Body 242 How Many Pairs of Shoes Are There [Subscribe] | The King of the City | The King of the City

242 How many pairs of shoes [Subscribe] 242 How many pairs of shoes [Subscribe]

After hearing Zhang Tianan’s words, Lin Chen glanced at the car behind from the rearview mirror.

“I see.” Lin Chen responded, “The policeman only has one arm, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Zhang Tianan said: “It’s just that I once met a one-armed policeman who lost an arm because he was handling a case. After losing his arm, the policeman did not give up on himself, but instead tried his best to be a good one. police.”

Lin Chen smiled and chatted with Zhang Tianan, the car was also driving fast on the road.

The fleet is moving very fast,Not long after, they came to the entrance of the village where Lijia Village was located.

Although Qiulin County is one of the poorest counties in the city, almost every village has a cement road.

Qiulin County has many hills, and almost every village is backed by a big green mountain.

Lijia Village is at the foot of a green hill. There were originally more than 200 households in the village. However, due to the slow development of the county in recent years and the low salary, many people have brought their families and families to large cities to work and settle down.


At present, the resident population of Lijia Village is only more than 70 households, with more than 100 people. Many of them are lonely and widowed elderly people with their children going out and staying at home alone.

After the car parked in the open space at the entrance of the village, everyone got out of the car one after another.

Director Liu came over and asked Lin Chen where to go to investigate first. Lin Chen’s answer was Li Erya’s home.

Li Erya’s home is a two-story cement house, and the surface of the cement house has a lot of moss and water marks left by the rain.

There are many cracks on the surface of the wall, and many places have fallen off, which looks a bit old.

At this moment, Li Erya’s parents are sitting in the hall of the house, the two husband and wife are sitting opposite each other, their faces are expressionless, and their faces are also very bad. If you look closer, you can see that their eyes are covered with red bloodshots.

Li Erya’s death was an unimaginable blow to her parents. Her daughter’s body was lying in the corpse freezer. Due to the necessity of the case, Li Erya’s body was temporarily not allowed to be cremated and buried.

After seeing someone walking in at the door, Li Erya’s parents turned their heads mechanically and glanced at the police.

Li Erya’s father sat still, but her mother stood up and rushed towards the door.

“Police, police, have you caught the murderer?” Seeing the arrival of so many police officers, Li Erya’s mother thought that the case was progressing.

When Director Liu heard the words, he stepped forward and said, “Don’t worry, the case is under investigation. These are the task force from the city bureau to assist in solving the case. The task force needs to know something from you.”

Hearing Director Liu’s words, Li Erya’s mother showed a deep sense of loss on her face.

She didn’t even bother to greet the people of the task force to take their seats, so she returned to the place where she had done before, drooping her body, silently wiping her tears.

The task force walked into the hall, Miao Yunfei took out a close-up photo of Li Erya’s feet, handed it to Li Erya’s mother, and asked, “Hello, please confirm, the day your daughter was killed. , did you wear these high heels to work?”

Li Erya’s mother turned her head and stared at the photo. After looking at it for a while, she suddenly raised her head and stared straight at Miao Yunfei, saying, “This…this…this…”

“What’s the matter? Are these high heels Li Erya’s?” Seeing the change in Li Erya’s mother’s expression, Miao Yunfei felt that there must be something strange about the severely worn high heels on the deceased’s feet.

Li Erya’s mother did not answer Miao Yunfei’s question, she snatched the photo from Miao Yunfei’s hand, walked quickly to Li Erya’s father, and said to him: “Old Li, look, let’s… It seems like our daughter… doesn’t seem to have these high heels, right?”

Li Erya’s father stared at the photo for a while, then frowned, and said, “Yes, my daughter only has one pair of high heels, and she doesn’t wear those shoes very often. Those high heels don’t seem to be the same as these. ”

The couple looked at each other, Miao Yunfei saw this and asked, “That is to say, the high heels she was wearing on the night Li Erya was killed were not her own?”

“It shouldn’t be… I’ll take a look inside the room.” Li Erya’s mother stood up, wiped her tears, and staggered towards the room where Li Erya lived.

After a few minutes, Li Erya’s mother trotted and took out some shoes. There were four pairs of shoes in total, a pair of high-heeled shoes in a box, a pair of sandals, a pair of net shoes, and a pair of leather shoes.

“My Erya’s high heels are here. The pair of shoes on her feet are not hers, not hers.” Li Erya’s mother quickly put the four pairs of shoes in order and said.

Miao Yunfei turned her head and glanced at Lin Chen, but Lin Chen didn’t look at her, Miao Yunfei pouted and looked at Qiu Junbang and the others.

After Qiu Junbang and Miao Yunfei glanced at each other, he stepped forward and asked Li Erya’s mother, “Do you know how many pairs of shoes your daughter has in total?”

“Five pairs, five pairs of shoes. Erya in our family is very reluctant to spend money. She pays us every month’s salary. She has not bought any shoes this year.” Li Erya’s mother thought of her well-behaved and sensible daughter. Knife twist.

“Five pairs of shoes.” Miao Yunfei stared at the shoes on the ground and said, “There are only four pairs here, which means that on the day Li Erya was killed, she was not wearing the high heels in the photo, but her own shoes.”

“Yes, I remembered, our second girl also had a pair of airtight sneakers, because it looked like it was going to rain that day, she might be afraid that the rain would hit her shoes, so she wore the impermeable shoes.Breathtaking sneakers too. “Li Erya’s mother recalled.

Li Erya’s father patted his forehead: “Yes, the shoes on my daughter’s feet are not hers at all. Why didn’t we find out at that time, comrade police, does this discovery have any effect? ​​Whose shoes are those? Why did they appear? On the feet of our second girl?”

Facing Li Erya’s mother’s glowing eyes, Miao Yunfei said, “Since it can now be proved that the pair of shoes Li Erya wore when she was murdered was not hers, it is very likely that the pair of high heels the murderer put on her.”

“The murderer gave us Erya’s replacement?” Li Erya’s father clenched his fists. If the murderer was in front of him now, this honest-looking farmer would definitely rush to tear the murderer to pieces.

“It should be.” Miao Yunfei nodded.

“Why did the murderer wear high heels for the deceased? Does he like women wearing high heels?” Zhang Tianan said his doubts.

Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen, asking for Lin Chen’s opinion. .

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