Body 237 The Perverted Murderer 【Subscribe】|The King of the City|The King of the City

237 Perverted Murderer 【Subscription】 237 Perverted Murderer 【Subscription】

Hearing what Director Liu said, everyone in the conference room frowned.

Imagine that the murderer first cut the throat of the deceased, let it bleed to death, then cut the cheek of the deceased, cut the tongue out from the wound on the cheek, and then cut the deceased’s room with a knife in a cross.

Finally, the murderer began to invade the dead man, and then went to the tongue sticking out on the cheek of the dead man, the tongue was covered with blood, and the murderer’s mouth was also stained with blood when Wen took a bite.

After the murderer was over, he reluctantly cleaned up the scene and left.

The average qiang rape and murderer chooses to kill first, because in the hearts of many murderers, people will not move after death, and they will be soft and mean.

When the victim is still alive, the murderer commits a crime, the victim’s screams, exclamations, and eyes full of begging and fear will make the murderer have a strange feeling, which can greatly satisfy their perverted desire. .

In many rape and murder cases, the case of killing first and then Jian is relatively rare. Generally, the murderer who kills first and then Jian has a twisted and abnormal psychology. Every time this murderer commits a crime, he kills first and then Jian, and then goes to the deceased. Tongue tou, which is even more disgusting.”Director Liu, since it was discovered that the murderer had used the deceased’s tongue, didn’t the murderer’s juice be extracted?” Zhang Tianan asked.

Director Liu replied: “On the tongue of the second female deceased, there are bite marks from the murderer’s teeth. After wen and the tongue of the deceased, the murderer did not clean up the liquid on it, but… he chose all The crime was committed on a rainy night, and that night was a drizzle at first, then it turned into a heavy rain, and there was not much favorable evidence at the scene.”

“This murderer is really perverted, can’t he just slap his tongue directly from the deceased’s face? Why should he cut a new ‘mouth’ on the deceased’s face, and then go to the deceased’s tongue?” Miao Yunfei fiddled with it. With a strand of hair, he frowned.

“Because the murderer is a pervert ¨〃.” said a young detective.

“What about the third deceased?” Qiu Junbang asked.

Director Liu said: “The third deceased… was an old lady who was scavenging waste. She was 62 years old. She often scavenged waste in and outside the county town during her lifetime, and lived by scavenging waste.”

Director Liu’s remarks made everyone present look at each other, all feeling surprised because of this age gap.

“The 62-year-old murderer is also not spared?” Qiu Junbang said: “This murderer, the age range of choosing the target of the crime is too large, right?”

“The first deceased was 36 years old, and the second deceased was 17 years old, which are all within the normal range.” Miao Yunfei said: “The third deceased… 62 years old, the span is indeed larger.”

The 36-year-old woman is in the stage of adulthood, and her style is still cunning. + cool – tiger]

The 17-year-old girl is waiting to be released, her body is full of clear breath, and no man has touched it.

62-year-old old lady… Can the murderer get a sense of kuai from doing this?

The task force has had a lot of discussion about the age of the murderer’s target.

After the members of the task force finished discussing, Director Liu continued: “When we were investigating the third deceased, we learned from the owner of a convenience store that the old lady was wearing a raincoat that night. , the raincoat was cut by the old lady herself from transparent plastic sheeting, and she was carrying two woven bags on her shoulders at the time.”

“The owner of that convenience store saw her coming out to scavenge waste in rainy days, and felt pity for her, so he gave all the waste at home to this old lady. At that time, the old lady took the waste away with great gratitude and disappeared. In the rainy night, according to the store owner’s recollection, that night, the old lady was wearing a red top.”

Speaking of this, the projector placed the photo of the third deceased on the white cloth.

I saw an old lady with gray hair, her eyes were tightly closed, the muscles on her face were stiff, and she showed a painful expression.

On her wrinkled left cheek, a tongue stuck out from the cut on her cheek.

The wound on this old lady’s cheek was very small, and the tongue was hardened. It seemed that the tongue was stuck in the wound.

“The third deceased was also invaded by Xin?” Someone asked.

An assistant next to Director Liu nodded and replied: “Yes, the third deceased has been identified by forensic medicine, and there are traces of being raped by qiang, and…”

Speaking of this, the assistant’s words were a little hesitant.

“And what?” Zhang Tian’an asked.

“And when the murderer violated the 62-year-old old lady… the same wen and biting the old lady’s tongue, or because of the rain, failed to extract useful tuo liquid, the scene and the body of the deceased, No liquid was found.” Director Liu’s assistant replied to everyone.

“God, this murderer is definitely a pervert.” A detective shook his head and muttered.

“Judging from this huge age span, the murderer’s sexual orientation is normal, but he didn’t ask for the woman’s age. He also raped the 62-year-old lady’s body.” Qiu Junbang said A little bit of my opinion.

“It’s hard to imagine how weird the picture is when he went to Wen’s tongue full of blood on the third deceased…” Miao Yunfei sighed softly.

After saying this, Miao Yunfei’s searching gaze fell on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was sitting opposite Miao Yunfei. From the time Director Liu told each victim, Lin Chen kept looking down at the photos of the three deceased and the detailed files on the table.

The picture projected by the projector is only the overall picture of the deceased. The photos that Lin Chen looked at include various detailed pictures of the deceased.

Lin Chen stared at the photo of the old lady’s face and tongue sticking out, and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Zhang Tianan on the side glanced at Miao Yunfei, who was staring at Lin Chen, and asked Lin Chen (Wang Zhaohao), “What kind of hobby does this murderer have? The sheer head chees out? ”

After Miao Yunfei heard what Zhang Tianan asked Lin Chen, she suddenly asked Director Liu, “Officer Liu, hasn’t the first person’s tongue been bitten by the murderer?”

“The tongue of the first deceased has not been bitten, but it may have been kissed by the murderer.” Director Liu asked his assistant to enlarge the detailed picture of the tongue of the first deceased. On the tongue of the deceased, there was no bite mark. .

After Miao Yunfei saw the enlarged picture, she nodded, indicating that she understood.

“These three cases were a huge challenge for the police in Qiulin County a year or two ago.” Director Liu sighed and said, “I didn’t expect that after more than a year, this arrogant murderer will , and attacked the fourth victim.”


PS: Shame, this Zhang Min. There are too many words… I can only use pinyin instead. .

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