Body 104 Resignation is not allowed 【Subscription】|The King of the City | The King of the City Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

104 Not allowed to resign【Subscribe】 104 Not allowed to resign 【Subscription】

Captain He paused and continued: “Except for the room opposite and next door, the next door next door, the next door opposite, no one lives, because the first smiling corpse is all vacant. + Cool – Tiger]”

“The staff on this floor didn’t hear any changes in the early morning?” Lin Chen looked at Captain He and asked.

Captain He said: “Only the workers in a few rooms near this dormitory were interrogated. The rest went to work in the workshop and are still being interrogated. From the mouths of those workers near this dormitory, they all said that it was quiet last night and did not hear it. What’s wrong – the voice.”

“The murderer killed the deceased between two and three in the morning. The first killing scene was on the ground. After the deceased died, the murderer brought the deceased to the chuang. During this process, the deceased Jiang Yongcheng should have issuedThere were cries for help and screams, but there was no movement at all. How did the murderer do it? “Zhang Tian’an said softly, holding his fair chin in one hand.

Captain He turned his head to look at the smiling corpse on the chuang, and said, “In short, from the current situation, it is very likely that the murderer is an employee of the lighting factory. There is also a possibility that the murderer is someone outside the factory. For the first time And this time, the crime came through the wall.”

“There have been three consecutive cases of smiling corpses, but there is no conclusive evidence. If this factory had surveillance, it would be much easier to handle.”

Zhou Yan also walked in. After she heard the words, she asked, “Captain He, this time… shall we investigate for a few days first, or… report to the city bureau and apply for the assistance of the serious crime team?”

Captain He pondered slightly, looked at Lin Chen, and asked, “Mr. Lin, you solved the case of Donglin University’s corpse dismemberment. People in our public security system are no strangers to your name. This time, I don’t know that you have No clue?”

Lin Chen didn’t give Captain He a clear answer, but looked at him and said, “I’m not familiar with the details of the first two Smile Corpse cases. Give me the detailed files of the first two Smile Corpse cases.”

“Okay, I’ll have someone sort it out right away and show it to you.” Captain He nodded, and then ordered someone to do it.

The government leadership of Liuhe County attaches great importance to the third smiling corpse case. The first two cases have already caused a lot of panic, and now there is a third case.

This time, if the case cannot be solved, the impact will be too bad, and more and more people will feel that these police officers are incompetent.

A police car parked in the Hengyuan Lighting Factory. The police blocked the entire factory area, and all the workers in the factory could not freely enter and leave the factory.

Several female workers looked at the male dormitory, then whispered and walked towards the workshop director’s office.

The workshop director is sitting in the office smoking a suffocating cigarette, his eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together. Hengyuan Lighting Factory was running well, but now three people have died in a row. The whole lighting factory is panicking, and the workers I don’t have the heart to go to work, and the boss is often called by the police to talk, and the whole factory is full of smog.

The few female workers reached out and knocked on the door of the workshop director. When the director heard the knock, he thought it was the police, so he said, “Please come in.”

The door was pushed open, and several female workers walked in.

Seeing this, the director asked, “What are you doing here?”

Several female workers glanced at each other, and one of them stepped forward and said, “Director, we can’t continue in this factory. A worker died some time ago, and another died outside the factory more than a week ago. The team leader died in his dormitory again…”

“We don’t want to do it anymore. We’re here to resign from your job. Can we get our salary right away?”

Several female workers are afraid of the smiling corpse of the factory, and they are also afraid that if they leave the factory like this, they will deliberately default on their wages.

The director heard what several people said, he pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray, waved his hand irritably, and said, “Go, go, don’t talk to me about this now.”

“What’s the matter, Director, can’t we just resign?” another female worker asked.

“It’s not that I don’t agree with you.” The workshop director tapped his knuckles on the table and said in a serious tone: “It’s the police, the police have blocked the entire factory and asked all the workers not to leave their jobs these days, because the murderer is very likely It’s the workers in the factory.”

“It’s true that the murderer is an employee of our factory, I think so too, but it’s enough not to allow men to leave, and not our women?”


The female worker said with a sad face: “Director, do you think our women have the guts to kill?”

The workshop director said: “It’s useless for you to tell me this, the police just don’t allow everyone to leave their jobs, men and women are the same.”

As soon as the workshop director’s voice fell, two more male workers walked in after seeing that the door of the office was open.

As soon as they opened their mouths, these two male workers said that they had come to resign. The murderer was in the factory and has not yet been found. It was too infiltrative.

You can find a job anywhere, but it’s not worth it if you die.

For these guys who came to resign, the workshop director had the patience to explain a few words to them at first. Later, when people came one after another, the workshop director directly printed out a piece of paper, pasted it on the door of the office, and then locked the door. .

Some workers who were about to resign all went back in disappointment after learning that the police would not allow them to resign.

The factory still has supply orders to complete. Some workers have no intention of going to work, while others still go to the workshop to do their own work.

Hengyuan Lighting Factory covers a large area. Entering from the entrance of the gate are several workshops and warehouses. Behind the warehouse is the staff canteen, and behind the canteen is the staff bathroom.

The staff bathroom-room used to be the female staff dormitory.

If the female staff dormitory goes past, it will happenThe male staff dormitory with the two smiling corpse cases.

After Lin Chen observed the crime dormitory at the end of the corridor on the 4th floor, the male employee who first discovered the deceased was brought over by the police.

Captain He began to question the male employee in front of Lin Chen, what time did he come here, and why he came to ask him to work together.

After learning that the male employee and the deceased Jiang Yongcheng were good friends, Zhang Tianan asked, “Since you have such a good relationship with the deceased, you should know if he has offended anyone recently, right?”

The male employee looked very bad, because he was frightened by what happened today, he said, “No, Yongcheng has never had a grudge against anyone.”

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