Body 177 Is there any movement [Subscribe] | The King of the City | The King of the City Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

177 Is there any movement [Subscribe] 177 Is there any movement [Subscribe]

There was a drizzle in the sky, some policemen were holding umbrellas, and some other policemen stood in the drizzle.

The forensic doctor was examining the body of the deceased, and there was no sound except for Song Ping’s parents crying.

Zhang Tian’an’s words to Lin Chen were not loud, but everyone present heard them.

Ouyang Chuying and the deputy team leader Liang Hongxue both glanced at Lin Chen, and they didn’t know what they meant.

After hearing this, a policeman in Guangyu County said his opinion: “The guard has nothing to do with Lai Liang on the walk list, why does he want to help that Lai Liang? I will investigate the guards of Guangyu No. 1 Middle School. Well, those doormen are fine.”

“The student who the murderer hopes to get the qualification for walking is not yet in the first or second position.” Liang Hongxue, deputy head of the task force, said: “The murderer may have wanted to kill Lai Liang, who is third on the list, but this Two days after the school arrived at night, there were police patrolling the student dormitory, and the murderer could not attack Lai Liang, so he chose Song Ping, who lived off-campus in fourth place.”

“Song Ping in No. 4 is dead. Now, the female high school student in No. 5 has the qualifications to walk.” Qiu Junbang, the old criminal policeman, said.

After hearing Qiu Junbang’s words, the members of the task force who interrogated eight students together in the 230 teacher’s office the night before, immediately thought of the high school girl who was not tall, stammered, and looked very timid.

This female high school student is not impressive, but what makes people remember her is her strong, grumpy father.

That day, her father yelled at the door of the classroom and was handcuffed. It was the female high school student who pleaded with another female teacher, and Ouyang Chuying didn’t know him in general.

If the murderer really committed the crime in order to qualify for a walk, the biggest suspects now are the female high school student ranked No. 5 on the walk list, and her grumpy father.

Other police officers also expressed their opinions. There was an old criminal police officer from Guangyu County. He looked at the crowd and put forward an opinion: “Do you think the murderer has no relationship with the students on the recommended list? The person in the school, he is just a homeless person in the society, or a psychopath, he has been stimulated in his studies, so after knowing the recommendation list of Guangyu No. 1 Middle School, he started… (bhbg) Hunting Someone on the walk list?”

The old detective’s guess made many police officers look at each other in dismay. This is a guess, but it’s not impossible.

In this society, due to various pressures, various experiences, and various reasons, various types of psychopaths will be created, and their behaviors are beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

If there really is such a psychopath in Guangyu County, he once received a lot of stimulation in his studies, which made him hate students with good academic performance, so he began to kill those who are qualified to be recommended…

“The school fence in Guangyu County is more than two meters high. There are no other protective devices or surveillance cameras on the fence. If there is such a perverted murderer, it would be easy to enter the school by jumping over the wall.” Another policeman said.

After being told by the old detective, everyone suspected that there was such a perverted murderer.

Ouyang Chuying didn’t speak all the time. She looked at the corpse on the ground quietly. At this moment, she felt remorse in her heart.Dear, put him in the interrogation room overnight.

Perhaps, if Song Ping’s father hadn’t been taken to the Public Security Bureau, he wouldn’t have been killed last night.

Song Ping’s father hit the police and was very crazy. He was quickly stopped and was weakly pressed to the ground.

Lin Chen took a step forward and walked towards Song Ping’s mother, who was drenched in the drizzle and sitting on the ground.

When he got close, Lin Chen crouched down and said, “What’s the layout of your home? Was there any movement at home last night?”

Song Ping’s mother was out of energy to speak. She opened her mouth and didn’t say a word.

Lin Chen shook his head, understanding the current state of Song Ping’s parents, and they couldn’t ask anything.

So Lin Chen walked over to the corpse on the ground. The forensic doctor was examining the corpse. After Lin Chen squatted aside, the forensic doctor glanced at Lin Chen and went about his own business.

Song Ping’s Tianling cover had a blood-stained gap, and the scalp beside the gap was cracked. It was not a scar split by a knife, but a blunt tool to smash the scalp abruptly.

The brain in the gap was stained with blood, but it was no longer warm, and there were still fragments of nodding bones scattered on the ground.

“After the murderer killed the deceased, he tried to break open the deceased’s head…” Lin Chen whispered after observing the wound on his head.

The forensic doctor who was examining heard the words, nodded and said, “Yes, it is exactly the same as the first two corpses, hey… This murderer is too cunning, the deceased is estimated to have been killed by a single blow, and there is no left on his fingernails. The killer’s skin tissue…”

In general homicide cases, the deceased will more or less tear and fight the murderer before being killed.

As long as the deceased’s nails scratch the murderer, leaving a little skin tissue of the murderer in the nails, the DNA of the murderer can be extracted, and it can be determined that it is the murderer.

But for the three students who were killed in Guangyu No. 1 Middle School, there was no trace of the murderer left in his fingernails.

Lin Chen wanted to take off the clothes of the deceased to have a look, but the people in the forensics department were trying to collect fingerprints, so he didn’t do it.

Lin Chen immediately stood up and said to Zhang Tianai, “Let’s go.”

Zhang Tian’an heard the words and asked, “Where are you going?”

Lin Chen said, “Go to the school guard room to see.”

Zhang Tianai understood that Lin Chen wanted to see if that doorman, Uncle Zhao, was the murderer.

The group of the task force is also going to the school. Check the school to see if anyone left the school last night.

Some of the people in the task force were going to school. Song Ping’s father, who was under control, grinned and scolded everyone in the task force: “What kind of shitty task force was sent by the province, shit, it’s all shit, I didn’t catch the murderer, and it caused my son to die. Get out of here, get out of our county, don’t be embarrassed here… scumbag task force…”


PS: This is the second update today. .

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