind of power is instinct, and it is absolutely impossible to talk about comprehension.

But at this moment, the velocity of time and space was indeed affected by his own power.

"This is the talent of the divine beast Azure Dragon."

Qin Yi said in his heart.

He who has achieved Dzogchen, in this endless plane, is definitely the person of the Qinglong clan, with the strongest talent and the most terrifying power.

The moment the dragon chant unfolded, the green fire was already frozen.

At the same time, his figure suddenly turned into a streamer, came in front of Qinghuo, and punched out.


There was a dull shocking sound, Qinghuo spat out a mouthful of blood, and hit the ground again.

Qin Yi stood in the void, quickly withdrew his innate supernatural power, and fell down.

But this time, Qinghuo fell on the ground for a long time before standing up.

"Are you okay?"


Qinghuo shook his head, the corner of his mouth was full of blood, but his mood was very excited.

The battle between the two sides deliberately suppressed the divine power to the lowest limit, and the battle was completely about the comprehension between Xuan Ao and the study of moves.

In a battle, Qinghuo admired Qin Yi to the extreme, and he found that the opponent had reached the extreme no matter in which aspect, and his combat power was incredible.

And more importantly, this battle gave him a little understanding and touch of the realm of Dzogchen.

This is crucial, and it means that he will be able to follow this understanding and truly have the confidence to step into that realm.

"I hope this battle can help you, Qinghuo!"

Qin Yi said with a smile.

Far away in the sky, the three of Burgess also flew over.

"I have some confidence, thank you very much, Horn!"

Qinghuo's tone was very excited.

At this moment, the sparks in his heart flickered, and they burst out continuously. In the blink of an eye, he saw various channels for promotion. And it was only at this time that he realized that he was still several steps away from Dzogchen, not just one step away as he thought.

This battle has benefited him a lot!

"You're welcome, Qinghuo."

Qin Yi smiled.

"I'm going to retreat and study, and strive to enter the realm of Dzogchen in one fell swoop. At that time, it's up to you to have a good time."

Qinghuo said again, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

He is afraid that this sudden inspiration will be removed soon, so he must control it.

"Go, I happen to be going to the Forest of Darkness to see Lord Beirut."

Qin Yi nodded.

He could see that the opponent was at a critical moment, so naturally he would not force him to stay.

Soon, Qinghuo flew up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master Horn, my third brother?"

Burgess said doubtfully and somewhat respectfully.

"He should be somewhat sure that he has entered the realm of Dzogchen."

"Perhaps, in a short time, Qinghuo will become a Dzogchen Highgod."

Qin Yi said with a smile.


The two looked at each other, surprised.

They all know very well what the high god of Dzogchen means, that is in the endless plane, they are all at a high level, respected by countless gods.

"Hehe, you guys should go back quickly, he is currently in seclusion and needs you to watch over him."

Qin Yi said again.

The two of Burgess were not polite either. After thanking Qin Yi again, they turned around and disappeared in front of them.

Loli came closer nervously: "Master Horn, me."

Glancing at Lolita and looking at her pretty face, Qin Yi couldn't get bored.

"Just stay by my side."

With such a beautiful woman to follow, the mood will be comfortable.

"Thank you Horn!"

Luo Li was extremely happy, it was her honor to be able to follow a character whose strength and status had reached the peak.

Afterwards, the two headed towards the direction of the Forest of Darkness.

Two days later, Qin Yi had already entered the depths of the dark forest, and in the afternoon of the same day, he came before a strange metal creature.

"Horn Baruch, come to meet Lord Beirut!"

Standing in front of the strange metal creature, Qin Yi bent slightly, with a very respectful attitude.

Few people really know the identity of Beirut. Most of them think that it is just a powerful god, but its actual identity is a main god.

Moreover, it is also a main god who holds the main godhood!

At this moment, the godhead in his hands is very important to Qin Yi.

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