Body 155 Qualifications [5 More Subscriptions]|The King of the City|The King of the City Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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After hearing Lin Chen’s words, Zhang Tian’an tapped lightly on the table with one hand, and said, “I know why you ask this question. Some of the police in Guangyu County also suggested that the murderer was a pervert. He murdered like this. Is it to suck the brains out of the deceased’s head?”

“Yes.” Xia Miaoyan reacted and said, “Sister Tianan, do the two deceased have enough brains? I heard that there are some perverted murderers abroad who have the habit of eating people’s brains.”

Under the gazes of Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, Zhang Tian’an shook his head slightly and said, “No, the brains in the heads of the two deceased were damaged to varying degrees, but there was basically nothing missing, excluding the murderer’s habit of eating people’s brains. ”

“It’s not a pervert that eats brains…” Xia Miaoyan muttered while resting her chin in one hand.

Lin Chen handed back the photo “Nine Six Zero” he had seen to Zhang Tian’an and asked, “What about the specific identities of the two deceased?”

Zhang Tianan immediately told Lin Chen everything she knew about the case.

The first deceased was named Wang Huahan, a student in the third and first class of high school, with excellent grades, and his parents were doing business in other places.

The second deceased was named Shi Mengru, who was also a student in the third year of high school. The class he was in was the second class of the third year. Shi Mengru’s grades were also very good. In the third year of high school, he was one of the top students with Wang Huahan.

Shi Mengru’s parents are also working abroad.

The two deceased have the following characteristics in common:

1: They are all senior year students with excellent grades.

2: The parents of both of them are doing business in other places, and they do not have suitable relatives to live in the county.

3: Both of them died in the early hours of the morning. They were beaten to death by the murderer with a blunt instrument. The head was split, and there were traces of being broken.

During the police investigation, they also discovered a problem, that is, Guangyu No. 1 Middle School has a recommended quota, and students with excellent grades can be recommended by the school, and they do not need to take the college entrance examination and directly enter the university.

Guangyu No. 1 Middle School has two recommended places this year, and ten students with excellent grades have been included in the candidate list for the recommended qualifications. The order of the list is based on the comprehensive evaluation of the students.

The first deceased, Wang Huahan, had excellent grades and was also evaluated for the honorary title. He was ranked first on the candidate list.

The second deceased, Shi Mengru, was ranked second in the recommended list because of his performance in other aspects.

Wang Huahan and Shi Mengru are the two deceased people. In the first and second positions on the recommended candidate list, the school has two recommended places. If nothing else, the qualifications for the recommendation are basically obtained by the two of them.

The college entrance examination is a testing ground for students. Students with excellent grades are confident that they can be admitted to their ideal universities. However, there are also unknowns in the college entrance examination. If the college entrance examination is approaching, what happens to them, if their grades drop, etc.

With a recommended quota, you can directly enter the university without taking the college entrance examination with unknown colors, which is what many students want.

The two students with excellent grades who were listed first and second on the recommended list were killed. If they died, the students behind them would be able to take over.

Based on this situation on the referral list, the police speculated a possibility.

That is, the murderer is the other eight candidates, or the parents of the candidates.

The parents who were candidates for the recommended students wanted their children to get the qualifications for the recommendation, so they shot and killed the first and second high school seniors on the list.

After the two students died, the students ranked third and fourth on the list would be able to become the first and second, and thus obtain the qualifications for admission.

There is some truth and basis for this guess. After all, the two students who died were two students who were about to get the qualifications to be recommended. After they died, the students who would benefit would be the students at the back of the recommended list.

Based on this speculation, the police began to investigate the eight students on the shortlist. Of the eight students, six were living in school accommodation, and two parents were accompanying them in the county seat.

After a series of investigations, the police finally proved that the eight students did not have the time to commit the crime and also had proof of their alibi.

In the list, the two students who can directly benefit, the third and fourth students, and the third student, his parents are no longer alive.

He studied with a little money from his grandfather who was farming in the countryside. He was a poor student. The school also gave him a little support. There was only one grandfather in the family. Suspicion was ruled out…  

The parents of the fourth student are out of town. Both the husband and wife are not present and have not returned to the county town., The fourth student has relatives in the county, but it is impossible for the relatives to help commit the crime. With the addition of an alibi, the suspicion of the fourth student has also been ruled out.

After Wang Huahan and Shi Mengru died, the third and fourth students who directly benefited from the recommended list were not suspected. The other students and their parents also did not find anything suspicious. When the police traced it here, the clues were interrupted.

After talking about this, Zhang Tianan said: “Originally, the police thought that the students on the recommended list or the parents of the students had a high possibility of committing the crime. If the investigation continues like this, the murderer may be found, but unfortunately, the eight students Already their parents, all have alibi.”

“Sister Tian’an, if you are eligible to be recommended, the students on that list have good academic performance.” Xia Miaoyan reached out and rubbed her nose, expressing her opinion, and said, “Since they have certain Strength, why did they or their parents take such a big risk of murdering and committing crimes to kill Wang Huahan and Shi Mengru?”

Zhang Tianan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said: “When some police suggested that students or parents on the escort list committed the crime, there were also police who put forward the opposite view, but this is a clue, although there are some things that don’t make sense, but There are still clues to investigate.”

“The final result of the investigation was that neither the students nor their parents were suspected. Wang Huahan and Shi Mengru, two outstanding students with excellent grades, treated others modestly, and had no enemies at school. Therefore, the Guangyu County Police’s clues were interrupted, and they asked the provincial special investigation team. assist investigation.”

Zhang Tianan said, his eyes fell on Lin Chen, and he said: “After receiving the request in the province, let each city send outstanding members of the serious crime team to Guangyu County, and set up a special task force to be responsible for detecting this crime. I am on this list along with several other criminal police officers.”


PS: This is the fifth update today. .

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