Ryunosuke: "I understand, and I will help you pay attention."

Hazekawa: "If it really doesn't exist, I will learn to build a quantum computer myself."

Ryunosuke: "..."

However, this is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight. Compared with the advanced version of quantum computers, which are essential for artificial intelligence, supercomputers have more obvious shortcomings.

But if Qianliu really wants to invest in this area, unless he puts all his energy into it, one and a half years may not be enough.

Ryunosuke: "There's no need to be in such a hurry, just do what you need to do next."

Leave a few words and Ryunosuke will be offline.

I have to say that what Qianliu said just now surprised him.


Senior, you are so awesome!"

Nayu's eyes were shining. Although he couldn't understand what they were talking about, he just didn't know what they were talking about.

After rubbing Nayu's hair, Qianliu blurted out and asked: "Why did it take so long?"

"Hey, I haven't seen my relatives for a long time, and my mother won't let me come back alone. By the way, senior, I brought some specialties."

Nayu thought of something and ran to the door again, dug out the suitcase and handed him a can of local specialty wine.

"Oh, there are gifts"

Qianliu raised his eyebrows, pressed his thumb on the beer, which had a different structure than ordinary cans, squeezed it hard, and pressed it against the ring at the corner with a snap.

Being pried open.

"Wow! Senior is really good at opening the buds of beer. Come and open the buds for others too."

Not sure what the causal relationship was, Qianliu raised his head and took a sip, squinting to taste it for a moment. It tasted really good. Zhao Yikai was a little weird. As the wine swayed on his taste buds, there was an inexplicable fragrance and mellow complexity. Spoonful of sweetness.

"Senior, I'm talking to you!"

Nayula was so angry that he couldn't help shaking him.

"Hmm what"

"When will senior plan to marry me?"

"marry you"

Qianliu knocked on Nayu's head: "When did you change your strong desire for monopoly?"

"in spite of....

in spite of....

in spite of....

!Senior belongs to me alone!"

Twisting around in his arms with her headbutt, Nayuta watched him drink eagerly: "Hey, I want to drink too."

"No, you can only drink it when you are an adult."

"But senior is not of age either."

Nayu was very unconvinced.

"Well..., it can be considered as a mental adult."

"So cunning! There is no such statement in the law!"

Nayuta pouted.

Chapter 97 The Forbidden Magic Book

"The law may not always be right."

Qianliu talks nonsense.

"Senior, are you drunk?"

Nayuta's eyes were wandering.

Qianliu took another sip: "Well, I'm drunk and going to bed."

"Hehe, that person is using his body to warm senior's bed!"

The girl huddled up in bed happily and looked at him expectantly.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Qianliu lay down helplessly, but he was pressed against the quilt. Outside, he typed the code for a long time and felt a little tired. No, strictly speaking, he just wanted to be lazy.

"Hey, senior, where do you want us to go during our summer vacation?"

Lying next to him, Nayuta's thoughts began to run wild.

"It's only mid-May, and there are still two full months before the July holiday. You think it's too long."

Rubbing his eyes, Qianliu placed the remaining beer on the stool.

"If you think about it in advance, you won't have to worry about choosing an address then."

Nayuta smiled and posted: "Senior, what do you think of Okinawa? Sunshine beach bikini!"

Glancing at Nayuta's excited expression, Qianliu didn't even think about where he would be on vacation.

After this guy dropped out of school, he could run around all day long, and he had enough money to support himself. He was free and carefree.

"not so good."

"Hey, I'm obviously very confident in my figure."

Nayuta touched 047 his chest and said unhappy.

After finally seeing her calm down and tinkering, Qianliu was enjoying the rare tranquility for less than five seconds. The next moment Nayu came over again: "Senior, I always forgot to ask, um... you asked me to help promote the author of "Love Metronome" who is it"

"Oh, a junior who is under the same editor as me."

There is no fluctuation in Qianliu.

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