Body 163 Student’s Narration 【Subscription】|The King of the City|The King of the City Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

163 Student’s Narrative 【Subscription】 163 Student’s Narrative 【Subscription】

After hearing the girl’s question, Ouyang Chuying said: “This can’t be said for the time being, because we have found his suspicions, and we need to continue to investigate him. With the speed of our task force, we can find him in the next two days. already.”

The female high school student looked at Ouyang Chuying, this extremely beautiful policewoman, she nodded: “Oh.”

The other seven students whispered and whispered. Lai Liang, who was ranked third on the recommended list, said this in a low voice.Neither of them said anything to the male student who was in fourth place. The two of them lowered their eyes and didn’t know what they were thinking.

All the police officers present knew that Ouyang Chuying said that one of them was suspicious and was just to frighten them.

If one of these eight people is a murderer, even if he has the composure beyond the age of a high school student, “Seven Zero Three” will reveal some subtle flaws.

Ouyang Chuying was observing these eight students, and Lin Chen was also observing them silently.

“Now start inquiries according to the order on the walk list.”

Ouyang Chuying looked at Lai Liang, who was ranked third, and asked, “Tell me, what were you doing on the night of the two crimes.”

Lai Liang stretched out his hand and scratched his head, looked to the side, and began to tell: “The first murder happened, I went back to the dormitory with my classmates after the evening self-study that night. After returning to the dormitory, I read and finished The classmate in my upper bunk said that he wanted to play gobang with me, and I was tired of reading, so I played gobang with him. We were in the dormitory that night, and we never went out…”

“The second murder case, it seemed that it rained a little during the day, and it was a little cold. After the evening self-study, a classmate wanted to go over the wall to buy food, and he wanted to bring it to us. I was not hungry, so let him not bring it to me. After that, after I returned to the dormitory, other students came back one after another, and then went to bed.”

Lai Liang, who relied on his grandfather to farm for him to study, looked a little embarrassed when he said that his classmates brought him food and he was not hungry.

It can be seen that it is not that he is not hungry, but that he has no money to let his classmates buy it for him.

After listening to Lai Liang’s remarks, Ouyang Chuying nodded, looked at the fourth student, and asked him to tell what they were there and what they were doing on the night of the two crimes.

When it was the fifth place, that female high school student, she recalled being a little nervous and stammered when she spoke. She didn’t dare to look at Ouyang Chuying. After talking about her whereabouts that night, she exhaled softly. Take a breath.

After the fifth student finished speaking, it was Du Weize’s turn, who was sixth on the list.

Like Lai Liang, Du Weize has difficult family conditions and still lives in the school dormitory next door to Lai Liang.

Du Weize rolled his eyes and recalled: “When the first person died, after dinner that night, my classmates and I played basketball on the basketball court for more than ten minutes, and it was around 7:50 after the game was over. , I went to the classroom for evening self-study, and after the evening self-study at 10 o’clock in the evening, I went back to the dormitory.”

“When the second person died, it was raining that day, and the court was very dirty, not suitable for playing basketball. We went to the cafeteria for dinner at 6:10, and at 6:30, we walked around the football field, and then When the self-study is over at 10 o’clock in the evening, I will go back to the dormitory.”

“By the way, when I went back to the dormitory, I met Lai Liang downstairs in the dormitory.”

When Du Weize said this, he looked at Lai Liang.

After Lai Liang felt everyone’s gaze, he nodded and said, “Yes, Du Weize and I did meet downstairs that night and went upstairs together.”

“Seventh place.” After listening to Du Weize’s statement, Ouyang Chuying said.

When the eighth student was speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the office.

Everyone’s eyes looked outside the teacher’s office, and they saw a group of adults swearing and rushing in, but they were stopped by the police outside the classroom.

A taller man, with the loudest voice, glared at the police who stopped him, and shouted, “Are you finished with the police? Class is over now, school is over, my child is going home, you keep her What are you doing here?”

“Yeah.” A woman with wavy hair and lipstick said, “My son used to have a very stable academic performance. After the murder case at school, your police officers have been questioning him, questioning him, my son. So good, so obedient and sensible, how could he be a murderer?”

“Do you police have any brains? How old are our children, and they dare not kill a chicken, do they dare to kill?”

“That’s right, just look at what time it is now, it’s getting dark, our children still have homework to do when they go back, you police always think there are murderers among them, do you know that they are under a lot of pressure?”

“My child can be admitted to a good university. If you make it like this and fail to pass the test, will you be responsible?”

The parents of the students outside the office made a lot of noise, shouting that it was getting dark, and they were going to take their children home…  

The expressions on the faces of six of the eight students in the office changed a bit, because the parents standing outside were their fathers or mothers.

Only Lai Liang and Du Weize, who lived on the same campus, knew that their relatives would not come, and the expressions on their faces did not fluctuate.

When Ouyang Chuying saw the situation outside the office, she frowned and walked out.

After coming to the door of the office, Ouyang Chuying shouted: “What are you arguing about, the police are handling the case, please cooperate, who is the bigger one?I made a lot of noise, that is, obstructing official business, and immediately took me back to the Public Security Bureau for detention. ”

As soon as Ouyang Chuying said this, the group of parents was stunned for a moment, and then the stronger man pointed at 1.5 Ouyang Chuying’s nose and said, “Do the police scare people? Do you really think I’m scared? I tell You, let my daughter out now.”

Ouyang Chuying stopped talking nonsense, turned to look at the policeman beside him, and said, “Take him away.”


Two policemen immediately stepped forward to control the stronger man.

The man resisted vigorously, but he didn’t cooperate at all. In the end, the police took out the handcuffs and placed them on his hands. They were about to take him downstairs.

Until this time, the restless and noisy parents calmed down and dared not say anything more.

The female high school student in the classroom ranked fifth on the list. After seeing her father being taken away by the police, she ran out immediately and came to Ouyang Chuying’s side, begging her to let her father go. .

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