Body 262 Figures in the Mountains and Forests [4 More Subscriptions]|The King of the City|The King of the City Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

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“What question?” Lin Chen said.

Luo Heshu pointed to the direction of the opposite village, and he said, “Although it is not too far from the village, it is still a certain distance. You said that after you turned your head, the figure ran away, but the sky was dark at that time. Dim, that person, can he really see you turning your head?”

Zhang Tianai also stood at this position and looked at Wangjia Village, which was indeed quite a distance away.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said, “At that time, I turned my head to look, and his hands moved down from his head, so I was thinking, that person’s hands should be holding a telescope.”

“Telescope?” Zhang Tianan said, “It is now certain that there was indeed someone on this mountain at that time. If that person had a telescope, then when you turned to look at him, he turned and ran away, which can be explained.”

Luo Heshu also nodded and said, “Well, with telescopes, this can be explained.”

The three of them stayed on the mountain for a while. Standing here, they could see Wangjia Village. Lin Chen and the others soon saw policemen walking around the village.

There was nothing left to stay on the mountain, and then the three of them walked down the mountain.

After coming down from the mountain, the three of them had a lot of dirt on their feet. After walking into the village, the captain of the criminal police quickly walked towards the three of Lin Chen.

“Captain!” Luo Heshu saluted the captain.

The captain nodded, and he said to Lin Chen: “Mr. Lin, according to your instructions, we have almost finished investigating all the residents in the village. They said that at the time you said last night, they either ate in the house or at Take a shower, or you have already gone to bed, and no one will pay attention to whether anyone has come down on that hill.”

The police in Qiulin County are still very fast, but the results of the investigation are not ideal.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said, “Have the whole village been asked?”

“Uh…” The criminal police captain paused and responded, “Some houses have no one at home, or there are only old people left. The young and middle-aged people have gone out to work and haven’t come back, so I don’t count the whole village to ask about it.”

Lin Chen hummed and said, “Then go ahead and investigate.”

“Okay.” The police captain nodded and continued to work.

At this time, a sentence suddenly popped out of Luo Heshu’s mouth: “You said, the person who came down from the mountain was the butcher He Liang?”

After blurting out these words, before Lin Chen and Zhang Tianan could speak, Luo Heshu reached out and patted his head and said, “I didn’t think through what I said, it can’t be He Liang, we started from his house. After he came out, within a few minutes, the man on the mountain appeared, and He Liang didn’t run up to the mountain that fast.”

Luo Heshu’s words gave Zhang Tianan a little inspiration, he said: “Is there a possibility that there were five people on the mountain at that time? Is it possible that He Liang was the fifth person, and the footprint on the mountain was him Go up the mountain from somewhere else, and then go down there and stay?”

Zhang Tian’an looked at Lin Chen with his inquiring eyes, Lin Chen glanced at her, and said, “Judging from He Liang’s weight and the shoe prints on the ground, it is unlikely that the fifth person is He Liang.”

“It doesn’t matter how big or small, it’s not in the way to investigate him.” Zhang Tianan said.

“As you like.” Lin Chen said.Immediately, Zhang Tianan and Luo Heshu went to He Liang’s house. He Liang did not go out to sell pork today and was sitting in the house watching TV.

After seeing Luo Heshu and Zhang Tiannan, He Liang’s face was very impatient: “What are you doing here again?”

Regardless of He Liang’s complaints, Zhang Tianan and the others began to find the shoes in He Liang’s house.

He Liang’s family has a lot of shoes, most of which are Jiefang shoes. After finding the shoes, they began to compare the shape of the shoes and the texture of the sole.

After comparison, it was found that all He Liang’s shoes did not match the shoe print on the mountain.

He Liang sat shirtless on the side, squinted at Zhang Tian’an and Luo Heshu, and said, “What do you guys think about my shoes, take them if you want, a pair of shoes is not worth much.”

Zhang Tian’an ignored He Liang’s words, then left with Luo Heshu and returned to Lin Chen’s side.

“You’re right, the shoes of He Liang’s family don’t match that shoe print.” Zhang Tianan was a little disappointed.

Ever since he met He Liang, Zhang Tian’an always felt that this guy was more likely to be a murderer. He had a lot of hostility in him. People who slaughter livestock all the year round have a low view of a life, compared to ordinary people. In other words, their courage to kill is higher than that of ordinary people.

After a few chats, Lin Chen said, “Now let’s go to the city.”

“Going to the city?” Zhang Tianan said, “The results of the investigation here haven’t come out yet.”

“We will be notified of the results of the investigation, we don’t need to wait here.” After Lin Chen finished speaking, he turned and walked forward.

Zhang Tianan and Luo Heshu were curious about what Lin Chen was going to do in the city, but they still followed behind Lin Chen.

The three went to the entrance of the village and sat in the black Audi Q5.

After getting in the car, Lin Chen started the car and drove towards the city.

Zhang Tianan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked out the window a little bored.

But when the car was driving for less than two minutes, Zhang Tianan suddenly saw a figure hiding behind some weeds in the woods beside the road, and seemed to be looking in this direction.

After seeing the figure hiding behind the weeds, Zhang Tian’an immediately pointed his finger in that direction and shouted, “…Lin Chen, there seems to be someone there.”

Lin Chen and Luo Heshu heard the words and immediately looked in the direction Zhang Tianai pointed.

Lin Chen saw the figure in the forest, but the angle from Luo Heshu sitting in the car was impossible to see.


Lin Chen stepped on the brake with one foot, and then he opened the car door. His whole figure was like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the direction of the figure.

After Zhang Tian’an and (Is Zhao) Luo Heshu reacted, they also opened the car door and rushed in.

“Wow wow wow…”

After the three got out of the car, the figure hiding in the forest immediately turned his head and ran away.

If the mountain forest was just an ordinary villager going up the mountain, he would definitely not run away when he saw someone getting off the car so abnormally.

Zhang Tian’an became more and more certain that this person hiding in the forest should be the one Lin Chen saw yesterday.

Lin Chen’s speed was very fast, he and the figure soon disappeared from the sight of Zhang Tian’an and Luo Heshu, and only rustling sounds could be heard from the depths of the forest.

“Officer Zhang, I won’t wait for you anymore, you should pay attention to your own safety.” Luo Heshu said to Zhang Tian’an, and he shook off Zhang Tian’an and chased after him.

When Zhang Tianan stopped to be angry, Lin Chenluo and Shu were all gone, and no sound could be heard. .

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