Body 189 How to Interpret Bloodstains【Subscribe】|The King of the City|The King of the City Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

189 How to explain bloodstains【Subscribe】189 How to explain bloodstains【Subscriptions】

Luminol is a pale yellow-colored crystal at room temperature. It is often combined with hydroxide to identify blood. The principle is that iron in hemoglobin decomposes hydroxide into water and monooxygen, and monooxygen and luminol. Oxidation shows blue-white fluorescence.

The sensitivity of luminol detection can be detected even when dripping water.

The detective who tested the nunchucks for Lumino, he asked everyone to draw all the curtains in the conference room, he took a cardboard box from the door and put the nunchucks in the cardboard box.

The lid of the carton is closed, leaving only a small gap.

Through the gap, you can see a large area of ​​radiant light on the nunchaku.

Those places were all stained with blood.

Everyone from the task force approached and looked into the gap in the box. Although the county party secretary and other leaders did not speak, they also walked over to see the glowing nunchaku in the cardboard box.

After everyone read it, another criminal policeman brought an electronic scale from nowhere. After placing the nunchaku on the electronic scale, a series of numbers were immediately displayed on it: 5.23kg. 17

5.23 kilograms, which is about 10 kilograms.

Nunchakus on the market are made of plastic or wood, and there are also many stainless steels, but they rarely weigh more than 5 pounds.

The nunchuck is a weapon that is not easy to control. If you are not careful, the swinging stick will hit the user himself. The lighter the weight of the nunchuck, the more damage it will do after hitting the user Low.

Ouyang Chuying turned her head to look at Cheng Yuanan, who was covered in sweat, and said, “Cheng Yuanan, let me ask you, why did you buy a 10-pound nunchuck?”

Cheng Yuanan looked at the nunchaku that the criminal police took out of the cardboard box, and then looked at Ouyang Chuying, who had an indifferent face, he stammered and said, “Because…because I like nunchucks… …haven’t you seen that movie? The protagonist in the movie…fights with nunchucks…that scene…it’s so handsome…”

“A nunchaku that weighs 10 pounds, does it hurt when you throw it on your body?” Liang Hongxue asked with a scrutiny in her eyes.

“It hurts… it hurts…” Cheng Yuanan said, “But it’s okay… I have a lot of muscles on my body. When I accidentally hit my body, it doesn’t hurt too much…”

“Of course you won’t hurt anymore.” Liang Hongxue said, “Because this is a stick, you hit someone else’s head, not yourself.”

When Cheng Yuanan heard the words, he subconsciously took a step back. He waved his hands vigorously, shook his head, and said, “No, I didn’t kill anyone, and I didn’t smash a nunchaku on someone’s head…”

“When your two roommates lived with you, nothing happened at the school. When your two roommates left, within two days, a human figure appeared on the school playground, and a murder happened.”

Liang Hongxue stared at Cheng Yuanan and said, “Also, you should have slept in the school last night. Why, why did you go to live with your relatives last night? As far as we know, your relatives have gone out of town. You went out to stay last night, and you are the only one in your relative’s house.”

“I…I…I…” Cheng Yuanan was asked by Liang Hongxue’s words, and the sweat on his forehead began to drip.

In the morning, Du Weize and the parent of the female high school were interrogated, and their expressions and reactions were normal when they were interrogated.

But this Cheng Yuanan, all the reactions at this moment are abnormal.

The heavy nunchucks, the blood on the stick, the three alibi of Cheng Yuanan, and the relatives who suddenly went to live in an empty house last night, all of these are showing a fact, This Cheng Yuanan, he is almost the murderer.

“Why did you stutter like this when answering my question?” Liang Hongxue asked, “Why didn’t you go to school last night, but went to live with your relatives?”

“Because…because my relatives gave me the keys to their house before they went out of town…the relatives have potted plants that need to be watered, I…I have to go every once in a while…to water the potted plants in my relatives’ house. Water…” Cheng Yuanan clenched his hands tightlyFist, raised his head, and responded to Liang Hongxue’s questioning.

“Oh?” Liang Hongxue said with a sneer, “Why didn’t you go the day before yesterday, and you didn’t go today, but did you go yesterday?”

“It’s a coincidence, it’s a coincidence.” Cheng Yuanan said: “Although I sleepwalk, I won’t sleepwalk to kill. Aunt policeman, please don’t wrong me. I didn’t kill… I didn’t kill…”

The detective with the nunchuck in his hand said, “Then explain, what happened to the large blood stains on this nunchaku…”

After the detective finished speaking, he added another sentence: “Don’t tell us, the blood on this is when you accidentally injured your body when you were practicing nunchucks, and it bleeds and sticks to it.”

After being asked this question, Cheng Yuanan was a little flustered, he shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I don’t know, maybe when I lent my nunchucks to others, they used my nunchucks to play. The blood on it is not necessarily…”

“Someone else got it?” The detective asked, “Who did you lend your nunchucks to? Say it, say the name, and we’ll bring them immediately and confront you face to face!”

“Chengyuan 290 An, if you are sleepwalking and kill people, you may not know what you are doing, because when you are sleepwalking, another nerve dominates your body, but we are more inclined now. Yu, you are deliberately killing people, sleepwalking is not the main reason.” Liang Hongxue said.

Facing the questioning, the sharp interrogation, and those eyes full of scrutiny, Cheng Yuanan reached out and hugged his head. I know, I don’t know, I’m really not the murderer…”

“You don’t know? Stop lying.”

Liang Hongxue continued: “We have asked many of your classmates, and some classmates told us that some time ago, when you and him walked out of school after school at noon, a student who was often praised by the principal was walking in front of you and your classmates. As I walked, I said, ‘Why are these guys brains so useful, they got high marks in their homework exams, I really want to open their heads to see if their heads look different from mine.'”

“Those classmates who heard you say this are already used to hearing you say this. One person asked you if you were disgusting or not, and opened someone else’s head. If you say what’s the matter, it’s like eating a duck’s head. After eating the skin and flesh on the outside, you have to break off the skull and eat the brain inside.”


PS: The third update today. .

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